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Star Wars Episode X: Fate Of The Jedi (title TBD) — Page 2


Most title crawls post-OT have been fairly unhelpful in setting the stage of their movie, or in some cases are actively confusing and misleading, and usually get rewritten in most fan edits. The Last Jedi’s was probably the best and even that got tweaked in these edits. I hope this movie won’t be need it (besides adding “Episode X”) but I guess we’ll see.

I am curious if this movie will have anything that necessitates going back to undo changes in TROS Ascendant. I doubt it, as nothing in TROS that was cut for Ascendant felt important enough to be referenced 15 years in the future, but still…

Also, just to throw in my 2 cents on the movie: I’m not sure I like the wording in the announcement that made it feel like Rey is just starting her order. Fifteen years feels like a long time to wait to start your new order, especially when you’re the only one. If Rey had a heart attack or slipped getting out of the shower, that’d be the end of the Jedi, haha. They did something similar with Luke in the new canon, having only seemingly teenaged apprentices nearly 25 years after RotJ, and that felt weird too.

That said, I’m all for more stuff with Rey and the New Republic, and a Jedi Order movie that isn’t the Prequels. I hope Finn is a proper Knight by Rey’s side, because again, 15 years would be a bizarrely long time for these characters to make no progress. It’d feel like the original gap between RotS and ANH, where everything at the end of RotS landed exactly where it is at the start of ANH and we’re just to assume the characters were in stasis for two decades.


I don’t imagine anything we did to Ascendant interfering too badly, unless they were to throw in a line explaining the potential continued absence of Adam Driver. Or show Leia’s saber in a flashback.

And if the crawl is good, I won’t rewrite it! I didn’t originally for TLJ, until we decided it would be nice to massage in a bit of exposition about the galactic politics going on out there after TFA destroyed Buenos Aries. I do like a good crawl, though, and it just depends, but I’m not petty. (Am I?)

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

And if the crawl is good, I won’t rewrite it!

Oh for sure, I’m hoping nothing will be needed, but Lucasfilm’s track record with crawls has been kinda weird.

I’m a bit curious what they even mean by “crawl,” actually. Like, is it the crawl exactly? Solo had a kind of fake one. Are all of these new movies gonna have “A long time ago…,” trumpets blaring, slanted scrolling, the whole shebang? If anything is off, it’s possible that even if the writing is all good, the whole thing would need to be reformatted to pass as an Episode X.

If it is the real crawl, it’ll probably be the first to not have an episode title since before Star Wars was called “A New Hope.” That’d be kinda nostalgic in a way, at least on first viewing.


Hal 9000 said:

(If this film doesn’t have a Wilhelm scream, by God we’ll add one.)

Speaking of which, did you know researchers recently uncovered the original recording? Check it out! Here’s an article about it.

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Tobar said:

Hal 9000 said:

(If this film doesn’t have a Wilhelm scream, by God we’ll add one.)

Speaking of which, did you know researchers recently uncovered the original recording? Check it out! Here’s an article about it.

So cool! It would be cool to insert the other takes of the scream in different edits as well.