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Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series — Page 19


After viewing tales of the Empire, I feel I could incorporate some of this content into Tales of the Rebels. I feel it’s appropriate. The morgon content aswell as potentially the Barris content.

On another note, it’ll be a little while until I release another episode. Im in the middle of assessment time for my studies and am conducting some house renovations that are taking my time away from editing.


RELEASED S01E03 - Old Masters V4.2


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.1

  • Implemented 5.1 audio fix
  • Added chapters to metadata
  • Added English subtitles to metadata
  • Added both episode title cards to metadata

For 4K only:

  • Reduced file size

A big thanks to the feedback PsyGemini gave me on my maul episode back in January. I should be releasing that soon.

I’ve now finished the rough cut and have address all of their feedback. The episode works MUCH better now.

I’ve also decided to rename the episode from Maul to The Shadow. When editing this time around calling it Maul was too much of a spoiler for the early part of the episode. It also didn’t look right on the episode name card. The Shadow conveys the same information as Maul but is more open to suggestion. I feel it is a more appropriate title to the episode.


After finally looking at a reference image for Kessel from Solo (Thanks to TheDimitrios and his Rebels edit), I’ve decided I need to update my visual work on Kessel in Episode one. Here’s a before and after.
Before: (What’s in V4.7)

After: (What I’m currently working on)

Let me know what you think 😃


RELEASED S03E03 - The Shadow V4


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V3

  • renamed episode
  • For all downloads 5.1 Surround sound added
  • Slight improvement to visual quality
  • Smaller file size
  • Updated intro helmet sequence
  • Updated look to introduction text
    • Centred Text
    • Decreased size of Text
  • Rewrote introduction text
  • Replaced old intro with new one
  • Added episode title card
  • recut everything in this episode from scratch again to avoid any previous audio mistakes.
  • Made the “Star Wars” logo red instead of yellow for this episode
  • cut “but what if it’s the secret to destroying the sith.” to further emphasis Kanan’s point by having him interrupt Ezra.
  • cut Kanan’s “who is it” in response to Maul. Kanan is blind but I feel he should know it’s Maul.
  • Made Kanan stay still instead of turn and talk so I could use the shot where he says “who is it”. (I just repeated the footage from earlier in the shot masked to just where Kanan was standing)
  • cut “just and old friend master Jedi” from Maul
  • cut title card
  • cut “maul you betrayed me” from Ezra. It just didn’t feel right with it in.
  • cut “No I betrayed your friends but I would have remained loyal to you” from Maul.
  • cut Ezra and Kanan bickering about the Jedi Holocron
  • cut Maul chatting about the Ghost ship (it just felt weird to me)
  • cut Maul and Sabines expository exchange about him ruling Mandalore. It also cuts Zeb’s weirdly animated response to being in cuffs.
  • cut “is that true” from Zeb
  • cut the gags with Maul seeing Ezra & Zebs room and Sabines room.
  • cut fade to black
  • cut a few shots of Ezra entering the cave and Kanan talking over the comm as it’s not needed thanks to my previous cut.
  • cut end title card and credits
  • Inserted footage from S03E14 Warhead to smooth the episode transition and continue to develop the Thrawn plotline through the season.
    • Started with the footage toward the end of the episode with the droid back in it’s pod flying through space
    • cut from Kallus seeing the explosion to a shot of Thrawns star destroyer with the flaming stardestroyer in the background.
    • cut the end lines from thrawn (they have won this battle but not the war).
    • Further justification for its inclusion: It mirrors the Rebellion nicely, as they gear up to strike the Empire, Thrawn gears up to strike them. It helps convey the passage of time better.
  • cut Sabine and Hera discussing Thrawn (in my edit they don’t know of him just yet).,
  • cut title card
  • cut Sabine and Kanan joking together after Hera takes off. It just felt counter to the current mood.
  • cut Sabine stating she was tracking Ezra (we know this already).
  • cut Ezra calling Maul’s belongings junk.
  • cut & trimmed Zeb snoring scenes.
  • cut “maul’s back” line from Ezra. We know he’s back, that’s the purpose of this whole episode.
  • cut “I wanna go to Tatooine and check things out” line from Ezra (it does make sense, as he probably got the info from the broken holocrons as we see later but it makes more sense to show the solution over Tatooine rather then name drop the planet beforehand)
  • trimmed Ezra’s takeoff form Chopper Base in the stolen A-Wing
  • cut down Chopper and Ezra arguing in the A-Wing
  • cut a shot of Chopper talking to himself after landing on Tatooine
  • cut Ezra saying “the sith holocron” yes Ezra, we can see that, it’s red and evil looking.
  • cut Ezra and Chopper discussing if they should continue through the sands
  • cut “It’s maul, it had to be!” from Ezra
  • cut some more Chopper and Ezra arguing about following the holocrons.
  • cut a zoom out of Chopper and trimmed his decision making about following Ezra
  • I did a lot of reworking for the remaining footage here, I’ve reordered the shot of Maul appearing to take the shot of him being gone. I’ve changed the audio for most shots here. (this was mostly to keep continuity and to cut down on the conversations between Chopper and Ezra)
  • cut Chopper and Ezra arguing in the sandstorm
  • cut some shots during the sandstorm to speed this part up.
  • cut the conversations when Ezra arrives as recommended. That way the viewer can decide what they did or didn’t talk about to anything. This was to help cover up any perceived inconsistencies.
  • Updated the look of the end credit ‘concept art’
    • Added a cracked paint effect to all concept art
    • Added a canvas texture to all concept art
  • Created subtitles
  • Added chapters, subtitles and both title card art options to the video file metadata.
  • created new and old style title card artwork for the renamed episode.

For recolors only:

  • Fixed colors for introduction sequence
  • Fixed colors of end credit sequence

Viewing Notes

Episode is essential viewing as it sets up major story events across the last 2 seasons and resolves the Maul plotline.


This look superb! Could I please have a link? 😃


RELEASED S01E01 - Spark of Rebellion V4.8


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.7

  • Fixed audio smoothing between cuts.
  • Added updated Kessel Visuals

I’ve been working on how to improve Thrawn’s appearances through season 3.

In the original, Thrawn appears, gets a major victory against the Rebels then allows them to escape as it’s not the larger rebellion.
His next appearance is on Ryloth where he accidentally runs into Hera. Uses this an an opportunity to study his opponent and let’s the ghost crew escape for some reason.
He then assigns Konstatine to deal with the rebels, who fails, in Iron Squadron. This one is odd, as at the beginning of that episode he appears confident Konstantine can handle the job.
He correctly identifies an inside helper for the rebellion in An Inside Job.
He then begins to make progress identifying where the Rebel base is in Warhead.
Thrawn then scores another win, identifying Agent Kallus as Fulcrum.
He then fails again in Secret Cargo.
And finally we hit the season finale where he ALMOST takes out the Rebels.
This character ark feels a bit all over the place. He’s portrayed as a brilliant military tactician but is constantly racking up loses compared to victories.

In the V4s, his character ark will progress like this:

S03E01 - Thrawn gets could get the win but holds off on eliminating the rebels as it’s not the greater force he knows they have.
S03E02 - He makes no appearance.
S03E03 - He is closing in on the Rebels home base
S03E04 - He draws Hera out to Cham to give him the opportunity to study his opponent. He still let’s the Ghost crew escape but as we know he’s looking for their base and wants ALL the rebels. I feel it makes much more sense now.
S03E05 - He makes no appearance
S03E06 - He correctly identifies Kallus as Fulcrum and uses that to his advantage.
S03E07 - He nearly takes out the Rebels.

I think this structure makes him a far more competent and threatening villain. He only loses once, at the end of the season. And only by something he couldn’t have accounted for, the Bendu. If anyone has any more suggestions on how to improve this, I’d love to hear it!


g00b, it is much appreciated that someone is trying to improve Thrawn’s uneven depiction in the show.

I am not sure if it is feasible, but is it at all possible to avoid or minimize anybody associated with the empire dealing with force users, particularly non-human. One of my biggest issues with the show was the amount of force use by Jedi, animals, and Bendu. In the OT, basically everyone thinks the force is mysterious, but in the show we have constant exposure - including by imperials who appear to have no awareness a short time later.

I think you should remove as much of Bendu’s dialogue as possible while he is functioning as a storm. I think you can also remove Thrawn confronting Bendu afterwards. His disappearing act is excessive and he spoils Thrawn’s later defeat as well.

I want to make this defeat appear from the empire’s vantage point like it came from a random storm as opposed to a force using being.


These are all very interesting (and very good) ideas! Thank you for sharing them. I’ll definitely keep this in mind when I’m reediting Zero Hour.


RELEASED S01E04 - Empire Day V4.2


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.1

  • Implemented 5.1 audio fix
  • Added chapters to metadata
  • Added English subtitles to metadata
  • Added both episode title cards to metadata

For 4K only:

  • Reduced file size

RELEASED S03E04 - The Syndulla Kalikori V4


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V3

  • renamed episode
  • For all downloads 5.1 Surround sound added
  • Slight improvement to visual quality
  • Smaller file size
  • Updated intro helmet sequence
  • Updated look to introduction text
    • Centred Text
    • Decreased size of Text
  • Rewrote introduction text
  • Replaced old intro with new one
  • Added episode title card
  • recut everything in this episode from scratch again to avoid any previous audio mistakes.
  • cut “how did they find us” and Cham’s response. This exposition isn’t needed now that the intro text covers the context.
  • cut Cham being surprised Hera is here as it doesn’t make sense with the story I’ve laid out.
  • cut Cham and Numa chatting about Hera always being serious (seemed odd)
  • cut shot of them changing directions (I originally was going to include it but just can’t make it work nicely and be good)
  • cut title card
  • cut “you didn’t think that through did you?” from Zeb (honestly, the moment is funnier without any dialogue)
  • cut “thank you for making this supply run” and " it wasn’t easy getting past that Imperial Blockade" as in my version of this episode Cham has asked for military help not supply aide.
  • cut “what’s the Tan province?” from Ezra (This is literally exposited MUCH BETTER by Cham later in a moment when saying that Hera and his home is now Slavin’s headquarters)
  • repurposed a previous shot of chopper and Ezra to help make new cuts flow smoothly (reversed and masked Ezra’s face to cover up him being about to speak)
  • cut Hera saying that the Ghost crew shouldn’t come with her
  • cut Cham briefing Hera as the actual beginning of the plan covers all of the relevant information conveyed there and it’s far less clunky.
  • cut “Well, we got their attention” from Kanan (you commentary is unneeded here)
  • cut fade to black
  • cut next fade to black
  • cut “an unexpected” so now Thrawn just says “pleasure to meet you captain Syndulla.” (It’s so stupid in the original this whole thing was an accident!)
  • cut “I have learned not to underestimate you” from Cham and Hera’s response… a bit of a strange exchange here.
  • Updated the look of the end credit ‘concept art’
    • Added a cracked paint effect to all concept art
    • Added a canvas texture to all concept art
  • Created subtitles
  • Added chapters, subtitles and both title card art options to the video file metadata.
  • created new and old style title card artwork for the renamed episode.

For recolors only:

  • Fixed colors for introduction sequence
  • Fixed colors of end credit sequence

Viewing Notes

Episode could potentially be skipped but it serves as a good look into Thrawn’s character AND sets up a plot thread followed up in season 4.


RELEASED S01E05 - Trial of the Jedi V4.3


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.2

  • Implemented 5.1 audio fix
  • Added chapters to metadata
  • Added English subtitles to metadata
  • Added both episode title cards to metadata

For 4K only:

  • Reduced file size

RELEASED S01E06 - Broadcast of Hope V4.2


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.1

  • Implemented 5.1 audio fix
  • Added chapters to metadata
  • Added English subtitles to metadata
  • Added both episode title cards to metadata

For 4K only:

  • Reduced file size

RELEASED S01E07 - A Message to Lothal V4.2


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.1

  • Implemented 5.1 audio fix
  • Added chapters to metadata
  • Added English subtitles to metadata
  • Added both episode title cards to metadata

For 4K only:

  • Reduced file size

That’s all of the audio in season 1 fixed! Along with added metadata and uploaded to multiple locations to provide choice in how to download/stream the edit. My next release should be another episode from Season 3, after I release the previous S3 episode 4K upscale haha.

Pending any feedback or things that need to be fixed. I’m considering season 1 complete at this stage 😃


RELEASED S03E05 - The Darksaber of Mandalore V4


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V3

  • For all downloads 5.1 Surround sound added
  • Slight improvement to visual quality
  • Smaller file size
  • Updated intro helmet sequence
  • Updated look to introduction text
    • Centred Text
    • Decreased size of Text
  • Rewrote introduction text
  • Replaced old intro with new one
  • Added episode title card
  • recut everything in this episode from scratch again to avoid any previous audio mistakes.
  • cut Fenn Rau mentioning the Darksaber being a symbol of Death Watch. This line just doesn’t sit right with me in the current canon, as it doesn’t really get tied to death watch ever again…
  • cut Kanan saying that Sabine gave the saber to him and hasn’t brought it up since (as this is now covered in the intro text)
  • cut Titlecard and fade to black
  • cut Sabine saying “Who all is there?” (such a strange line!)
  • cut Sabine and Ezra bickering about her not being able to wield the saber as Kanan immediately explains the situation better after this.
  • cut Sabine and Ezra bickering in the speeder. I’ve already shown them bicker once, we don’t need it 3 times within 5 minutes or so…
  • cut Ezra “Ohhhhhh” in response to Sabine getting hit. It feels like Ezra has gone back to season 1 in terms of maturity here… I’m going to try minimise that.
  • cut fade to black
  • Added a wipe between shots of the fade to black to help signify the passage of time so the viewer isn’t caught of guard when Kanan says a few days have passed.
  • cut Hera saying “I don’t remember him fighting with a stick.”
  • cut Hera saying “Well maybe because she can’t use the force you think she can’t do this” but I’m keeping the shot to use for a later line.
  • cut Kanan saying “The force is open to everyone” and overlapping his dialogue about Sabine being blocked over the previous shot saved while trimming the initial shot.
    • The intention here with these cuts is to tone down the force talk. Many people got the impression Sabine was NOT force sensitive and her character was taken in a very different direction than that in Ahsoka. By toning down the talk about Sabine and the force, I feel it leaves her more open to becoming a Jedi later on.
    • I think with these changes the focus is more on Kanan’s struggles teaching Sabine (A theme carried over to Ahsoka) instead of on Sabines capabilities.
  • cut Kanan asking Ezra to help unload the supplies and Ezra being a dick about it. Come on buddy, you’re better then this! Why suddenly so petty and jealous!?
  • cut fade to black
  • Replaced fade to black with a wipe to signify time has moved forward. (I know its unneeded as the next shot is the moon but it helps with flow)
  • cut from the shot of the camp after panning down from the moon until Sabine returns.
    • This part of the episode was really weird, after the establishing shots Ezra starts bitching about if Sabine can even accomplish her goal and Fenn Rau says something stupid like it’s meant to be something really smart… Very weird. Had to go!
    • Ezra says she’s back in a kept shot which also helps stress that she really has been gone for a while!
  • cut all the exposition dialogue in on the flight to Krownest. Most of this is unneeded now that this episode continues on from the previous.
  • cut title card
  • cut a few shots around title card to make pre and post title card scenes flow well together.
  • cut Ezra freaking out about the rockets shot at them by the Mandos and Sabines response.
  • cut a shot of Chopper reacting to everyone leaving the crash site. He gets out of the ship, gets Rau and is never seen again until the end of the episode… so seeing him leave the ship is pretty pointless.
  • cut a shot of chopper opening the Phantom 2 doors to reveal Fenn Rau was hiding in a ship no-one checked… (we know he’s out of site already)
  • cut a few shots of Sabine and her mother just looking at the Darksaber before a fade to black
  • cut the fade to black
  • cut awkward moment of Ezra saying hello to Sabine’s mother.
  • cut Ezra being awkward with Sabine’s brother.
  • cut scenes with Sabine’s mother dealing directly with Gar Saxon (I think the episode flows a bit better with a surprise attack for the audience as well as for the Ghost crew)
    • I’ve kept the shots of her talking with a hologram, so the audience can suspect something is up but I feel this episode is better off having this element not explicitly stated to the audience.
  • cut Gar Saxon “Just not to you” and Sabine’s reaction
  • cut fade to black
  • cut reestablishing shot after fade to black
  • cut “remember only blast the guys” “in white, got it!” exchange between Sabine and Ezra. Ezra doesn’t need to be reminded. This line was put in to remind children who the bad guys were so for this edit its gone.
  • cut a tiny amount from the shot where Gar Saxon and Sabine shatter the window just to help with flow. (I just minimised how long it takes for the glass to break)
  • cut Kanan berating Ursa for their Mandalorian customs about not intervening
    • Ursa’s character ark in this episode is better suited to her coming to the realisation she must betray Saxon herself and remain Loyal to her family.
  • Updated the look of the end credit ‘concept art’
    • Added a cracked paint effect to all concept art
    • Added a canvas texture to all concept art
  • Created subtitles
  • Added chapters, subtitles and both title card art options to the video file metadata.
  • created new and old style title card artwork for the renamed episode.

For recolors only:

  • Fixed colors for introduction sequence
  • Fixed colors of end credit sequence

Viewing Notes

Episode further develops the Mandalorian plot line that concludes in season 4. If you like the Mando stuff this is essential.


I found editing this last episode really interesting knowing Sabine’s character ark in Ahsoka. I used to dislike the decision that Sabine was a Jedi but in this episode I think it’s actually foreshadowed very well. I’ll make my points just to see if anyone else wants to discuss this.

  1. We open learning of Tarre Vizla, the first Mandalorian Jedi. I think this is really important to setup Sabine as force sensitive. It’s for the first time told the audience directly that Mandalorian can become force sensitive enough to become Jedi. Keeping in mind we open with this story in a Sabine centric ark.

  2. In the original episode ONLY Hera says that Sabine “can’t use the force” and the idea is quickly shut down by Kanan saying that she is blocked to the force due to her emotional instability instead. This is later mirrored and further developed in Ahsoka.

  3. While having her emotional moment before returning to camp with Ezra. Sabine catches the attention of the Bendu. A character up until this point who has only interacted with Jedi (He hid himself away from Maul specifically). Not to mention his first appearance was to aide in Kanan’s emotional instability after Malachor. The fact the Bendu notices Sabine’s instability to me was very interesting and felt quite intentional.

  4. Kanan says that Sabine begins to connect with the Darksaber, which allows her to use it. Isn’t this precisely what Jedi do with their weapons?

  5. Finally the last thing I noticed while editing the episode, at the very end of this ark, Sabine talks about how the Mandalorian way is not her way and underneath this speech and surrounding this line you can hear the force theme. I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my observations!


Toning down the discussion and use of the force with Sabine (and others) is the correct decision. I also agree it helps set her up in the Ahsoka show better, but her force powers in that show need to be toned down as well, which is obviously outside the scope of this edit.

Having this show better connected to rest of the Star Wars universe is a great goal. When I first watched your edit, I was really watching the show for the first time. When I get the chance (no idea when exactly), I will watch again specifically to see how things can connect better with the broader Star Wars universe.

Thanks for the hard work.


RELEASED S02E01 - The Siege of Lothal V4.2


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: available
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V4.1

  • Implemented 5.1 audio fix
  • Added chapters to metadata
  • Added English subtitles to metadata
  • Added both episode title cards to metadata

For 4K only:

  • Reduced file size

I can’t find the 1080p recolor at the usual place.


PsyGemini said:

I can’t find the 1080p recolor at the usual place.

Whoops! Missed a spot to upload it to hahaha. I’m uploading it now, in the meantime I’ve sent you a DM with the link to the spreadsheet. All the links there should be working 😃 If you’d rather wait, it’ll be uploaded to Terabox in about 10 minutes or so.


RELEASED S03E06 - Fulcrum V4


  • 1080p version: available
  • 1080p recolor: available
  • 4K recolor: rendering
  • Subtitles: available

Changes from V3

  • For all downloads 5.1 Surround sound added
  • Slight improvement to visual quality
  • Smaller file size
  • Updated intro helmet sequence
  • Updated look to introduction text
    • Centred Text
    • Decreased size of Text
  • Rewrote introduction text
  • Replaced old intro with new one
  • Added episode title card
  • recut everything in this episode from scratch again to avoid any previous audio mistakes.
  • cut everything from the first shot looking through the binoculars up until the second shots.
    • This was all exposition that’s covered in my intro text, so it’s doesn’t need to be repeated.
  • cut shot of Ezra saying “Look out blockade!”, Ryder can clearly see past you Ezra… and a blockade is a bit hard to miss.
  • cut the noises Ezra made while the speeder was turning around. They were a bit too goofy.
  • cut Kanan quipping Ryder after he says its good to have them back.
  • cut the first travel shot in the speeder (for flow after cutting the title card)
  • cut the title card
  • cut Ezra making comments on Kallus’ “new” boss.
  • cut Ezra loudly announcing that it’s Thrawn.
  • cut the shots reacting to Thrawn’s speeder demonstration. (I do like this to an extent but it makes it far too obvious far too early Kallus is Fulcrum)
  • cut chopper saying “uh oh” before the fade to black
  • cut fade to black
  • cut next fade to black
  • reworked the second worker ending to make Thrawn execute him instead of escort him away. I don’t understand why he’d kill Sumar and let the other worker, who sabotages a much bigger and more expensive vehicle, live.
    • cut the walker worker being taken away
    • added a SFX of the worker being shot and killed
  • cut Ryder talking with Hera as it was easier then keeping the scene and taking out Sabine. It’s also not needed and keeps the pace of the episode going.
  • cut Kallus saying he saved Sabine at the fighter academy (this was never shown in my edit)
  • reworked previous shots and dialogue to keep flow
  • cut Kallus complaining about being hurt
  • added sound effect of the Imperial hitting the ground to the shot of Kallus talking to better bridge these two scenes.
  • cut Kanan wanting to hurt Kallus, it felt a bit too not Jedi’y for the sake of a joke.
  • completely reworked the scenes back on Attalon to remove Sabine.
    • Used initial establishing shot
      • removed Sabine with by overlaying images on top of her
      • added hologram turning on VFX to better bridge this scene and the next
      • used a different shots sound to get the hologram turning on noise
    • Used footage of Hera looking at the starfighter plans
      • used the original audio “I’ve never seen an Imperial fighter like that”
      • used audio from a later shot “our pilots won’t stand a chance” over second half of the same shot
    • Used shot of Kanan, Ryder and Ezra reacting, replacing with music with the music from the scene where Zeb is talking to Hera saying “Maybe that’s why they’re so secret”
    • Added a wipe from this shot to the shot of Sabine’s artwork being studied by Thrawn.
  • added a eye close effect to bridge episodes and make the eye opening effect from Through Imperial Eyes work better in this format. It also helps convey a minor passage of time and explain the change of environment.
  • cut close up of Kallus after seeing Ezra Bridger (it’s not needed with the title card removed)
  • cut title card
  • cut AP5 saying he can wait for processing
  • cut Kallus being scared about being executed for treason… why would he become Fulcrum if he’s scared of that?
  • cut Lyste exposing that the Grand Admiral has only just arrived on Lothal, for this episode, he’s already here so this doesn’t make the most sense.
    • I’ve cut a few scenes around here, I’ve cut from Lyste praising Kallus getting a confession to just before he says to take the prisoner. All for flow purposes.
  • cut the scene with Rex and Kanan in the Imperial Shuttle
    • The scene if fine but as Kanan was on Lothal with Ezra, it feels weird to see him in hyperspace.
    • The scene also isn’t really needed as AP-5 explains they need the codes to escape the ship when they free Ezra anyway.
  • cut Chopping trying to download clearance codes from a random socket (he should know he can’t do this by now surely…)
  • cut fade to black
  • cut the second scene and Rex and Kanan in hyperspace for the same reasons as the previous. All information contained here in still conveyed in the main storyline at some stage.
  • cut fade to black
  • cut shot of Thrawn in the doorway as we don’t need it without the commercial break
  • cut shot of the shuttle in hyperspace for again, the previous reasons.
  • cut shot of Rex saying “well, here goes nothing” and moved the dialogue to the trimmed next shot
  • Trimmed the shot of the shuttle coming out of hyperspace so they’re just in orbit.
  • cut Kanan and Rex talking about how many ships are in orbit over Lothal, Kanan was just on or was still on Lothal so he should know this already (in my cut at least)
  • Updated the look of the end credit ‘concept art’
    • Added a cracked paint effect to all concept art
    • Added a canvas texture to all concept art
  • Created subtitles
  • Added chapters, subtitles and both title card art options to the video file metadata.
  • created new and old style title card artwork for the renamed episode.

For recolors only:

  • Fixed colors for introduction sequence
  • Fixed colors of end credit sequence

Viewing Notes

Episode is critical for character development, showing off Thrawn’s skill and threat and for setup into the finale of this season.


I’ve managed to polish up the AI lines I’ve used for the Sith Holocron to a standard that I’m VERY happy with, rather then a standard I’ll accept (what’s currently in the episode). I’ll be updating these lines when I revisit Twilight of the Apprentice and then I’ll fix up the lines in S03E01.

On the subject of AI lines, I’ve got a question to ask those out there who check on this forum. Rebels tends to use the film cast when extended universe characters appear (i.e., The Emperor, Vader, Yoda, Lando) but uses the Clone Wars cast for some (The clones, Obi-Wan, Anakin). I have the means to create convincing Temuera Morrison dialogue for the clones, and a Hayden Christensen Anakin. I’m currently looking into Ewan McGregor style Obi-Wan.

If I’m successful in my experiments with Obi-Wan, should I redo all these lines so Rebels is cohesively the movie cast to voice characters?