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Star Wars GOUT in HD using super resolution algorithm (* unfinished project *) — Page 35


Thanks!  I think the third screenshot is mislabeled and should be V11 and V12 (I can tell by looking at it).  There are tradeoffs in both versions.  Sometimes the aliasing is better in V11 and sometimes in V12 even in the same screenshot.  The detail seems to be slightly better in V11 a few times and in V12 a few times.  Can you post the C3PO closeup on the Tantive IV comparison?  Your last V12 looked a bit waxy to me. 

131530: you can see the mustache better in V11

131527: C3PO above his elbow and his shoulder look slightly better in V12

131526: Aliasing in the control panel seems better (less) in V12 and Vader's control panel looks more prominant

131525: Vader's arm is more detailed in V11

131524: Anti-aliasing above their heads to the left is better in V11.  Aliasing to the right of C3PO's leg is better in V12

131522: V12 seems better with anti-aliasing for the most part.  Some parts are debatable.


Thanks again!


Thanks, can you compare V11 and V12?

Also curious how the Lucasfilm logo looks.  It has always been pretty aliased so far.


Thanks! It's very close!  His eyes look slightly clearer/sharper in V11.  The aliasing moves around but doesn't seem like one is better than the other.  The rings on his neck look more correct in V12.

Take your pick! :-)  I would probably go with V11 if I had to pick one because it was such an amazing jump in quality when it was first presented and it is scary to mess with it further, but V12 is nearly the same and has things that are better sometimes. I don't recall it having more detail than V11 while there are several times when V11 has more detail than V12.  V12 is better at antialiasing at times making it look better than V11 in those spots.  It might be easier to see differences with aliasing while it is in motion and that might make V12 better, but hard to say.

That's my .02.  Happy with whatever you decide!


DrDre said:

Here are a number of comparisons between SRV11 and SRV12. I've adjusted the settings for SRV12 somewhat. 







 V12 looks noticeably better, and was an easy pick in all but frame 53500 where I couldn't really pick one over the other.

Frame 4961 is very close too. But the V12 looks a tiny bit crisper, like the focus is dialed in slightly better. In fact it appears that's what you've done, taken a blurry out of focus mess and brought it more and more into focus. These frames look really amazing. I Can't wait to see what it looks like in motion.


DrDre, you have reached great results!

You won the battle of the upscalers! (^^,)

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Hahaha, thanks! Couldn't have done it without you my friend...


I got my first pair of glasses today and it feels like DrDre applies his super resolution script to my vision... In realtime.


Ok, my eyesight is not really that bad. But the comparison comes close to it! :D

Darth Id on ‘Why “Ben”?’:

And while we’re at it, we need to figure out why they kept calling Mark Hamill’s character “Luke Skywalker,” since it’s my subjective opinion that his name is actually Schnarzle Shnuzzle.  It just doesn’t make sense!

Damn you George Lucas for never explaining why they all keep calling Schnarzle “Luke”!

Damn You!!!


DrDre: I haven't done anything, apart some feedbacks - even if I must admit sometimes one of these feedback could "pull the trigger" into your mind to discover, or rediscover, something new - like you did with SuperResolution; thanks to you for that!

Intruder: LOL!

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


dave88 said:

 V12 looks noticeably better, and was an easy pick in all but frame 53500 where I couldn't really pick one over the other.

 Funny, I feel almost completely the opposite.  V12 and V11 are usually not very noticeably different EXCEPT in 53500.  :-)  In that one V12 clearly wins (look at the antialiasing on the control panel).  Looking at this on my better monitor, V12 does have some nice antialiasing attributes that are probably better than the minor detail lost vs V11 that can probably only be seen with careful study in still screenshots.


thorr said:

dave88 said:

 V12 looks noticeably better, and was an easy pick in all but frame 53500 where I couldn't really pick one over the other.

 Funny, I feel almost completely the opposite.  V12 and V11 are usually not very noticeably different EXCEPT in 53500.  :-)  In that one V12 clearly wins (look at the antialiasing on the control panel). 

 I do see some minor difference on the control panel, but I'm still unable to pick between the two.

In all of the brighter outdoor shots V12 is an easy pick for me, they just look slightly crisper. In any case the difference is pretty small.


Nevertheless, Super Resolution has proven to be an extremely effective upscale method in regards to the GOUT. Its incredible how much detail was hiding away.

But this was a team effort, and everyone deserves congratulations! :D


Hear, hear!  And especially DrDre should be commended for being so open to honest feedback and constantly working to improve this and sharing his results as he goes.  Now where's our next 10 minute sample already?!  :-)


It's awfully slow with the new additions, but it should be finished in 4 days. I've been watching C3PO take baby steps for a while now... ;-)


Your later versions are worlds apart from the original you posted a couple of months back.

And just a quick note on SR - I do know how it usually looks. On most sources when compared to a simple script using NNEDI3 it has little (if any) benefit, and introduces its own interesting type of noise. DrDre's script overcomes this nicely, and proves that the SR plugin can be used to create a greater result than it yields on its own.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Nice to see how much the frames benefit from the denoise alone.

You might have seen that there is some detail nearly removed:

Darth Id on ‘Why “Ben”?’:

And while we’re at it, we need to figure out why they kept calling Mark Hamill’s character “Luke Skywalker,” since it’s my subjective opinion that his name is actually Schnarzle Shnuzzle.  It just doesn’t make sense!

Damn you George Lucas for never explaining why they all keep calling Schnarzle “Luke”!

Damn You!!!


Yes, that's an unfortunate side effect of the antialiasing/denoising. 


Do you think Super Resolution could pull any more detail out of this:



That's already as detailed as it gets, thorr. Just sit at least 6 feet back from TV set to enjoy properly.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


I really don't care to ferret through the past however many pages to see if this has been covered yet because it's late and I've had a few, so feel free to ignore this question if it pisses you off, but I've been wondering for a few days now: is this the sort of thing where you've learned enough doing the first film that you'll be able to bang out Empire and Jedi in much shorter order than Star Wars, or is this going to take as long to get through the rest of the trilogy?