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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 69


they even used giant landscape models for the se.

and it doesn't help that lucas was always trumpeting everything being digital before and all through the making of the prequels.


Tobar said:

Harmy said:

This has been discussed somewhere recently and someone said that they 3D scanned the models into a computer and then used that, at least in Episode 3.

Ehhhhhhhhhh, they might have scanned the maquettes to use as a basis for the CG characters but I can't see them scanning entire miniatures.

It's not like they are too big to be laser scanned. Mount Rushmore was laser scanned a few years back.

If the Falcon and any other classic ships are coming back, that would be the best way to make sure they look right in CGI.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

corellian77 said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Imagine the love scene with Carrie Fisher and William Shatner...

Actually, I was suggesting that we imagine them as they are today.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


I've seen some bad 'shops, but that one might take the cake.


Bingowings said:

imperialscum said:

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

the only really great actors in the OT, in my opinion, were Guiness and Cushing.

Personally, I would add McDiarmid to the list.

Absolutely agree with you there.

JEJ is a great actor too.

Others like Kenneth Colley, Julian Glover, Caroline Blakinston, Seb Shaw are really good actors but don't really get a chance to shine in the OT.

Well at least we agree on something. :)

I think Kenneth Colley, Julian Glover and Michael Pennington were actually great, despite the short time time got in the films. Imperial officers subplots have always been one of my favourite part in ESB.

Now here we may disagree again but, in my opinion, the main cast was pretty much carried throughout the trilogy by the extremely good support cast.



Bingowings said:

I have never had any problem with the way the prequels look. I would even say they are visually good.

And I have never really understood fans complaining about CGI. CGI isn't inherently bad. It can be a very useful tool.

What makes me dislike the prequels is the way they have written and portrayed the main character - Anakin, along with other badly written dialogue.



I know Michael Pennington can act but he is comically awful in ROTJ (he looked like he was going to pee his pants all the time Vader was onscreen).

Julian Glover who is my favorite Who villain...probably...and perfectly fine in ESB is similarly awful in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade but Denholm Elliott and John Rhys-Davies are pretty awful in that film too and there are no doubts about their talent.



Are we done with the cast is old and overweight jokes yet? :/

CGI is all in how you use it. The Narnia movies have had guys in creature suits with the facial expressions augmented by CG. Beats the pants off of interacting with the proverbial tennis ball on a stick. ;)

I still can't think of a good reason why there couldn't have been at least one physical clone trooper costume made for the prequels.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Bingowings said:

I know Michael Pennington can act but he is comically awful in ROTJ (he looked like he was going to pee his pants all the time Vader was onscreen).

Julian Glover who is my favorite Who villain...probably...and perfectly fine in ESB is similarly awful in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade but Denholm Elliott and John Rhys-Davies are pretty awful in that film too and there are no doubts about their talent.


One could argue the stress of the job was getting to him. After all, high ranking Imperials don't get fired, they get choked. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Bingowings said:

I know Michael Pennington can act but he is comically awful in ROTJ (he looked like he was going to pee his pants all the time Vader was onscreen).

That's not awful, that was exactly what he had to act. The whole purpose of Vader's arrival was to "put him back on schedule" and Vader had a particular reputation by that time. The point of the first scene is to establish Emperor's reputation through Vader's reputation. Pennington did a great job in that scene. He acted a bit unconcerned when only Vader was in the picture, but when Vader mentioned Emperor he did almost pee himself.



imperialscum said:

And I have never really understood fans complaining about CGI. CGI isn't inherently bad. It can be a very useful tool.

Yeah, but only when used in moderation. Unfortunately, "moderation" is not a word that happens to be in Georgey's vocubulary.


SilverWook said:

I still can't think of a good reason why there couldn't have been at least one physical clone trooper costume made for the prequels.

Arrogance and just not giving a sh*t.

'Arrogance' because they proudly proclaim that you can't tell the difference on the commentary. Plus 'Not giving a sh*t' because deep down they knew that then they'd have to bother matching the look of the physical prop to the CGI fakery.

Same reason I believe R2 is matt in ROTS so they didn't have to bother doing time consuming reflections. Probably one of the reasons behind why Threepio in the PT was kept from being polished gold until his last scenes during ROTS.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


The CGI Artoo sticks out like a sore thumb. It's used on shots where a CGI version doesn't even make sense. Did Kenny Baker do any of Artoo in ROTS at all?

Unwanted reflections on a shiny Threepio has been a problem since the OT.


Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


did anyone think the cg, especially things like the clone uniforms, look better when projected on 35mm film?



imperialscum said:

Bingowings said:

I know Michael Pennington can act but he is comically awful in ROTJ (he looked like he was going to pee his pants all the time Vader was onscreen).

That's not awful, that was exactly what he had to act. The whole purpose of Vader's arrival was to "put him back on schedule" and Vader had a particular reputation by that time. The point of the first scene is to establish Emperor's reputation through Vader's reputation. Pennington did a great job in that scene. He acted a bit unconcerned when only Vader was in the picture, but when Vader mentioned Emperor he did almost pee himself.

That's how the five year olds in the audience are meant to act.

The officer class have always been disdainful or cautious around Vader but never comedicaly cowardly.

Originally Jejerrod was meant to be a rival for Vader to spar against (a Tarkin on the up) but in the final version he is a joke.

It might have paid off if it was shown to be an act and he double crossed Vader who was now seen as a bit of a pathetic choke-joke (there are hints of this in the deleted scenes) but as it stands his performance is one I would remove if I were doing an SE not Seb Shaw's ghost.

You don't put a guy like that in charge of getting a space station completed 10 times faster than the last time.


Bingowings said:

imperialscum said:

Bingowings said:

I know Michael Pennington can act but he is comically awful in ROTJ (he looked like he was going to pee his pants all the time Vader was onscreen).

That's not awful, that was exactly what he had to act. The whole purpose of Vader's arrival was to "put him back on schedule" and Vader had a particular reputation by that time. The point of the first scene is to establish Emperor's reputation through Vader's reputation. Pennington did a great job in that scene. He acted a bit unconcerned when only Vader was in the picture, but when Vader mentioned Emperor he did almost pee himself.

The officer class have always been disdainful or cautious around Vader but never comedicaly cowardly.

That is just false. He isn't sacred of Vader. You just didn't read what I wrote? I pointed out that he did not seem to be concerned, intimidated or scared when it was just about Vader, despite the reputation Vader had. On the other hand, he only freaked out when Vader mentioned Emperor.

That is how it was supposed to be and that is how it is in the film. Unless you watched some other film. :)



imperialscum said:

Bingowings said:

imperialscum said:

Bingowings said:

I know Michael Pennington can act but he is comically awful in ROTJ (he looked like he was going to pee his pants all the time Vader was onscreen).

That's not awful, that was exactly what he had to act. The whole purpose of Vader's arrival was to "put him back on schedule" and Vader had a particular reputation by that time. The point of the first scene is to establish Emperor's reputation through Vader's reputation. Pennington did a great job in that scene. He acted a bit unconcerned when only Vader was in the picture, but when Vader mentioned Emperor he did almost pee himself.

The officer class have always been disdainful or cautious around Vader but never comedicaly cowardly.

That is just false. He isn't sacred of Vader. You just didn't read what I wrote? I pointed out that he did not seem to be concerned, intimidated or scared when it was just about Vader, despite the reputation Vader had. On the other hand, he only freaked out when Vader mentioned Emperor.

That is how it was supposed to be and that is how it is in the film. Unless you watched some other film. :)

He is clearly sacred of Vader, I remember the last time I saw it in a picture palace and some little kid near me said something along the lines of' "Look he is sacred of Darth Vader...Why?" and his dad (presumably) whispered, "yes Vader is scary even to the other bad guys".

He is just even more sacred of the Emperor which makes the scene even more comical.

Piett is sacred of Vader too only he is a bit less obvious about showing Vader that.

Ozzel wasn't sacred of Vader at all and probably paid the price for his lack of vision.


Bingowings said:

He is clearly sacred of Vader, I remember the last time I saw it in a picture palace and some little kid near me said something along the lines of' "Look he is sacred of Darth Vader...Why?" and his dad (presumably) whispered, "yes Vader is scary even to the other bad guys".

Obviously the kid didn't get the scene. He probably didn't even get what exactly the dialogue was about.



I think the boy read the actors well enough, the actors were just acting weirdly (thanks to the director probably).

Caroline Blakiston sometimes gives Ackbar some very strange looks (almost like fear) probably down to bad stage direction too.

The lesson for JJ is not only get good actors but have a good idea why people are doing things and make sure the actors act accordingly.



Bingowings said:

I think the boy read the actors well enough, the actors were just acting weirdly (thanks to the director probably).

As I said, the kid didn't get the scene because it is a little more complex. The kid obviously read the actor's expression but failed to comprehend that the main source of the guy's fear was coming from somewhere else (i.e. Emperor).

The entire purpose of the scene was to warm up the audience for meeting the Emperor (to build up his reputation, to preliminary establish his creepiness etc).

I mean I understand that the kid didn't get the scene... but it seems you didn't get it either it. :)



It's not complex. It's a basic exposition scene.

There is a new Death Star that we are meant to believe isn't working yet.

Vader has been sent to speed things up and the Emperor is on his way.

Vader is meant to be intimidating but the Emperor more so.

Pennington plays it all on one note (terror) which breaks the scene and renders it comedic.

If there had been some nuance to the performance the scene might have worked better and feel more realistic instead of playing for what it is (the opening exposition scene in a film).

It's a sign of things to come because the PT is littered with worse examples of blank unnatural exposition.

Hopefully JJ will not have too many scenes like it.


Sometimes I just don't know whether I should take you seriously or not. :)



Story telling uses certain mechanisms but if the mechanism shows it breaks the functioning of the story. Paying no attention to the man behind the curtain is impossible once you notice him.

It doesn't feel real.

Fantasy needs to feel real more than stories grounded in the trappings of reality to compensate for the alienation created by the exotica of the fantastic.

In this respect I'm very earnest.

ROTJ was a shape of things to come (in the SE and the PT).

The ST if it is to work should take it's cue from the naturalistic fantasy of ESB and ANH.


Bingowings said:

The ST if it is to work should take it's cue from the naturalistic fantasy of ESB and ANH.

yes, and while you're at it bring in some of the designers from LOTR, or maybe peter jackson and bring some of that grit and dark fantasy back into star wars.