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Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released) — Page 11

Oh, it would be fun to have a "Tracked alternate" version of the Conveyor Belt sequence, just to highlight what a mess it is.

I'm looking forward to this, GM.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
::blank stare at ADigitalMan::....

yup... any suggestions that aren't criminially insane??


Um... I suppose I could...TRY....

::Yoda pops up::


Do... or do not. There is no try."

Yea, well I hate Ben Burtt!

"Hmm... strong with the dark side, is he. Grave danger I fear in your editing."

I could have told you that!


I haven't slept... lol

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

The first sight you're referring to was this one:

Yup yup! That's it...

I personally never read it or used it in my edit making, but the amount of effort he put into it was used by those I did pay attention to and his efforts made mine that much easier.

Wait... is that you???

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Hi, did you change the address of your site ?
Originally posted by: pittrek
Hi, did you change the address of your site ?

read the first post in the thread. thanks

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

STAR WARS EPISODE II: The Complete Score Edit


Disc 1 - (1:05:55)

01) Fox Fanfare (ESB Recording) - [0:22]
02) Main Title (TPM Recording) - [1:32]
03) Arrival at Coruscant - [0:19]
04) Ambush on the Landing Platform - [2:16]
05) The Security Council - [2:41]
06) Old Friends - Annie- [1:37]
07) The Nightshift Begins - [0:54]
08) Setting the Trap - [2:51]
09) Chase Through Coruscant - [11:49]
10) Executive Orders and Obi Wans Concern - [1:38]
11) Going into Hiding - [2:46]
12) Departing Coruscant - [1:42]
13) Jedi Archives - [1:21]
14) Yoda and the Younglings - [4:00]
15) Audience on Naboo - [2:26]
16) Arrival at Kamino (Film Alternate) - [1:44]
17) The Army of the Republic (Film Ending) - [0:51]
18) Glass Sculptures - Forbidden Kiss - [2:18]
19) Inspecting the Army - [1:52]
20) The Meadow Picnic - [2:32]
21) Interview with Jango - [2:50]
22) Anakin and Padme - [3:59]
23) Making Contact - Dreams (Film)- [2:45]
24) Tatooine Resolution (Tracked) - [1:36]
25) Jango's Escape - Arrival at Tatooine - [3:46]
26) Meeting Watto - [0:54]
27) Bounty Hunter Pursuit - Arrival at Geonosis - [2:21]

Disc 2 - (1:08:38)

01) The Lars Homestead - Searching for Shmi - Spying on the Separatists - [6:54]
02) Tuskan Camp - Return to the Homestead (Film)- [5:52]
03) Anakin's Confession - [2:38]
04) Shmi's Funeral - To Geonosis - [3:46]
05) A Crisis - [0:58]
06) Dooku's Offer (Tracked) - [1:24]
07) Emergency Powers - [1:52]
08) Arrival at Geonosis (Tracked) - [1:38]
09) The Droids Confer - [0:36]
10) On the Conveyor Belt - [3:05]
11) Captured - [0:39]
12) Love Pledge - [2:39]
13) The Arena - [4:28]
14) Battle for Geonosis I (Tracked) - [2:17]
15) Battle for Geonosis II (Tracked) - [3:32]
16) Battle for Geonosis III (Tracked) - [1:38]
17) Battle for Geonosis IV (Tracked) - [1:55]
18) The Ultimate Weapon (Tracked) - [0:51]
19) Dooku's Escape (Tracked) - [1:28]
20) Going After Dooku (Film Alternate) - [2:20]
21) Confronting Dooku (Original) - [2:14]
22) Yoda Vs Dooku (Original) - [2:28]
23) The Clone Wars - Finale - [5:16]
24) End Credits (Album Intro) - [0:53]
25) Across the Stars (Album) - [5:32]
26) End Credits (Extended Album Alternate) - [1:34

Disc 3 - (1:08:13)

01) Fox Fanfare (1999 Recording) - [0:21]
02) Attack of the Clones- Music Video - [4:34]
03) Across the Stars (Intro) - [0:38]
04) Across the Stars (Musical Journey) - [5:27]
05) Dex's Diner (Available Source) - [1:50]
06) Dex's Diner (Film Version Source) - [1:16]
07) Arrival at Kamino (Album Alternate) - [1:33]
08) Making Contact - Dreams (Album Orchestration) - [2:45]
09) Tusken Camp - Return to the Homestead (Album Orchestration) - [5:52]
10) Arena Source (Ben Burtt) - [2:39]
11) Going After Dooku (Album Alternate) - [2:16]
12) Confronting Dooku (Film Edit) - [1:17]
13) The Jedi Fall (Film Edit) - [1:10]
14) Yoda Vs. Dooku - Finale (Film Edit) - [3:42]
15) The Clone Wars -Finale - End Credits (Suite) - [11:13]
15) The Story of Attack of the Clones - [15:13]
16) Film End Credits Suite - [6:20]


Currently Only Episode II is available. Disc 1 and Disc 2 are up. Disc 3 is almost up. I will start uploading all my other edits again in case anyone missed them.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Not familiar with the file type?

I've always used it...

WinRAR is used to open it.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

I love RAR. I'm getting Not Found errors when I hit the RAR links.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
For the FLAC format, I mean. Geeze ... could I be ANY more confusing?
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.

Almost NOTHING is up yet... only disc 1-3 mp3... of Episode II

You'll have to wait till latter for the flac since they're such big files

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Give it a shot, ADM. I am sure you can!
Originally posted by: Sluggo
Give it a shot, ADM. I am sure you can!

So here I was linkifying and rar couldn't flac for sake of the mp3. I'm staring at purples which were supposed to be blues but the 404 is clogging my monitor. All I'm trying to do is to get the cuts so I can hear the alt. clippings. To top it all off, my config is full of 2.1 and I'm staticking out the little ones so the upgrade may be necessary.

I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Excuse me, Stewardess...I speak Jive

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

You a baddy daddy lamatai tebby chai! Cappatown. Cole me down on the panny sty.

Okay, I'll stop spamming your thread with nonsense now.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I guess the fact that there are STILL no reviews shouldn't bother me right?? lol

BTW... Disc 1 (Flac) is up... Disc 2 (Flac) is 40 minutes away (it is 10:00 EST) and then I'll start disc 3 flac.


The set is currently completely available in both formats.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Okay, I'll bite!

Great work! GoodMusician you have done a tremendous service to the Star Wars and JW fan communities. This is an awesome collection of some of Williams best music from the Saga, including some bits of music I never even knew saw the light of day. Minimal intrusion by dialog or sfx.

I can't recommend this set enough. It is THE definitive collection of music from AOTC (at least until Lucasfilm and Sony get off their butts).

One negative thing though, this collection has only reinforced my intense dislike of Ben Burtt's "creative" input in the Prequels. He really seemed to have some issue with Williams' music and was constantly trying to undermine its importance in the trilogy vs. the sound effects. All you have to do is watch the "Making Of" documentary on Revenge of the Sith DVD. Burtt lobbies to bury the music during the climactic lightsaber fight between Anakin and Kenobi with louder and louder sound effects... utter genius Ben... THE pivitol moment of the entire Star Wars Saga lost in a cacophony of twisting metal and lava flow... pure unadulterated genius.

ADM, you crack me up.

GM, I'll work out a review as soon as I have a chance to listen.
Originally posted by: gallandro
Okay, I'll bite!

Great work! GoodMusician you have done a tremendous service to the Star Wars and JW fan communities. This is an awesome collection of some of Williams best music from the Saga, including some bits of music I never even knew saw the light of day. Minimal intrusion by dialog or sfx.

I can't recommend this set enough. It is THE definitive collection of music from AOTC (at least until Lucasfilm and Sony get off their butts).

One negative thing though, this collection has only reinforced my intense dislike of Ben Burtt's "creative" input in the Prequels. He really seemed to have some issue with Williams' music and was constantly trying to undermine its importance in the trilogy vs. the sound effects. All you have to do is watch the "Making Of" documentary on Revenge of the Sith DVD. Burtt lobbies to bury the music during the climactic lightsaber fight between Anakin and Kenobi with louder and louder sound effects... utter genius Ben... THE pivitol moment of the entire Star Wars Saga lost in a cacophony of twisting metal and lava flow... pure unadulterated genius.


That's not a negative!

I kinda intended it actually... the whole "Arena Source" ...I'll tell you all a little secret. I purposely didn't just put source in it. I included more than just the percussion. If you listen, I included all the crowd noises just to show how much work he put into The Arena compared to Williams.

Burtt used the same 4-5 crowd reactions, and simply pitched them up or down, or changed the speed. Some of them sound like a crowd of chipmunks!

Thanks for that Ben Burtt. I don't know what I'd do without you...

I actually made a joke with someone that the two biggest mistakes of the prequels and the special editions were Ben Burtt and Rick McCallum.

Rick saying into Lucas' ear "Is it about Anakin?! THEN CUT IT!" so that we don't see Padme in Episode III except when she dies... the very reason he becomes Vader and we barely see her...

Then you have Ben Burtt who edits the crap out of everything and speaks crazy ideas towards lucas and somehow still manages to improperly mix DVD's.

aka: the rear channels being flipped in the SE of ANH, Rebel Fanfare being removed from ANH.. I mean dialed out to the point where you can barely hear it (aka: not present but the SFX ARE!), suggesting no music for the arena, helping to edit the final battle of Episode I, asking the music be quieter in Episode III, trying to "compose" sfx/percussion for "On the Conveyor Belt" to replace Williams, always using an Elephant noise in everything he does... the list goes on and on!

So ... I decided that

"Hencefourth... they shall be known as...

Jar Jar Burtt


Emperor McPalpatine

Glad you guys like the set and so highly recommend it hehe... I'm anxious to hear further reviews... just becuase I know you guys appreciate it... there are other forums where reviews consist of really harsh words ...and Its why I sometimes feel my efforts go under appreciated...

Thank you all for enjoying my sets for what they are...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


I'm not an active participant of the thread, but an admirer of your work nonetheless.
I eagerly waited, and downloaded your AOTC score "GM Edition", and just started listening to it.
So far, the magic of the movie has been recreated through my ears, mind, and heart (and it's funny to hear Jar-Jar's costume moving in Padme's senatorial suite scenes).

Thank you so very much, I just can't wait to listen to the rest !
Blaming McCallum and Burtt for these things is a little unfair to both of them - Things get changed in movies ALL THE TIME even when McCallum and Burtt AREN'T working on them - hahaha. And Lucas is ultimately the one responsible for these films, not those 2 guys. Do you really think Lucas is some puppet that can be manipulated by those two people? I don't.

And also, let's not forget that these movies don't exist simply as vehicles for presenting the score - the music is an element provided by a composer to support the film - and should be regarded in the same way an actor's performance is regarded - as something malleable, editable, and moveable - at least as far the film itself goes. Yes, I like my score albums to be presented as close to the composer's original intentions as possible, because as a composer myself I like to study the score in just such a linear fashion. But it's not fair to the filmmakers (McCallum and Burtt included) or the film itself if you condemn them/it simply for not showcasing the score to the exclusion of all other needs.

In the bigger picture, I honestly think a major issue with the prequels is that they were done as 3 separate movies with a total running time of about 6-7 hours. In the past few years, TV has proven to be capable of longform projects of amazing quality - such as LOST, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, and HEROES. I think if the prequels had been done as a super high quality miniseries lasting say 12 hours, they would have worked much better. For one thing, the story would have had more room to breathe and develop. Of course, practically speaking, the prequels HAD to be movies, if only for financial reasons, as well as our own expectations for EPIC, bigscreen adventures. In a way, cutting the story down to 3 movies forced Lucas to get rid of things that slowed them down as movies but made the story work better - it was a catch 22 for him as a storyteller vs. filmmaker. Certainly the novelizations of the films and the deleted scenes on the dvds show areas where the story was developed before being cut out of the films - mostly to the detriment of Padme and her aspects of the story. I think the book to Ep 2 makes her feelings about Anakin much more believable than the movie does, because the book isn't hindered by a 2 hour running time and can take the time to flesh out the story.

Anyhow, 'nuff of my rambling...go listen to some star wars music - hahaha
I'll be listening later today and will chime in. Looking forward to this!
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: elvisjones
Blaming McCallum and Burtt for these things is a little unfair to both of them - Things get changed in movies ALL THE TIME even when McCallum and Burtt AREN'T working on them -.....
Anyhow, 'nuff of my rambling...go listen to some star wars music - hahaha

It was kinda a joke... but at the same time... from what we do know, the biggest problems with everything in the Prequels and the SE were ideas from these two. so there you go.

And you didn't say anything we don't already know. I don't mean to be rude but it's true. We all understand that.

But at the same time, there is a trade off. If you edit something to the point that it's no longer recognizeable after you've had someone redo something 4 times, you'd get pissed off too.

And Williams composing music is not really like an actor. An actor is trying to portray something the director wants. The Composer is brought in to bring a different take on what the Director wants but still capture the essence of the Directors ideas.

It's also different in that it takes a lot more time, effort, and money to do what Williams does than it takes for Haydn to say he's the most powerful Jedi ever...
I believe in Editing... Some of the best sequences in film are edits of cues... the final chase sequence of ET with the kids on the Bikes...

ET being introduced to Elliots Toys is TRACKED music... it's NOT the original cue... but it works perfectly.

So I believe in the power of editing... but what they're doing is suicide ....:-p

But yes... lets not get into this as that's NOT what this thread is about... there are many other threads for you to voice your concern.

EDIT: Just wanted to let you all know that there is a surprise coming within the next week. Another score edit I've finished.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

GoodMusician, would you have any problem with me making this request: can anyone who has downloaded these files upload them to rapidshare in parts or something? I've tried getting the files 3 times now. It's just chewing through my download too much. Last night it downloaded 96% of Disc 1 and then carked it. I'm just straight downloading - no outside download managing program or anything. I guess 350-400MB for a single file is just too big a download for my crappy connection.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com