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Star Wars Redemption: Episode 1 (Rendering final cut!) (* lost project *) — Page 16


I know some viruses also make your hard drive look empty, even when it's not.  Maybe try this, or if doesn't help, google some alternative methods for checking for such malware:




Seriously, I wouldn't give up after a big fight.  Just make sure any new programs you download/install are on a different drive than the one you are trying to recover.  Don't put anything new on the empty drive.


If everything else fails, as odd as it sounds, one way to recover your harddrive is to put it in the freezer. It's a trick the 'professionals' use sometimes. It's really a last resort though and probably more a solution for a broken hard drive than a wiped one......I'm not sure which would apply to yours though as you can't really put anything on there to test it as it may overwrite the section of the harddrive you want recovered.


I've tried everything I can think to try. It's the strangest thing. Like someone came in and formatted my drives....

Anyway, long story, short.... I'm calling it. Redemption as I knew it is dead for the time being. Maybe it will come back in a similar or revised form. But this one is gone. Thanks again to those who were interested.


Gosh, I really am so sorry to hear that.  I know I was looking forward to it.  Hope you stick around, regardless of the state of your project.


I've got my fingers crossed for a miracle for you Ben.

This is the sort of nightmare anyone who works on computers dreads.


Thanks for the kind words. I don't plan on going anywhere. I still have a strong passion to see these movies fixed.

I love fanediting too. It's a great exercise; and if  I gained anything, it was more time to play. I learn something every time I attempt a fan edit.

One day, I'll have a release for you all. I'm not sure I could stand not to try my hand at it again.


Sorry to hear about the loss of data, mrbenja0618. I remember when my computer completely crashed a year ago, I was utterly devastated that I lost so many (not so elaborate) fan-edits I was working on... I can imagine how hward it would be to lose something so complex like Redemption.