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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 30


Bingowings said:

Forget lens flares after seeing STID I'm anticipating a Star Wars film filed with Dutch angles.

Hehehee! Sexually Transmitted Infectious Disease. STID.


Mr Sock says :

Mathematically speaking Captain, Star Trek into Darkness does not go.


Shat-ner's Sy-rup sa-ys :



Nice mock up...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Learnt of this a while ago on another forum, and I'm sure I've mentioned it here somewhere? 


Well, that's finally a piece of news on some main member of the crew aside from who's writing/producing/directing.

It's worth noting that Nilo Rodis did the costumes for RotJ several years before doing the costumes for Star Trek 5. I remember seeing those movies when I was growing up and noticing how similar Luke and Kirk's shirts looked in those movies and thinking it was just coincidence or "my imagination."

The biggest question to me remains who will shoot it and how it will be shot.

Abrams has used Dan Mindel on three of his four movies. I'm guessing he would've used him on Super 8 if Dan hadn't been busy shooting John Carter. That one was shot by Zack Snyder's longtime DP Larry Fong (who, it's worth noting, did not shoot Man of Steel).

Abrams has shot all four of his movies - at least primarily - in true cinemascope, just as the OT and TPM were shot. Into Darkness was partially shot in IMAX (the 3D is a post-conversion job, although the cg effects were rendered natively in stereo). I'm sure Abrams will at the very least push for the movie to be shot in true cinemascope. This is of course assuming film stock will still be available to use by the time this starts rolling next year. Not that shooting in digital would be a problem. Certain shots in STID were captured with Red Epic and Arri Alexa cameras. Digital movie camera sensors are finally getting to the point of being able to mimic how 4-perf vertical pulldown 35mm behaves. For example, Arri finally made an Alexa with a full-height sensor for shooting with anamorphic lenses.


He has been sniffing around the Chateau but I don't want any dutch angles or lens flares when I go to the loo.


Cool fan poster:

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Cool fan poster:

That's the best one I've seen so far. Chewy even has grey streaks :-D


I prefer the other one to be honest. The designs feel too prequel influenced whereas the other one felt like the OT sensibility advanced a generation.

Forum Moderator

Hmm, concerning Chewie's gray streaks... He is already 200 years old in the original trilogy, I wonder what the average life expectancy of a Wookiee is, and how old they are before they start turning gray? (Someone is totally going to try to answer that, aren't they?) Chewie has always struck me as still being a bit on the young and reckless side, leading me to assume that Wookiees typically live much longer than 200 years.

I guess I pretty much expect him to look like Chewie from the more recent Chewie promo costumes, this fan poster is the first thing to cause me to consider the possibility of him being an old Wookiee in the new film.


Yeah, Chewie was about 200 in the OT, and it's only been 30 years since Jedi. Let's not make the Wook look like his really old dad Itchy. ;)

Who's the babe in the poster?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Tobar said:

Cool fan poster:


Is it just me, or are Luke's eyes and nose not lined up with the rest of his face?


After seeing STID tonight, my optimism about the direction Star Wars is heading has increased dramatically!


I agree. Regardless about how I feel about the plot of STID, J.J. knows how to direct this kind of movie.

So long as George isn't trying to backseat direct, he'll do just fine. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Plus JJ will have a (hopefully) decent script to work with. Which is important.


thekremlin said:

Mrebo said:

Curious possible casting choice.

The source is The Sun. Probably some writer had one too many at lunchtime and had a bit of space to fill.

Yes I think the important words to note in the article are...







Pinch of salt I fear. Although it could work...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.