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Star Wars Holiday Special International Airings?


I was curious if any recordings of the international broadcasts of the Holiday Special exist?

The most well known of these is the Canadian CTV broadcast which aired an hour earlier than the common American one. This is probably the holy grail to me personally and I’d love to find it.

It is likely that the Canadian broadcast at least contained different commercials and bumpers similar to the different American feed recordings we already have.

Wikipedia also lists several other international broadcasts with sourcing although I’m not entirely sure whether these are legitimate airings or were simply dubbed later for bootlegs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Holiday_Special

Any information regarding these broadcasts would be greatly appreciated.


The French airing is legitimate. I saw it back in the day! There was much talk about it the day after at school! We were young, obsessed with Star Wars, and we were hungry for more: an hour of Star Wars, on TV, was quite the (pleasant?) surprise (I think I caught it by chance!). There wasn’t really a lot of content to consume in France 40 years ago: imagine, we only had 3 national TV broadcasts, and no local ones! So any new Star Wars (especially free on TV) was welcomed with enthusiasm!


A few years back some people uncovered a master copy of the Swedish TV version, and upscaled and color-corrected it. It’s a different cut with some scenes removed. They’ve only uploaded 35 minutes of it to YouTube, but they’ve said fairly recently that they’re eventually going to release the whole thing to archive.org.

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wruAk8GbaJ8
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwfFZmXEBmM&t=193s
(Note that the YT version features alterations to the soundtrack to bypass YT’s DRM)