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Wanted: Looking for Star Wars poster for the NPR drama

They are all over e-bay, man.

To link to two:


I hope these are what you were looking for.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Thanks. There are some there I'm interested in. Have to see how high the bidding gets.
Forum Moderator
Huh, that poster is cool. That first one is freakishly expensive, but the second one with the buy it now of 8.99 isn't bad, I didn't look at the shipping price though.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Yeah, the first one is high - even for an original (sort of). It's really just an original for when the CDs came out in 93, not when it was actually airing in 81. I'll get a reprint if I have to, but I'll have to see it in person first. I spent 22 years in the printing industry - I'll want to see the color and register before I settle. I'll still look around for an original for a while longer.

My thought was to send it around to some of the cast members and get it signed before I frame it. Considering the availability and cost of originals, a reprint might be the way to go.

Shouldn't be too hard to find mailing addresses for some of them. Mark Hamill would be easy to get a fan address for maybe. Perry King also. Ann Sachs runs a very respected theater restoration company in Manhattan. Since I go back to NYC several times a year, I could just take it by the main office.

Yeah - that wouldn't look pathetic..."Hi, Ann..um, I mean Miss Sachs. I'm a...I'm a big Star Wars fan...and I was just wondering if you'd sign my poster"
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