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Well Handbrake won't work, it seems the Lagarith lossless codec is not supported, so MeGUI it will have to be.
Well Handbrake won't work, it seems the Lagarith lossless codec is not supported, so MeGUI it will have to be.
Hey msycamore,
just curious how you ended up making your subs the right size, but still have them not get cropped off the edge of the screen.
Makes me a bit nervous, but I have to say, if you managed to pull that off, they look really good from what I've seen!
g-force said:
Hey msycamore,
just curious how you ended up making your subs the right size, but still have them not get cropped off the edge of the screen.
Makes me a bit nervous, but I have to say, if you managed to pull that off, they look really good from what I've seen!
Well, when I first did these, I took the TV-overscan into consideration. But when people suggested I should go ahead and do an as close as possible match, I realized they didn't get cropped off. Well, at least not on my CRT-TV. But I would not call my subs safe from TV-overscan.
Here's where the picture gets cut off on my Sony trinitron CRT:
not so aesthetically pleasing, and when checking this, I also realised my TV doesn't even overscan equally on both sides, which I find strange. Anyway, I decided to not bother with this overscan, as I realised most people doesn't have old CRT-TV's these days.
Anyway, I'm glad you like them, g-force. :) And I fully understand your subtitling choice.
We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions.
Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com
Small update for anyone interested, ALL audio is now DONE, damn is this nice LOL, so I have new PCM's of ALL, and encoded to AC3 2.0 Surround @ 256kbps, and ALL the previously released PCM tracks are now in perfect sync, no more will you have to add the delay, and the 2 spots in the ESB PCM has been repaired as well so once I release these, no more delay needed, it will sync right up to your GOUT projects as is.
Damn, now what to do?
Great news, Dark_Jedi!! Glad that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel with these things.
So this is ALL the audio I have on my PC, I hope this is all that is out there, if not please let me know.
Star Wars
1977 Theatrical 2.0 Surround
1977 Theatrical Mono
1985 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
1977 70mm Six-Track Reconstruction (Dolby Digital 5.1) @ 448kbps
1977 Theatrical 2.0 Surround @256kbps
1977 Theatrical Mono @ 128kbps
1985 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
SW Isolated Score Stereo @ 192kbps
Empire Strikes Back
1980 Theatrical 2.0 Surround
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
Imperial Edition Isolated Score Stereo
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 1" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 2" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "PURIST" Remix @ 448kbps
1980 Theatrical 2.0 Surround @ 256kbps
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
ESB Isolated Score Stereo @ 192kbps
Return of The Jedi
1983 Theatrical 2.0 Surround
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 1" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 2" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "PURIST" Remix @ 448kbps
1983 Theatrical 2.0 Surround @ 256kbps
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
ROTJ Isolated Score Stereo @ 192kbps
LOL, all together, this is over 20 GB's!
How does the Six track reconstruction sound ?
On Star Wars i mean.
Will be nice to finally see a watchable version of the oot version of star wars with good sound.
The DVD release in 2006 was a joke. So i cannot wait to see what you have done here.
“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.
skyjedi2005 said:
How does the Six track reconstruction sound ?
On Star Wars i mean.
Will be nice to finally see a watchable version of the oot version of star wars with good sound.
The DVD release in 2006 was a joke. So i cannot wait to see what you have done here.
I think it sounds pretty damn good myself, I am guessing you will like it, but at least you will have other options if not.
Would it be doable to release all of the soundtracks by themselves? How big would the total size be?
You know of the rebellion against the Empire?
Just curious: What are the "alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 version 1 & 2" mixes of Empire & Jedi? I love the different mixes of these movies & just wondering what these are.
dark_jedi said:
So this is ALL the audio I have on my PC, I hope this is all that is out there, if not please let me know.
Star Wars
1977 Theatrical 2.0 Surround
1977 Theatrical Mono
1985 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
1977 70mm Six-Track Reconstruction (Dolby Digital 5.1) @ 448kbps
1977 Theatrical 2.0 Surround @256kbps
1977 Theatrical Mono @ 128kbps
1985 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
Empire Strikes Back
1980 Theatrical 2.0 Surround
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 1" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 2" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "PURIST" Remix @ 448kbps
1980 Theatrical 2.0 Surround @ 256kbps
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
Return of The Jedi
1983 Theatrical 2.0 Surround
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 1" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "version 2" Remix @ 448kbps
Alternate Dolby Digital 5.1 "PURIST" Remix @ 448kbps
1983 Theatrical 2.0 Surround @ 256kbps
1993 Home Video 2.0 Surround Remix @ 256kbps
LOL, all together, this is about 15GB's!
ffs! I am gonna be like:
"this one sounds good."
"err no wait this one."
"err no this one is better."
"no wait! definitely this one!"
Spoilt for choice!
It's amazing that you have done all that syncing though d_j, it really does boggle the mind o_O
Those 5.1 mixes are the ones hairy_hen did, the "version 1" 5.1 was on the V1 & V2 Gout set, then he did the "version 2" a while ago, not sure what all the differences are, h_h if you read this could you please clarify all the changes, and then finally the "PURIST' version takes out all the music edits he did in "version 2", it puts it closer to the Theatrical, again, h_h will have to confirm.
How about Ady's Theatrical Reconstruction 5.1 mix of TESB?
Btw. it's awesome that you'll be doing the MKVs, can't wait!
That's quite the list of tracks. I just had to give myself a crash course in PCM vs. AC3 and the history of Star Wars audio mixes :)
I wonder how receptive my wife will be to having me replay Star Wars 5 times just to hear all the alternate audio tracks.
“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers
Harmy said:
How about Ady's Theatrical Reconstruction 5.1 mix of TESB?
Btw. it's awesome that you'll be doing the MKVs, can't wait!
Does Ady's sync up correctly? and is it better than h_h's mix?
I am not 100% on the MKV's just yet LOL, first I need to figure out how to do it, and actually try it out, but it would be better for me to do it with the lossless avi files as apposed to the V3 DVD's, at least to me it would.
also what was the base of Ady's ESB mix? and what was it on, was it the AVCHD or something different? I used to have it on my drive when I syn'd up DE's LD 5.1 files for the SW SE V2 Set, now I can't find it.
Please don't replace h_h with Ady's. Incorporate both if you can but don't remove h_h one - his mixes sound like sex. OK, maybe that's going a bit far.. :X
rockin said:
Please don't replace h_h with Ady's. Incorporate both if you can but don't remove h_h one - his mixes sound like sex. OK, maybe that's going a bit far.. :X
hairy_hens are NOT going to be replaced, the audio is set for the V3, I am just saying if it is real good representation of the ESB Theatrical then I would like to add it to my audio folder above mentioned, but I need to find it first.
Ok cool. You had me worried for a sec there!
Yeah, I was just saying that for competition's sake. Ady's audio is on his TESB Theatrical Reconstruction DVD. I haven't seen TESB with h_h's mix (I have heard SW and Jedi though and they're awesome) so I can't really say which is better but Ady's is like 90% true 5.1, not an upmix like h_h's. This is what Ady said about it:
Adywan said:
The audio has been created using the laserdisc SE 5.1, an upmix from the PCM laserdisc track,surround channels from the 2004 DVD & music soundtrack.
OK, it is on that disc, duh, I should have known, now I just need to find it.
I'd upload the sound for you but there was an audio fix released and I only have the unfixed version. But because the audio fix was released, you might be able to download the audio separately somewhere.
Oh, and here's what h_h said about Ady's mix:
I've only listened on my headphones so far, not the full 5.1, but mostly the sound seemed pretty good. The majority of it is the '97 SE mix, so there are various dialogue differences from the familiar 35mm version (how many of them appeared in the 70mm is anyone's guess). Some parts of the movie use the 1993 mix, but this was not always done consistently: most--but not all--of the music edits, and a few of the lines, in addition to the obvious places where the edit differs from the SE. Occasionally the transitions between the sources weren't always seamless and had audible jump cuts, though admittedly this was rare.
What I can't figure out is why adywan decided to use the surround channels from the 2004 mix combined with the front channels from the 1997 version. I won't fully know what that sounds like until I've had a chance to play it in 5.1, but while usually they are similar, occasionally this results in a bizarre effect when they don't match up. Most clearly this can be found when Luke observes the probe droid meteor landing on Hoth: the dvd version added a rolling echo that moves from front to back to bolster the impact, but in this mix only the rear half of the sound is heard (in all pre-2004 versions, this was not there at all).
Most of these things come down to individual preference and nitpicking, though. He has done an incredible job with this, and I'm very grateful to him for making this version. Here's hoping to see a theatrical version of Star Wars from him sometime in the future. ;)
I remember that HH had some issues with Ady's sound mix, mainly caused by the fact that he combined the '97 SE front channels with the '04 SE rear channels. I thought it sounded great, but that's just me.
ChainsawAsh said:
I remember that HH had some issues with Ady's sound mix, mainly caused by the fact that he combined the '97 SE front channels with the '04 SE rear channels. I thought it sounded great, but that's just me.
Have you compared it with h_h's mix?
msycamore said:
I would not call my subs safe from TV-overscan.
For commercial releases, the "Action Safe" zone is 10% inside the video border, and the "Title Safe" zone is 20% inside the video border. Since flatscreens have less overscan than crt's, HD productions can use a smaller margin of error, say 5% for Action Safe and 10% for Title Safe.
Since there is a possibility a customer will play an anamorphic dvd on a 4:3 tv and choose to crop, the "Title Safe" zone would be, to ensure proper display in this worst case scenario, 10% inside the 4:3 portion of the video.
All of this is to guarantee, for commercial releases, that any words displayed in the video will be readable for all customers.
Since this is not a commercial release, feel free to do whatever you think reasonable. I'd say you can assume the viewer is using a 16:9 screen (ergo, allow your subtitles to fail for the 4:3 crop scenario). But I think it would still be good to observe the 10% parameter for Title Safe area inside the 16:9 frame, since this is kind of a standard, and a reasonable one at that.
The fact is that overscan is different on each device.
For your enjoyment, here is a graphic with the more conservative 4:3 safe area inside a 16:9 field displayed:
Here's a graphic with the 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 (would fail for a 4:3 scenario)
Here's a little discussion of the issues and a graphic in AfterEffects
Here is more than anyone should ever know about safe zones:
All right, here's all the differences between the various 5.1 versions:
All of them are primarily derived from the 1993 PCM tracks, but with certain edits and changes according to whatever I was trying to accomplish with each one. These edited stereo tracks were upmixed to five channels and combined with LFE bass from the special editions. As such they have a very authentic feel, intended to be reminiscent of the 70mm theatrical releases, though some of the specifics are not the same.
SW's 5.1 is the closest, because there are in-theatre recordings of the actual mix available, and the 1993 version was sourced directly from the 70mm printmaster, albeit with additional sound effects layed on top of it. I removed these extra sounds using the 35mm stereo soundtrack, while most of the LFE came from the 1997 5.1 mix, with some 2004 and 1993 bass in places where those seemed to work better. Each bass effect was individually level-adjusted, and sometimes also in synch and duration, to provide the optimum blend with the main channels. It's not perfect, because the 35mm replacements are less dynamic and have narrower imaging and lower fidelity than the '93 mix, but I did my best to make it all sound like one consistent track without any jarring leaps between sources. How well I succeeded depends how good your ears and audio equipment are, and how picky you are about such things, but overall it sounds rather good, if I may say so myself. ;)
The other two movies don't have 70mm recordings available, and their '93 mixes were made somewhat differently than Star Wars, so direct reproductions were out of the question. Because of that, I wanted to make 5.1 versions that sounded best to me. For ESB, this meant inserting the snowspeeder crash sound from the 1980 stereo (missing in the '93), and replacing Boba Fett's departure from Bespin with the 1997 mix, since the music cue in the original was hacked up in order to end when Chewie begins firing at the ship, while the SE used the cue as composed until the scene ends. I also repaired two distracting glitches in the PCM. For RotJ, I inserted the deleted music from Obi-wan's appearance on Dagobah, since to me the scene is greatly improved by its presence, and used the 35mm stereo for Vader's defeat since the music is heard more prominently this way (which also fixes a glitch heard in this part of the '93 mix). The LFE channels came from the 2004 mixes and were again level- and synch-adjusted for the best sound. These edits comprise the 'version 2' 5.1 tracks listed above.
Not everyone wants to hear the movies with all of these changes, since some of them are in fan-edit territory, so by popular request the 'version 3' mixes were made, and will be used by d_j along with the SW 70mm on the upcoming dvd's. For the most part they are exactly the same, except the music edits for Fett and Obi-wan were removed and reverted to their 1993 forms. The 35mm inserts for the snowspeeder and for Vader's defeat are still present, as are the glitch repairs.
The 'version 1' were made a while back and were rougher attempts at what I've since perfected in the later mixes. They used the 1993 tracks without any changes, along with the 2004 LFE; but the bass editing was not as good as what I managed to do later. Mostly they still sound similar, but the 2nd and 3rd versions give much more pleasing results.
The actual upmixing and encoding to ac3 was done by Satanika, since I could not get any upmixers to work on my computer, and I'm grateful to him for helping me out with that. :)