[[ – UPDATE!!: The FTP is back up and I just uploaded the new Index, but I have yet to reupload everything so Currently Episode II is the only thing available – ]]
Hey everyone, I’m kinda new here but you may be somewhat familiar with my other thread on my Battle For Naboo re-edit or from my other videos on YouTube under my name on there, BrachioInGen.
If not, my videos on there predominately are videos from the Star Wars Saga/Jurassic Park Trilogy where I take scenes that have eaither alternate takes, or music that was unused and I replace the music back into the scene.
Anyways, in my Battle For Naboo re-edit, it came to some peoples attention that on JWfan.net, I had led a project of compiling and correcting the scores to Star Wars. Currently, I’ve only done Episode I and Episode III. Not much was released for Episode II in the games and such but like the OT, there are plans to work on that.
To give you an idea of what I’ve done, I’ve taken the UE, Album, DVD, DVD Feturetts, and all the video Game rips and compiled THE complete score including alternate takes.
The track list for Episode I follows:
The Complete Episode I Recordings
Disk 1 (1:15:24)
- Fox Fanfare (Film Version) - 0:28
- Star Wars (Main Title) - 1:30
- Arrival at Naboo - 2:43
- Gas Leak - 1:23
- Droid Fight - 1:48
- Queen Amidala - 2:35
- Droid Invasion - 1:24
- Jar Jar -Swim to Otta Gunga - 2:21
- Gungan High Council - 2:05
- Come Along Jar Jar - 1:10
- Passage Through the Planet Core - 1:34
- Darth Sidious - Powers Out - 1:19
- Huge-O Teeth - Attack on Theed - 1:23
- Theed Palace Arrival - 2:18
- You’re Under Arrest - 1:56
- Escape from Naboo (Film) - 2:15
- Escape from Naboo (Alt. Percussion Track) - 2:11
- Now there are Two of Them - 1:04
- Arrival at Tatooine - 2:36
- A Little Street Music (Source) - 1:18
- Padme Meets Anakin - Hit the Nose - 1:17
- Desert Winds (Source) - 1:28
- Jar Jar’s Run in with Sebulba - 1:24
- Home of Anakin Skywalker - 1:31
- C3PO Comes to Life - 1:09
- Running out of Time - At Last - 1:08
- Talk of Podracing - 2:55
- Watto’s Deal - 0:44
- Anakin, The Mechanic - 1:44
- Kids at Play - 1:41
- The Racer Roars to life - 1:27
- Sith Spacecraft - 1:06
- Mos Espa Arena Band - 0:54
- Watto’s Roll of the Die - 2:00
- Flag Parade - 1:33
- Ark Bumpy Roose Fanfare (Source) 0:15
- Flag Parade (Alt. Recording) - 2:21
- The Race Begins - 1:49
- Sebulbas Evil Deed (Tatooine Percussion) - 0:53
- Pod Racing (Tatooine Percussion) - 1:52
- Hail to the Winner - 1:13
- Mos Espa Folk Song (Source) - 1:13
- Anakin is Free - 5:08
- Sith Approach - 0:22
- It was a Sith - 1:26
- It was a Sith (First Run) - 1:47
Disk 2 (1:14:50)
- Crisis on Naboo - 1:09
- Japor Snippet - Arrival at Coruscant - 2:14
- To the Senate Building - 0:48
- The Queen and Palpatine - 0:41
- High Council I - 0:45
- High Council I (Alternate) - 0:45
- High Council II - 1:54
- The Senate - 1:26
- Anakin’s Test - 1:01
- He is the Chosen One - 1:15
- Moving Things Along - 0:49
- Senator, this is Your Arena - 0:49
- Wesa Going Home - 3:54
- Nute and Rune Confer with Sidious - 0:35
- To Naboo - 2:33
- Audience with Boss Nass - 2:36
- War Plans - 1:01
- Padme’s Plan - 1:30
- Lord Sidious Contacted - 0:28
- Gungan March (Original) - 0:36
- The Battle Begins - 0:55
22)The Battle of Naboo I - 1:15
- The Battle of Naboo II - 1:33
- Hanger Battle - 0:48
- Darth Maul Revealed (Possible Insert) - 0:14
- The Duel Begins - 0:15
- Anakin Takes off - 0:46
- Duel of the Fates (Unused) - 2:54
- The Battle of Naboo III - 2:18
- Droid Battle - 0:27
- The Great Duel - 1:19
- The Invisible Wall - 0:19
- Gungan Retreat - 0:42
- Anakin’s Crash Landing - 0:48
- Qui-Gon’s Death (Original) - 1:28
- The Caged Animal - 0:54
- Blowing Up from the Inside - 1:33
- Blowing Up from the Inside (First Run) - 1:28
- Death of Darth Maul - 1:37
- The Queen Confronts Rune - A Jedi, He will be - 1:51
- Qui-Gon’s Funeral - 1:18
- Augies Great Municipal Band (Film Edit) - 1:27
- End Credits Intro - 0:52
- Anakin’s Theme (Album) - 3:09
- Duel of the Fates (Album) - 4:15
- Tone Poem - Darth Maul - 0:31
- Tone Poem - Padme - 0:31
- Tone Poem - Anakin - 0:31
- Tone Poem - Qui-Gon - 0:32
- Tone Poem - Shmi - 1:01
- Duel of the Fates (Instrumental) - 4:06
- Original End Credits Suite - 6:16
Disk 3 (1:17:11)
- Fox Fanfare (1995 Recording) - 0:23
- Main Title (First Run) - 1:32
- Queen Amidala (Alt. Orchestration) - 2:35
- Gas Leak (Sith Whispers) - 1:21
- The Adventures of Jar Jar (RSNO) - 3:44
- Come Along Jar Jar (Alternate Take) - 1:02
- Theed Palace Arrival (Alt. Take) - 1:28
- Sith Spacecraft (Sith Whispers) - 1:05
- Sith Spacecraft (Alt. Ending) - 0:20
– John Williams Interviews –
10) A Weekend Spaceship Film - 1:02
11) Keeping in Touch with George - 0:46
12) 20 Years On - 1:13
13) Anakins Theme - 0:53
14) Anakins Theme (Alt. Recording)* - 2:37
15) Anakin the Mechanic (Alt. Recording)* - 1:25
16) Kids at Play (First Run)* - 1:24
17) The Audience is Listening - 1:26
18) The Flag Parade (RSNO)* - 3:29
19) The Race Begins (Alt. Recording)* - 0:29
20) Sebulbas Evil Deed (Alternate)* - 0:53
21) Pod Racing (Alternate)* - 1:53
22) It was a Sith (Sith Whispers)* - 1:49
23) Crisis on Naboo (Alternate Ending)* - 1:11
24) A Unique Opportunity - 0:43
25) Storytelling - 0:42
26) Great Expectations - 0:34
27) Community - 0:55
28) Moving Things Along (Alt. Orchestration)* - 0:49
29) Senator, this is Your Arena (Alternate Ending)* - 0:44
30) Wesa Going Home (Film Run)* - 4:29
31) Audience with Boss Nass (Partial Alt. Take)* - 1:14
32) Gungan March (Percussion)* - 0:32
33) Gungan March (Film)* - 0:35
34) The Working Process - 0:51
35) Opening the Doors - 1:08
36) New Ingredients - 0:37
37) Duel of the Fates - 1:00
38) Under the Tongue Root - 1:55
39) It’s all Sanskrit to Me - 1:29
40) Duel of the Fates (Unknown Alternate)* - 2:15
41) Composing for a Silent Film - 0:56
42) Hinting at Things to Come - 1:04
43) The Original Band - 1:03
44) 15 Minutes a Day - 0:34
45) The Sum of the Parts - 0:56
46) Capturing a Moment in Time - 1:18
47) The Battle for Naboo I (First Run)* - 1:15
48) The Battle for Naboo II (First Run)* - 1:32
49) Battle for Naboo II (Partial Take)* - 0:15
50) Duel of the Fates (Film Alternate)* - 4:00
51) Anakin Takes Off (First Run)* - 0:44
52) The Battle for Naboo III (First Run)* - 2:14
53) Anakin’s Crash Landing (Alternate)* - 0:48
54) The Final CD - 1:14
– End John Williams Interview –
- Run In With Jar Jar (Possible title/Unused Insert) - 0:09
- Qui-Gon’s Death (Film Alternate) - 1:27
- Qui-Gon’s Funeral (First Run) - 1:15
- Celebration Parade (Album) - 1:27
*-Denotes track is not part of interview.
Disk 4 (58:36)
- Main Title (Live Recording) - 5:24
- John Williams Concert Talk - 0:55
- Flag Parade - 3:21
- Anakin’s Theme — 2:53
- Duel of the Fates (Choir-less) - 4:18
- The Flag Parade (Prague) - 3:18
- Film Music (DVD Feturette) - 4:42
- Listen to the Music (DVD Feturette) - 2:59
- Duel of the Fates (Dialogue Version) - 4:21
- Arrival at Coruscant (Partial Alternate Percussion) - 0:23
- The Senate (Alternate Take) - 1:26
- To Naboo (Alternate Ending) - 0:12
- Battle For Naboo II (Alterate Take) - 1:34
- The Story of Episode I - As Told by C3P0 (Wal-Mart Exclusive) - 14:43
- Victory Celebration - Film End Credits - 7:42
Currently, Episode II is still in the works.
My track list for Episode III follows:
Disk 1: (1:10:33)
- Fox Fanfare (Film Recording) - 0:23
- Star Wars (TPM Main Title) - 1:30
- War Drums - 0:16
- Boys Into Battle I (Percussion) - 2:08
- Boys Into Battle II (Percussion) - 0:46
- They’re Coming Around (Percussion) - 1:46
- Get Em’ R-2 (Percussion) - 1:31
- General Grevious - 0:53
- The Elevator Scene (Original) - 2:11
- Count Dooku’s Entrance - 0:51
- The Death of Dooku I - 1:20
- The Death of Dooku II - 0:59
- Going Down (Tracked) - 0:57
- Grevious Flees - 3:27
- Coruscant’s Warm Welcome (Tracked) - 1:14
- Another Happy Landing - 0:40
- Revisiting Padme - 1:52
- Grevious Travels to Palpatine - 0:52
- Acording to Plan - 1:16
- Scenes and Dreams - 1:53
- You Die - 3:54
- Be Careful of Your Friend - 1:13
- Council Meeting I - 1:09
- Council Meeting II - 2:59
- Hold Me - 0:40
- Palpatines TV Set - 5:18
- Palpatines Big Pitch - 3:40
- Battle of Kashyyyk (Tracked) - 2:16
- Goodbye Old Friend - 2:37
- Going to Utapau - 2:18
- Riding the Lizzard - 1:26
- Obi-Wan Fares the Droids - 0:20
- Drawing Swords - 0:09
- You are Doomed - 0:31
- Fighting with Grevious (Tracked) - 0:32
- Good Guys Arrive - 1:22
- A Plot to Destroy the Jedi (Tracked) - 1:06
- Palpatines Seduction - 2:30
- Rolling With Grevious - 1:00
- Fighting With Grevious - 1:35
- Dialogue with Mace - 1:34
- Padme’s Ruminations (Film) - 1:41
- I Am The Senate - 2:55
- The Death of Mace - 2:36
- Palpatine Instructs Anakin - 2:00
Disk 2: (1:08:29)
- Execute Order 66 (Tracked) - 2:01
- Lament - 4:32
- Bails Escape - 0:27
- Swimming and Yoda’s Farewell - 1:20
- News of the Attack - 1:30
- Moving Things Along - 1:58
- Enter Lord Vader - 4:16
- Anakins Dark Deeds - 2:15
- Security Recordings - 2:36
- It Can’t Be - 2:24
- A Moody Trip - 0:58
- Padme’s Visit - 2:59
- Padme’s Plea - 2:07
- Herores Colide - 4:41
- Duel of the Fates (New Vocal) - 1:37
- Yoda Falls - 0:18
- The Boys Continue - 0:45
- Search for Yoda - Battle Continues - 1:26
- Into Exile - 0:28
- Battle of the Heroes - 2:43
- The Immolation Scene - 2:41
- Crawling - 1:02
- Still Alive - 0:24
- Yoda Meditates - 0:55
- Landing on Coruscant - 1:03
- The Birth of the Twins - 2:24
- Padme’s Fate - 2:11
- Plans for the Twins - 1:38
- Padme’s Funeral - 1:30
- A Home for the Twins - 1:47
- End Credits I - 2:41
- End Credits II - 2:48
- End Credits III - 2:06
- End Credits IV - 2:26
- End Credits V - 1:50
Disk 3: (55:1)
- Fox Fanfare (1995 Recording) - 0:23
- Battle Over Coruscant Suite (Album Alternate) - 6:22
- Boys Into Battle (Album) - 2:05
- They’re Comming Around (Album) - 1:31
- Battle Over Coruscant (Alternate Ending) - 0:21
- General Grevious (Alternate Take) - 0:53
- The Elevator Scene (Alternate Percussion) - 2:12
- General Grevious Travels to Palpatine - (Choirless) - 0:50
- Opera (Source) - 0:15
- Goodbye Old Friend (Alternate insert) - 2:38
- Rolling With Grevious (Percussion) - 0:56
- Padme’s Ruminations (Album) - 1:41
- I Am the Senate (Unknown Segment) - 0:05
- Anakin’s Dark Deeds - 2:15
- Anakin’s Betrayal (Alt Choral Mix) - 0:47
- Enter Lord Vader (Alternate) - 4:16
- Heroes Collide (Film) - 2:36
- John Williams Interview (WalMart Exclusive) - 3:15
- Practicing End Credits - 0:38
- Endlessly Compelling - 4:16
- Battle of the Heores (Concert Suite) - 3:42
- A New Hope - End Credits (Album Suite) - 13:05
Anyways, I’ve been given permission to allow you all to download my edit as long as you have the UE and Album.
Also available are my edits for Lapti Nek… so far thats all I have for the original trilogy. But more will come.