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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 134


Imrahil said:

timdiggerm said:

by "Jim Hensony" I think he means "cartoony". The cartoony aliens are one of the many things I don't like about ROTJ.


Yeah. This looked like shit. "The Dark Crystal" is okay I guess. Labyrinth was an abomination.

Henson was a neat guy. He wasn't a god. The muppets are massively overrated.  I hope this is a background character and not indicative of the shit we'll see on screen.

 Words fail me. :(

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Imrahil said:

Henson was a neat guy. He wasn't a god. The muppets are massively overrated.  

 *record scratch noise*

Forum Moderator

Anchorhead said:

Tyrphanax said:

Oooh, I'd love to see some sweet Anchorhead action.

 Hey!  I'm not that kind of girl.    ;-)


Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


DuracellEnergizer said:

Imrahil said:

Yeah. This looked like shit. "The Dark Crystal" is okay I guess. Labyrinth was an abomination.


Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it? 

May I watch? I think I'd enjoy it.


Imrahil said:

Henson was a neat guy. He wasn't a god. The muppets are massively overrated.  I hope this is a background character and not indicative of the shit we'll see on screen.

We can't disagree more. :-)

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


I'd like to state, for the record, that I love the Muppets and Jim Henson. The cartoon-ish looks great in certain contexts. Not sure that's the same context as EP7.

Related: This is my favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn49H3O0Jvk

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Labyrinth may not hold up that well but it is more enjoyable to me than Dark Crystal. It has some great stuff but I had to stop midway. I couldn't relate to the main characters, I guess. Labyrinth has Bowie and Connely.. I love `em both so no contest there!


Harmy said:

Sy Snootles doesn't sing in English in the SE. It's still horrible as f*ck, don't get me wrong, but she does sing in an alien language in the SE too.

Goddamnit! Now you had me again watch the abomination that is the musical number in the SE just to see how wrong I was ... Yes you are right, Sy Snootles sings in an alien language.

The chorus girls signing "Ee-ma chay-choo raun"  has always sounded like "ee-ma jedi rock" to me. That must be where I got it from ...

... and what is the in-universe name of the song if not "Jedi Rocks"? ...

Imrahil said: 

Henson was a neat guy. He wasn't a god.

 He ascended to godhood on May 16, 1990.


Darth Lars said:

... and what is the in-universe name of the song if not "Jedi Rocks"? ...

"Lucas Sucks". ;-) 


Episode VII should be dark for two reasons 1.There is a new threat possibly worse than the empire or something 2. This is the long awaited return of a franchise sort of like what Toy Story 3 was like but still with alot of references to the OT to tell us we are still watching a Star Wars movie.

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney


Episode VII should have an appropriate lightness of touch for two reasons:

1. These are family films, and shouldn't be designed to appeal solely to whiny 20-year-olds and

2. RotS demonstrated definitively that 'dark' does not equate to 'good'


Jonno said:

Episode VII should have an appropriate lightness of touch for two reasons:

1. These are family films, and shouldn't be designed to appeal solely to whiny 20-year-olds and

2. RotS demonstrated definitively that 'dark' does not equate to 'good'

RotS wasn't dark, though.


m_s0 said:

Jonno said:

Episode VII should have an appropriate lightness of touch for two reasons:

1. These are family films, and shouldn't be designed to appeal solely to whiny 20-year-olds and

2. RotS demonstrated definitively that 'dark' does not equate to 'good'

RotS wasn't dark, though.

Murdered kids, dead jedi, dead Padme, and barbequed Anakin. And it's the only SW film to date to get a PG-13 rating.

Did we see the same movie? ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


... more lightsaber mutilations than the first two films combined, Palpatine's disfigurement, Anakin strangling his wife...

And hardly of this stuff was even necessary to show. Its nastiness is tonally inconsistent with the other films (though AotC was heading in that direction) and just comes across as bad taste.


Jonno said:

Palpatine's disfigurement

If you ask me Palpatine was enjoying his "disfigurement".


The original trilogy's darkness was more spaghetti western.  They didn't show the sandcrawler massacre or the Owen and Beru firebombing & the emotional weight is focused on.  

Also- Labyrinth was an excellent movie.  It's super campy, but that's OK.  


SilverWook said:

m_s0 said:

Jonno said:

Episode VII should have an appropriate lightness of touch for two reasons:

1. These are family films, and shouldn't be designed to appeal solely to whiny 20-year-olds and

2. RotS demonstrated definitively that 'dark' does not equate to 'good'

RotS wasn't dark, though.

Murdered kids, dead jedi, dead Padme, and barbequed Anakin. And it's the only SW film to date to get a PG-13 rating.

Did we see the same movie? ;)

Oh, it tries to be dark, weighty, even operatic at times, but that's part of the problem: it's trying way too hard and the execution is so abysmal that in terms of impact all of that comes across as - at best - goofy. Never dark.


TV's Frink said:

Jonno said:

These are family films


Yepp, that's a family.


I wonder if the EU ever explained which of the two skeletons were Owen and Beru. ;-)

SilverWook said:

Murdered kids, dead jedi, dead Padme, and barbequed Anakin. And it's the only SW film to date to get a PG-13 rating.

ESB was rated NC-17 over here ...


TK-949 said:

TV's Frink said:

Jonno said:

These are family films


Yepp, that's a family.

 I stand corrected.


Well by "dark" I meant like Return To OZ/The Black Cauldron dark so still a family movie but with lots of darkness but also so humorous scenes like a reference to the trash compactor when the charectors land in something stinky that is the kind of movie I want to see.

What’s worse George Lucas changing the OT or selling the rights to Disney