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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 145


TV's Frink said:

Please to be posting that suggestion in the proper location.

 Please to be writing in intelligible sentences.


I really enjoyed the trailer. The best part was the tiny little ball-bearing droid. Years ago George mentioned that was his concept for R2. 

but Puggo is right, not much to go on with that trailer. However, it was fun to see the iconic Star Wars ships. not sure about the lightsaber. I guess you could says , it's unholy! lol

Remember, Highlander, you’ve both still got your full measure of life. Use it well, and your future will be glorious.


I made a remake of the Episode VII trailer using Destiny.

let me know what you think



It's funny that he thought it ought to be posted in the spoiler thread. :)


Crushingzero said:

I made a remake of the Episode VII trailer using Destiny.

let me know what you think


Posting this once is enough. Continued reposting will be considered spamming the board.

JEDIT: Https links work now? What sorcery is this?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

JEDIT: Https links work now? What sorcery is this?

 Oddly enough, I suggested this be fixed recently.

However, I tested a few other https links and they still don't work.  Sorcery indeed.


RicOlie_2 said:

As I posted in the other thread, I have mixed feelings. Some things I like, others I didn't, much I don't either like or dislike. The closer I looked, however, the more I liked what I saw. It seems there has been much attention to detail, including making things look used. I don't have much of a problem with the silly-looking droid, as long as it doesn't end up being the next Jar Jar. Camera shakes and whatnot are more a product of modern movie-making rather than J.J.'s personal style. I didn't like the voiceover much either, but naturally, that isn't any indication of the final product.

I'm neither excited nor disappointed by the teaser. I expect the movies to have their own style distinct from the PT and OT, but keep true to the OT in some aspects, while not ignoring the PT at the same time. I expect to enjoy the movie, but I think it's safe to say that it will not be a classic. The OT was classic, and it just cannot be done again within the same saga. The expectations and level of cynicism are too high nowadays, and it would be extremely difficult to capture the same balance found in the OT without being accused of copying the OT outright.

 I don't know, some of it still seemed too clean to me.  The whole thing felt like a bit of a fan trailer.  I mean, some of those are pretty high production value, but they aren't the real Star Wars.  That said, it is only a little to go on and could be wonderful.  I just guess I really do belong at this site, where I have certain specific expectations of the Star Wars movies.  The teaser was impressive, but it just didn't feel Star Wars to me.  I hope I'm ultimately proved wrong, and I admit that I very well could be.


Even though it was shot on film, it's not going to look like a film made in the 70's or 80's. Film stocks have changed, and cameras/lenses have changed.

They probably didn't even stick pantyhose over the lens while shooting in the desert. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


timdiggerm said:

SilverWook said:

It's fun to compare and contrast with the teaser for the original. :)


 The trailer just a couple of random images with a creepy voice that doesn't say anything sustantive. There's not enough information to go on, not enough to form any sort of opinion.

Of course it's just my opinion, but I think the earlier trailer conveys a LOT more information than the new one.  Makes it clear that it's an old fashioned battle adventure with good guys, bad guys, romance, with a boy at the center of the story, mixed in with lots of bizarre aliens from other worlds. Watching the newer trailer, I really haven't a clue what Ep.VII is about.

I'm still hoping that it will be great.  At this point in the franchise, there's nowhere to go but up!

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


But it isn't a trailer, it's a teaser trailer. By definition, it's supposed to tease, not give any information about the plot. As such, I think the new teaser does its job fairly well.


I thought it was going to pull my BANGS! and tell everyone I fancy my geography teacher.


RicOlie_2 said:

But it isn't a trailer, it's a teaser trailer. By definition, it's supposed to tease, not give any information about the plot. As such, I think the new teaser does its job fairly well.

 Ok, that makes sense.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


SilverWook said:

Even though it was shot on film, it's not going to look like a film made in the 70's or 80's. Film stocks have changed, and cameras/lenses have changed.

They probably didn't even stick pantyhose over the lens while shooting in the desert. ;)

 This not not necessarily true that the film stock absolutely dictates the shot.  It depends on how the director of photography chooses to make the shot.  Also once the shot is done they can go in and digitally give it any look they want.

For instance, in episode 1 during the final light saber duel, when they first enter the reactor room the whole shot has a smeared light look to it.  Now you could say this is because of the lighting of the reactors but I think it gives the scene a particular 70s look to it.  In the late 70s this smeared light shot (imagine someone smearing Vaseline on a lens to get the idea) was everywhere. I think they processed that sequence as a nice throwback to the real episode 1 from 1977.

Anyways, the live action segments of the trailer might as well have been shot by Michael Bay.  I'm surprised its even done on film as it looks like something done with a Red HD cam or something.  Maybe ep. 7 has a poor DP?


None of the OT films looks exactly like each other. There is stock footage from Star Wars in ROTJ that sticks out every time I see it.

I don't think Bay can hold the camera that still for that long. ;)

As said elsewhere, the teaser probably doesn't represent the actual image quality of the finished film.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Actually, I must say, if you watch the far less compressed iTunes version of the trailer, it looks much more film-like than on YouTube.


Hal 9000 said:

I'm bumping this in the hopes of stirring up some conversation in this thread. I decided to go ahead and join the spoiler-free crowd. 

 After the last day or so I'm migrating to non-spoiler land as well.


I should be so lucky. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?