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Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released) — Page 19


... According to his profile he will surely allow you, because it's his pleasure to share those, and you will avoid him a big work.

But of course I' m not trying to persuade you ! ;)

About my remasters I'd like to say I prefer my way to modelate the sound (obviously, it is my way...). However I'm still in admiration for his restauration work and his technical knowledge. Not mentionning his knowledge of these scores. So I do threaten to post mines if there's no answer from him in the next ten years ! ;)

... And I'm sure he will allow that too as far as I don' t forget to present those scores as my own edit and remasters.



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


I read page 17, in which GM was very adamant about not having other people host his work. I'll respect his decision and not upload anything unless I get permission to do so. btw, I don't have a file hosting server of my own, so i suggested either (A) a temp upload to Rapidshare or Megaupload or (B) a seeded torrent at a certain invite-only torrent site.

Both are relatively safe solutions, but in the end, its his decision.

ABC, are your remasters modifications of GM's scores or of the original SE releases?


Quote: "ABC, are your remasters modifications of GM's scores or of the original SE releases?"


As I said on the previous page (you see this first post since two monthes wich have provocated a new discussion?), I'd like to hear GM's version of ESB... and I' m searching for the RSO 2LP records in mp3 or better.

ESB and RotJ are my own work with the Anthology and the SE's. Hopefuly, the SE's material is no more that 15 or 20 min for each. The good deal with the anthology, not mentioning the superior potencial of its sound, is the clean cut for a lot of tracks. Indeed I found regrettable (I hope this word is correct in English) that the SE presents the score as suites.

For "A NEW HOPE" however I borrowed a good half of the tracks to GM's remaster, because of many clean cuts I couldn' t find on the Anthology, and also because I found that some tracks sounded good despites the highs were too strong to my taste. But this was "correctable". As this score is shorter than the others, I was happy to find some additionnal bonus too, but I didn' t put all. 2CD were enough... And this "Final Battle" concert take... What a massacre !!! :)

So, after what you just said, I may be a little troubled if I'd like to post ANH.

Edit: I may post one or two cues on rapidshare if it is of any interest for you. I may be interested myself to know whatever you think about the sound.



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.

hey, ill update soon. ive let things get away from me. im running a website, work three jobs, and trying to have a life. ill update soon

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


You guys would have liked the crazy deal I got a few months ago. I went into a Salvation Army, and among the old vinyl was the original 2 LP Star Wars soundtrack! The covers were in very good shape (some minor, but expected, scuffing), and the records themselves look like they've never been played.

I paid 25 cents for the set! :D

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what are the cover illustrations like?

ABC said:

Quote: "ABC, are your remasters modifications of GM's scores or of the original SE releases?"


As I said on the previous page (you see this first post since two monthes wich have provocated a new discussion?), I'd like to hear GM's version of ESB... and I' m searching for the RSO 2LP records in mp3 or better.

ESB and RotJ are my own work with the Anthology and the SE's. Hopefuly, the SE's material is no more that 15 or 20 min for each. The good deal with the anthology, not mentioning the superior potencial of its sound, is the clean cut for a lot of tracks. Indeed I found regrettable (I hope this word is correct in English) that the SE presents the score as suites.

For "A NEW HOPE" however I borrowed a good half of the tracks to GM's remaster, because of many clean cuts I couldn' t find on the Anthology, and also because I found that some tracks sounded good despites the highs were too strong to my taste. But this was "correctable". As this score is shorter than the others, I was happy to find some additionnal bonus too, but I didn' t put all. 2CD were enough... And this "Final Battle" concert take... What a massacre !!! :)

So, after what you just said, I may be a little troubled if I'd like to post ANH.

Edit: I may post one or two cues on rapidshare if it is of any interest for you. I may be interested myself to know whatever you think about the sound.

What you've done sounds great, but the problem still lies with permissions. Since you've used the Anthology and SEs for EP 5 and 6, it would be a simple matter to just upload the tracks and link to them in a new thread. For ANH however, as Ripplin suggested to me, it would be wise to PM GoodMusician. Couldn't hurt...



Well, let's discuss that again sometimes. For the moment I'm in the process of retaking entirely the two last scores as they needed to be refined.


:) ... Master KFC just wants to make us slaver with his LP's set !



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.

Ripplin said:

^Haha. Just one of those 'right place at the right time' things. :) I got the 2001: A Space Odyssey LP in the same condition for the same price that day as well.


;) By the way, would you be able to convert a LP on computer ?



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


thanks ABC!, I think I'll change my itunes album art to these!


Only 4 of the star wars films have ever been on LP.

The original trilogy had double albums for star wars and empire strikes back and a single record for return of the jedi.

The Phantom Menace got a limited LP release but not in the united states.  As a picture disc.  Not sure but i think it had the same amount of tracks as the first sony cd release.  Which would de a double LP.

The real question to me would be what would the benefit of getting something that was recorded digitally then transfered to analog form, the first 3 films were recorded on analog format so of course they would sound better than the cd's on a high end LP playback system for home audio.

Someone did raw LP rips of the first three star wars official soundtrack releases in wav format lossless and released them on demonoid.  The torrents are now since gone.  I had them on my pc unfortunetely i lost them when my pc crashed.

If i remember correctly it was 20th Century Mark who did those LP rips.  I hope i'm remembering correctly.

Would be nice to somehow get a hold of him and see if he still has the files,lol.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I hear you on the transfer matter. The interest of the thing is the POTENCIAL of the sound. Worth to be aware that most of the usual score releases are thought and made like "industrial" products... How many times did I remastered my own original CD's and even discovered hidden instruments !

So if the transfer of the ESB LP's gives more than an idea of what it can give, the remastering of it would be... A bombastic pleasure !

I' ll share such a remastering with joy if we have a chance to grab it.


EDIT: Oh! I just rode your signature of Lucas quotation. So, what about a boring story with a special effect ? ;) Yes. It gives shit ! This was the second lesson from master Lucas. Lol !


EDIT2: PM sent to 20th Century Mark. However I'd like to say you all diserve a ass kicking on this RSO LP's thread for having ignored GoodMusician while he was proposing to clean the sound of your set. >:/ ... Gremlins attitude !



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.

ABC said:
Ripplin said:

^Haha. Just one of those 'right place at the right time' things. :) I got the 2001: A Space Odyssey LP in the same condition for the same price that day as well.

;) By the way, would you be able to convert a LP on computer ?

Only if I had one of those USB turntable dealies, I guess, which I have no interest in. :p


My crazy vinyl LP blog

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GoodMusician said:hey, ill update soon. ive let things get away from me. im running a website, work three jobs, and trying to have a life. ill update soon


 Thanks a lot for taking care about us ! ;)



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


If you guys are still around, allow me introduce three sample tracks from my remastering of RotJ:

Leia is wounded/The duel begins

The dark side beckons

Leia's news

Then it makes a good shade between the big orchestral  and the soft side of the score.

Please let me know what do you think about the sound, and what is the difference with the GM remastering you already have. If it is of any interest for you, I may open a new topic later to post my work.

Note: Beware, only ten downloads available.



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


You won' t believe it guys... There's a jawa on my screen ! :p

... I think your torrent idea was the last thing to mention on GM's thread. Now, I expect he will think twice  before he posts his work, as I will do about mine by the same occasion.

Bye !



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.