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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released) — Page 50


rogueOne said:

Watched both clips.  I prefer the video inside "Test Accepted Tweaks.rar".  If I read your post correctly, DJ, that video clip comes from the "1159" tweak.  The "test.rar" looked too red.  My opinion remains the same, "1159" is the way to go.

You are correct, the "accepted tweak" is all them sample screens LOL.


dark_jedi said:

g-force said:

Hmm. Don't forget that when you mess with the brightness/contrast/gamma, all of the mattes get really annoying. Took me months to get those right.


What scene would you say this would show the most, because I certainly do NOT want to mess up any of the hard work you put into this.

You would have to check all of the space scenes for sure. I shot for a compromise between not seeing any of them at all on a properly calibrated TV, and only barely seeing a few of them on an overly bright screen like most people have.



I agree, the "accepted tweaks" video based on the 1159 screen shot color adjustment version looks better. Luke's flight suit might not be quite as orange as it should be, but the flesh tones look better, less red. And that's more important. And also let's keep in mind the warning posted earlier that most tv's (unless they have been pro calibrated, of course) will push the reds a bit anyhow, so better to be conservative with red flesh tone problem.

g-force: Thanks for letting us know that. Obviously you put a lot of work into it, and I'm sure you came up with the settings that gave the best overall appearance to solve that problem.

If changing the brightness/contrast/gamma will mess up the superior visual quality you were able to achieve with the Star Wars GOUT DVD video, then I agree it's best to leave those settings alone and just make color adjustments for the improved color accuracy to the theatrical appearance.

dark_jedi. The 1159 screen shot color adjustments and the "accepted tweaks" video which comes from that, that tweak doesn't affect the brightness/contrast/gamma settings g-force uses in his script, right?

If you did change the contrast in that 1159 shot and in the "accepted tweaks" video and all it did was crush the blacks a little, does that cause any harm to what g-force was referring to in his post? Crushing the blacks a little might actually make space scenes look better, deeper blacks in space and so on. But I'm not sure how that would affect what g-force was concerned about.

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.


Actually, I have not touched any of the levels g-force has set, just messing with other tweaks.


Definitely digging the 1159. =)

Forum Moderator

dark_jedi said:

So has anyone watched these yet?

We would love to know what you think of them.

Sorry about the bump, but I can't find where it was mentioned where to access these to download and view?

Would you be able to direct me to them?

I would love to see them!




He's just talking about the color correction sample videos that are on the last page.

I haven't downloaded them yet, I will later today, DJ.


OK I have a few questions, first is the latest tweak what you guys want? if there is anything else you want me to try speak it now, second is audio related, so here goes, I have the 1985 Home Video Stereo Remix from the JSC LD all in sync, so since I am getting close to actually authoring this DVD(Gout V3 SW) up I decided to double check the sync on the other PCM files that are "supposedly" already done, and guess what, they are NOT! so help me out here, the DC48 file is the 1993 right, and there are 2 versions of this file, both drift from about the middle on, and I just checked the 1977 theatrical and it goes out as well, shit and I thought these were already in sync, maybe I just need to re download or something, were all these the files that were on the newsgroups quit a while back? crap if I have to do these now to this will SUCK!


That doesn't make sense.  The frame count should be the same as the GOUT, right?  The '77 stereo doesn't go out of sync for me at all.


Well I zoom way in on the audio files like Ady said to when sync'ing these babies and it goes out a little, I am trying to find the DVD's with the files on them and am going to try new files just to make sure.

but the DC48 file is the 93 SW file right, and there are 2 versions, because I think I was told I should use the newer one.

LOL, I actually just found the DVD's you(ChainsawAsh) sent a long time ago.


I'm not sure, I don't have the files on my computer anymore.


TV's Frink said:

dark_jedi said:

vbangle said:

dark_jedi said:

that is why it is a very nice thing g-force did by posting his scripts on the first page of his thread, if people are dead set against it, there is always the option to do it yourself, but like I said, I am not final yet, but getting close.

yeah after you went and synced up all the audio.....

Not following you, what are you getting at with that statement?

I guess I'll go ahead and vbangle, since there is a first time for everything.

I believe he just meant that since you already did the hard work of syncing all the audio, whatever you decide will be fine with him.

Did you just use vbangle as a verb?  


I still have all of the audio mixes from the newsgroups.  Send me a pm if you can't find them.

If I had some gum, I’d chew a hole into the sun…


Sounds very strange that your audiofiles are not in sync, d_j. Belbucus synced those tracks specifically to the NTSC GOUT-discs, my files sync up perfectly.

Just so you know, I'll update my Greedo sub-script very soon, which means, additional blur and a couple of fine adjustments to make them look closer to the theatrical ones, then I'm finally done with these.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


msycamore said:

Sounds very strange that your audiofiles are not in sync, d_j. Belbucus synced those tracks specifically to the NTSC GOUT-discs, my files sync up perfectly.

Just so you know, I'll update my Greedo sub-script very soon, which means, additional blur and a couple of fine adjustments to make them look closer to the theatrical ones, then I'm finally done with these.

rip your DD 2.0 file from the GOUT and convert to wav and load it in Vegas, then select Belebcus wav and zoom in on the time line, it is not in complete 100% sync, I thought this to but I have checked every different file I have in it does to drift a wee bit, if I feel like it tomorrow for all you doubters LOL I will post Vegas screen grabs on a zoomed in part and you will see they do not line up, if I knew it did not have to be that close I could have been done with these damn audio files a long time ago, but these will be pretty easy to fix, they are not no where near as bad as the LD rips.

I am looking forward to your new and improved subs, so do you think these will be better than the ones you have now? the ones now look friggin SWEET!

ps. if everyone thinks it is good then I will leave the Belbecus files alone, but after seeing what I saw, it is driving me crazy now, not sure if I am going to tweak them a bit or not now, I just hope you guys look for yourselves.


These don't necessarily have to be synched to absolute perfection.  When I was doing the 70mm mix I found that Belbucus' files tended to be off by anywhere from 10 to 52 samples from each other.  This is a very impressively small margin of error, certainly not even remotely noticeable--the largest discrepancy is only just over a millisecond, far less than one frame.  Trust me, nobody's going to notice that at all.  If they're going off by large amounts, then something is seriously wrong, because the work on those is all done already.


hairy_hen said:

These don't necessarily have to be synched to absolute perfection.  When I was doing the 70mm mix I found that Belbucus' files tended to be off by anywhere from 10 to 52 samples from each other.  This is a very impressively small margin of error, certainly not even remotely noticeable--the largest discrepancy is only just over a millisecond, certainly far less than one frame.  Trust me, nobody's going to notice that at all.  If they're going off by large amounts, then something is seriously wrong, because the work on those is all done already.

Well SHIT, I wish I would have known that, when Ady was telling me how to do this I was actually trying to get ALL to line up perfectly LOL, now you know why i was getting SO bored of this, damn I should be able to just breeze right through what I have left then, I am sure mine are not 100% either but damnit I really tried.


dark_jedi said:

rip your DD 2.0 file from the GOUT and convert to wav and load it in Vegas, then select Belebcus wav and zoom in on the time line, it is not in complete 100% sync, I thought this to but I have checked every different file I have in it does to drift a wee bit, if I feel like it tomorrow for all you doubters LOL I will post Vegas screen grabs on a zoomed in part and you will see they do not line up, if I knew it did not have to be that close I could have been done with these damn audio files a long time ago, but these will be pretty easy to fix, they are not no where near as bad as the LD rips.

Weird...?? I must check my audio files then. Edit: I will not. ;)

dark_jedi said:

I am looking forward to your new and improved subs, so do you think these will be better than the ones you have now? the ones now look friggin SWEET!

I've posted the updated script in my thread, it's not a huge difference to the old, just minor tweaks to a few lines. Moth3r gave me a script-suggestion that makes them look softer and therefore they look much better IMO. try it out.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Sluggo said:

TV's Frink said:

dark_jedi said:

vbangle said:

dark_jedi said:

that is why it is a very nice thing g-force did by posting his scripts on the first page of his thread, if people are dead set against it, there is always the option to do it yourself, but like I said, I am not final yet, but getting close.

yeah after you went and synced up all the audio.....

Not following you, what are you getting at with that statement?

I guess I'll go ahead and vbangle, since there is a first time for everything.

I believe he just meant that since you already did the hard work of syncing all the audio, whatever you decide will be fine with him.

Did you just use vbangle as a verb?  

Aw carp, missed a word.

But I think I will continue to use vbangle as a verb.  Has a nice ring to it.


Obviously the more accurate they are, the better, but so long as the synch is kept to within that small a level of tolerance, there shouldn't be any problem.

Out of principle I did make the 70mm completely sample accurate to Belbucus' original '93 mix file, though there weren't as many edits involved as you've got for those stereo tracks, and I knew exactly where they all were as opposed to having to find where it lost synch each time.  I do know what a pain it can be doing all that.  ;)


hairy_hen: How are things going with the soundtracks, are they all done yet? Also, can you give us a list of what soundtracks of yours have been made available for the V3 set and what sources you used and what changes you made to each soundtrack? I mean sort of a concise list that explains the differences between each soundtrack option for each movie, it seems like there are so many different ones that it gets confusing. :) Thanks.

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.


Hairy_Hen finished a "purist" version of the ESB and ROTJ 5.1 mixes recently, if I remember correctly.  As in, no changes to the content of the mixes (his initial ones had added music).  So, assuming Dark_Jedi uses these (which I'd recommend), the audio content on each disc will be:

Star Wars
- Hairy_Hen's 1977 5.1 70mm Six-Track Reconstruction
- 1977 Theatrical Stereo
- 1977 Theatrical Mono
- 1985 Home Video Stereo
- 1993 Home Video Stereo

- Hairy_Hen's "Purist" 5.1
- 1980 Theatrical Stereo
- 1993 Home Video Stereo

- Hairy_Hen's "Purist" 5.1
- 1983 Theatrical Stereo
- 1993 Home Video Stereo

It's been established that the "1985 mixes" for Empire and Jedi are identical to their theatrical mixes, and I don't think it's been confirmed if there are any significant differences between Jedi's 83 and 93 mixes.  The Star Wars mixes are all different, though, and Hairy_Hen's ESB and ROTJ are essentially the theatrical and 1993 mixes combined to sound as good as possible, upmixed to 5.1 with a custom LFE (subwoofer) track taken from the 1997 and 2004 5.1 mixes, plus some occasions where the bass was lifted from the 1993 mix.

If any of this is wrong, please correct me, this is just what I remember being decided.


To suggest something, I'm not sure if the order of the soundtracks has been finalized but I'd recommend ChainsawAsh's order for them. :)

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:

To suggest something, I'm not sure if the order of the soundtracks has been finalized but I'd recommend ChainsawAsh's order for them. :)

Yeah I agree. ChainsawAsh's order deems the most logical.