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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 158


Yeah, I saw Interstellar in 15/70 in Las Vegas. It was an incredible experience. At the time I thought it was probably the last time I'd ever see a feature film shot and projected on 70mm IMAX film. I'm so glad to see I was wrong!

I don't live in DC but I'm looking at making a trip just to see this. Unfortunately I won't know my December work schedule until mid November. Also I don't know if I'll wind up going to DC or one of the other cities showing it (that may depend on who has tickets left!)


TV's Frink said:

The worst part is the way it repeats.  It's like there was no editor on the show.

 ^genuine LOL

I needed that after all of the sticks in the mud that popped up in this thread. =P

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timdiggerm said:

...do we want to just schedule a trip to the Air & Space? All DC-area OTers?

not opening night, but a little later?

I'm in. I want to meet some of you folk IRL.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


Same goes for the SoCal crowd!  Anyone want to hit up the Chinese while the movie's there, let's make a thing of it.  I hear they're printing it on 70mm for that particular IMAX showing.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

Same goes for the SoCal crowd!  Anyone want to hit up the Chinese



We should probably start a new thread for potential meet ups to see the movie.

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Where were you in '77?


Bingowings said:

Some of the effects are amazing :

That's no special effect... that's a force kick...



imperialscum said:

Bingowings said:

Some of the effects are amazing :

That's no special effect... that's a force kick...

 Shows how far Luke has come as a Force user.


The force also seems to have slowed down, judging by the reaction time...


TV's Frink said:

The force also seems to have slowed down, judging by the reaction time...

No, that's the inertia of the guy's head...



DuracellEnergizer said:

Sorry, but my attention's occupied by Fett's pratfly.

 All that's missing is a Goofy Holler.


TV’s Frink said:

To be more specific, a dog-wearing-a-hotdog-costume costume.

That’s the part that elevates my persistent autonomous sensory meridian response to neuroluminous levels of meta-consciousness.


Just so you guys know as well, there’s a new Japanese trailer that has been posted. I would probably consider it somewhat spoilerier than the previous trailer (there’s a bit more dialogue used in it, and lots of new shots/scenes). So, perhaps it’s not for those who felt even the previous trailer gave too much away. It looked great, though!


I’m reading elsewhere that Amazon has let a big spoiler slip. Not sure how, or if it’s accidental, but beware if you use their site!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I’m reading elsewhere that Amazon has let a big spoiler slip. Not sure how, or if it’s accidental, but beware if you use their site!

If it’s the spoiler I think you’re referencing, it was from a third party vendor and, given some of the circumstantial evidence in the same listing, probably completely fake. Also you’d have to be looking at a photo on some TFA-related puzzle or something to see it.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:

Bingowings said:

Some of the effects are amazing :

That’s no special effect… that’s a force kick…

Shows how far Luke has come as a Force user.

For me it’s the air-swim that really sells the scene far more than Force-kick.



So I just got my plans settled and tickets bought for The Force Awakens opening weekend! Gonna be seeing it via 70mm IMAX on a proper, non-dome, 6 story tall flat screen in Indianapolis!! Super duper excited!

image alt


I still haven’t gotten my tickets. Partially it’s because I might be getting a full-time job soon (it would only be temporary, but still 9 to 5) so I don’t want to get tickets right now for the 70mm on Saturday if it turns out I don’t get the job and end up with nothing to do on Friday. Then I would gladly avoid spoilers for half a day and just see it Friday afternoon in all its IMAX glory.

The Smithsonian also has a ridiculous surcharge just to reserve tickets online, and they don’t even do reserved seating.

I’m also considering meeting up with some out of town friends to go see it, so there’s that to consider as well.

Also, I might not be able to resist just going to see it Thursday night. My sister works just a couple blocks from a Regal with a 7:15 2D showtime that hasn’t sold out yet, and I still have a regal gift card that she gave me. The multiplex closest to where we live (an AMC) isn’t showing 2D until 10.

I’m still waiting to see if the theater that’s technically closest to our house is going to be showing the movie or not. They’re an independent (and technically non-profit) two-screen theater that mostly shows the lower budget and indie fare, but sometimes they show the bigger movies as well. Star Trek Into Darkness was actually the first thing they showed upon becoming DCI-compliant and it looked/sounded amazing.