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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 127


ThiefCobbler4ever said:

Episode VII title revealed! Get ready for Order of The Jedi!:


Oh, that was amusing to read.

You gotta love it when a website no one's heard of hit-whores like this.

As for legitimate rumors, I'm gonna try and avoid reading them so as to remain unspoiled. I don't want a repeat of the prequels, where I'd spoiled every last thing for myself before actually seeing them. It's gonna be a long 19 months, though.


Is it too early to speculate on which lucky movie will get the teaser trailer attached? Lucky in that fans will buy a ticket and leave before the film starts? ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I'm betting it'll be There and Back Again. Just a guess.

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


I'm betting Avengers 2.

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Avengers 2 is near guaranteed a SWVII trailer. The question is whether or not they will release a teaser before then? 

Anyone remember how early the PT teasers landed?


Teasers do end up in front of other studios' films, don't they?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Teasers do end up in front of other studios' films, don't they?

 There are studios that Disney doesn't own?


The mcquarrie art teaser for EMPIRE was with the reissue in august '79, pretty far ahead.


Tobar said:

Interestingly...the teaser for Attack of the Clones ended up in front of Monsters, Inc.

That was the teaser for the teaser (the "breathing" trailer). The first full trailer was in front of Harry Potter.

I doubt we'll see anything until next May at the earliest. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney attaches it to Tomorrowland just as a little added incentive. Avengers 2 is guaranteed to make bank and doesn't need the help. We'll probably see it officially online earlier that week, though. I feel like studios holding off on uploading trailers until the Monday after is becoming a rare occurrence.


twister111 said:

SilverWook said:

We're entering a whole new era of potential misinformation and outright lies,

Urge to spread false Star Wars sequel rumors rising!!!!


 Doctor this photo from Mark's appearance on Jay Leno last year, and your journey to the dark side will be complete! ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Fang Zei said:

That was the teaser for the teaser (the "breathing" trailer). The first full trailer was in front of Harry Potter.

I doubt we'll see anything until next May at the earliest. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney attaches it to Tomorrowland just as a little added incentive. Avengers 2 is guaranteed to make bank and doesn't need the help. We'll probably see it officially online earlier that week, though. I feel like studios holding off on uploading trailers until the Monday after is becoming a rare occurrence.

 I wonder if Disney releases the first Episode 7 teaser/trailer during the Superbowl next February?  You have 100 million people watching, and everyone see the first image of Luke, Leia and Han since 1983!   That would be some serious water cooler talk on Monday at work!


The studios never do superbowl spots for movies hitting any later than August (the halfway point between superbowls). The Super Bowl ad for Signs comes to mind.

Not gonna happen. Huge waste of money for one thing. We didn't see Super Bowl spots for any of the prequels. A new Star Wars movie with "Episode" in the title is so big of a deal that it sells itself.


I already had ladies at a dinner thing I went to last night talking about it. We're reaching maximum saturation 18 months before it comes out.

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Fang Zei said:

Not gonna happen. Huge waste of money for one thing... A new Star Wars movie with "Episode" in the title is so big of a deal that it sells itself.

 Yep, if Disney want to maximise their profits, they won't bother wasting money marketing the film at all and just let the fans do it for them for free (Plus all the gazillion toys that'll be advertised anyway won't escape many peoples notice). But I doubt they are prepared to operate that far outside the box.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


So long as they don't use whoever came up with the John Carter ad campaign. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I remember going to see Enemy Of The State just to see the TPM trailer.


Pretty sure the first TPM trailer was before Prince of Egypt in the UK.


Somebody has to be Major Buzzkill on this I suppose. Someone should archive all the bitter pessimists that will appear between now and when the movie opens. Could be comedy gold. Especially if they change their tune.

I haven't felt this giddy about Star Wars in a long time. Not going to let anyone rain on my parade. :)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Somebody has to be Major Buzzkill on this I suppose. Someone should archive all the bitter pessimists that will appear between now and when the movie opens. Could be comedy gold. Especially if they change their tune.

I haven't felt this giddy about Star Wars in a long time. Not going to let anyone rain on my parade. :)

Well said. I feel the same way.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


What a shitty article. I was expecting to read it and then come here to discuss why I disagree with his argument. But he doesn't even have an argument.


^That's about what I think of it. I got sidetracked reading another article and almost completely forgot I had even read this one because it made no impression on me at all.


It's funny how we're all remembering different movies that the prequel trailers were attached to, partially because we weren't all in the same country. Here in the States, Meet Joe Black and Wing Commander (both Fox movies, of course) got the teaser and theatrical TPM trailers in November of '98 and March of '99, respectively. Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood were how I first saw them, respectively.

Yup, I still remember. Never underestimate the long-term memory of an 8th grader.

My friend and I snuck into The Matrix in early April and they, of course, had attached the TPM theatrical trailer. So I at least got to see that one on the big screen. Probably one of the earliest times I can remember noticing the glare from the house lights on the screen during the trailers. As in, "this would look way better if they just turned them off!."

Then there was that night, I guess it was early May of '99, where I walked into an FAO Schwartz and they had both trailers playing on a loop on the small CRT TV and a Kenner (Hasbro?) Maul saber you could swing around. I didn't want to leave!