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Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released) — Page 13

I do want to thank you all for the great response.

I'm collecting all your recommendations and do plan to release a sort of odd's and end's cd showing some of the historical impact star wars did have musically...

If anyone has any other recommendations for this disc, let me know.


Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Alright, all three discs are now up and available in MP3 format. Enjoy!

I'm going to start re-uploading my other score edits as well again... oye! lol

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Great news! Can't wait to hear this one. Are you going to do a FLAC version too this time?
I always do a flac version. But mp3 uploads a lot faster... not to mention I have to split up the flacs into different parts... so it'll tkae time.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Just out of curiosity...

Do you know what track titles Williams intended for A New Hope? You seem to have a mixture from all the various releases. Is this what was intended or just personal preference?
I lost my original booklets for my SE's... someone emailed me the track titles from the booklet which in theory should be the original titles...

so I used those. But they could have been wrong as I don't have to booklet to compare it to. If someone does for the SE of ANH, could they check that... I believe they are correct though... although I think two cues which were like "Story of a Jedi Knigh (I)" and "Story of a Jedi Knight (II)" I took the liberty of changing the name of those sorts of instances to keep one as correct and rename the other... that's really the only liberty I took...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Longtime lurker on this forum. Haven't visited in a couple of months, and I just wanted to thank you for doing the job you've done. It's fantastic, and I hope you don't stop.

Originally posted by: GoodMusician
I always do a flac version. But mp3 uploads a lot faster... not to mention I have to split up the flacs into different parts... so it'll tkae time.

I hate to ask, but do you have any news on when the FLAC version will be online?
I can't wait to listen to this one
Things are on hold unfortunately. My external hard drive gave me the scare of my life the other day. It stopped working and my computer said there was a writing error on the drive...

and I seriously thought it had crashed. I notice that the light thats on it doesn't glow as brightly as it use to... so I'm really freaked out that it's dying so I'm trying not to strain it at the moment...

my DVD player in my computer has always died I think as it doesn't work very reliably...

So... suffice it to say I'm thinking my computer is on its way out...so I'm a bit afraid of doing too much with it at the moment. I hope to put them all back up soon though. It just takes soooo long..

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

I have a question. At about 4:14 in the video linked below, there's a song that I've always loved. What is the name of that one? This is from ROTJ, just so you know before you click the link.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

I don't have GM's CDs, so I can only tell you where to find it on the SE discs:
"The battle of Endor II" starting from ~4:50
This is an amazing project! Congratulations and thank you for not only all the care you're putting in this, but for sharing it with us! :) I have the Anthology and SE sets, but no matter how great they were, they never felt "complete", so these are incredibly welcome additions!

A few thoughts:

- Is this what you guys mean by UE? (I may have missed the answer somewhere) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Edition

- ADM mentioned that maybe the prequels would have been better if Burtt had not been given so much power in the overall editing scheme of things, but man...those stupid engine sounds are enough to make me cringe each time I hear them! :p It's like everything with a motor in it has no proper "idle." It's always WAwaWAwaWAwaWAwaWAwa... Know what I mean? Even some of the creatures do it! That stuff bugs me more than anything else. Except for Jar Jar, of course.

- It seems like the mp3 versions of the Episode IV set are available for download, but I'd kinda rather make flac-based CDs (this applies for episodes IV-VI, really), so I was just wondering if/when they'll be back (I hate asking questions like that, as I don't want to feel like I'm looking for a handout...), and if they are finalized, i.e. you're done editing/adding to them.

Thanks again, GM. :)

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Hey, while we're ripping on Ben Burtt, has anybody else noticed that we hear Kermit the Frog go "Hi Ho!" in both the Coruscant Sports Bar AND in the Geonosian Arena? This stood out to me when I edited Episode II and I hear it every friggin time I watch the film now. If I ever re-do this movie, I'm looping that crap out of there too.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Seriously? Oh man, I'm glad I haven't heard that...

Yeah, Ben Burtt. SO much talent, so many questionable decisions. I love his work overall, but there are things that just irritate me, too. It seem like hears something, then just latches onto it, like the warbling engines. I'm just glad he didn't go back and make every ship warble when they did the SEs. I would've been barfing in the aisles!

Or "the belches in Jedi aren't comical enough. Let's bump them up 30%." :p

On a positive note, I loved the IMAX movie "Special Effects", which he helped make. I wish I could see that again! I don't think it has ever been released in any format. And you rarely hear people talk about it, despite its important place in Star Wars history.

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Hey GM I am new here and have listened to your music. I really like it but I have a question, I do not mean to be rude but when are you putting on episode III for download?
are you gonna continue uploading the other restored soundtrackS?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Has anyone here heard from GM in a while?
GM is a student so he might be cramming for finals.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
ADigitalMan said:

GM is a student so he might be cramming for finals.

Yeah, I know I am. He said he had computer problems, so people are just going to have to be patient. I'm sure he will get them back up eventually.

Hey guys, I tried to download the Episode 3 complete score but all the links seem to be broken.

Do you guys have this issue as well?
I think some of them might just be placeholder links for when he eventually gets around to them. Either that or he's limited on web space so he might keep them in rotation - take one down, put another one up.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.

I'd love to get my hands on the missing ones. Also, I've got virtually unlimited space on my server, I'll gladly serve any of these if needed. PM me.

Essays, videos and thoughts on the inspiration behind Star Wars.

Does anyone here have the music in sw II when anakin is talking to padme' after he brings his mom back?