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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Saga's End Edition V3 (ARCHIVE) — Page 3


I would love a link to your edit. I honestly didn’t think a fix could be done for episode 9 but I’m very interested to see how yours turned out.


DM sent

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Things are happening. I finished and posted the 4K Leia Training sequence with my own application of the purple saber effect previously and now I’m moving on to Rey using Leia’s saber on Exegol. It’s very tedious but so incredibly rewarding to watch it in full resolution with my own color correction applied as well.

I’ve already upscaled jonh’s force ghosts and am pretty happy with the detail, grain, and color balancing when compared to the 4K source without the additional FX work. I can’t wait to see it all come together with the rest of the purple saber effect and I’ll be posting progress updates here. Stay tuned!

4K Color Corrected Purple Saber - Exegol Pt. 1

Runtime: 0:08
Size: 669.2 MB

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


amobex said:

Things are happening. I finished and posted the 4K Leia Training sequence with my own application of the purple saber effect previously and now I’m moving on to Rey using Leia’s saber on Exegol. It’s very tedious but so incredibly rewarding to watch it in full resolution with my own color correction applied as well.

I’ve already upscaled jonh’s force ghosts and am pretty happy with the detail, grain, and color balancing when compared to the 4K source without the additional FX work. I can’t wait to see it all come together with the rest of the purple saber effect and I’ll be posting progress updates here. Stay tuned!

4K Color Corrected Purple Saber - Exegol Pt. 1

Runtime: 0:08
Size: 669.2 MB

Can you share with me your workflow if you are going in and changing the saber color? I think it would serve a 4K preservation compared to me upscaling the edited scenes made by fan editors.

Which program and model did you use for Topaz for jonh’s force ghosts? I’m assuming you used topaz. Looking forward to what you come up with. Good stuff man


Sure thing! My work flow starts with color correcting the entire 4K source (see this post for reference). Then I upscaled jonh’s force ghost clips with the blue lightsaber as I figured that one had the least amount of processing applied and I like the results I’m getting when adding my own lightsaber effects (using MotionVFX mSaber). My upscale settings are as follows:

  • AI Model: Artemis Medium Quality v13
  • Output Size: 4K UHD
  • Grain: On
  • Amount: 5.0
  • Size: 3.0
  • Video Format: MOV - ProRes 422HQ

Finally, I only slot in the upscaled clips that have actual added VFX and process color adjustments to blend in with the original 4K source as seamlessly as possible. This leaves me (and in the future other editors once everything is uploaded to my share folder) maximum options and flexibility for future editing decisions.


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Thanks for sharing man. I use Artemis Low Quality, though it works better if the scenes are CGI (spaceships). I’m more than happy to share you clips of what I have upscaled if you are interested for comparing with what you have. That’s a super clever idea for upscaling the blue saber clips first for jonh force ghost.

For the motionVFX mSaber, is that a final cut pro plugin?

My goal of my edit for other editor’s scenes are similar to yours, however, I want to keep HDR, so color adjustments to blend them in has been a very tedious process. Sometimes, using final cut pro color match and manual color grading in davinci resolve.


Yeah, no absolutely. I’d love to see what you’re working on. Feel free to DM the links, or post them, or post a link to a post in your thread that has the links already—whichever.

Regarding mSaber, it does appear to be restricted to FCPX or Motion so it won’t work for all workflows. Bummer.

As far as HDR—more power to you. I don’t have the foggiest notion about working with that technological terror (hence my conversion to SDR). I can’t wait to see what you come up with though! Keep me posted.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Here’s my as many frames extended of force ghosts as I can. I realized it’s 1080p, because I didn’t want to upload the 4K on YouTube. But it was from a 4K source and compresses for YouTube uploading.



Hello, having watched Ascendant, I really like the ideas in this edit, can you give me the link to the latest release?


jadenkorr41 said:

Here’s my as many frames extended of force ghosts as I can. I realized it’s 1080p, because I didn’t want to upload the 4K on YouTube. But it was from a 4K source and compresses for YouTube uploading.


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Spectrometer said:

Hello, having watched Ascendant, I really like the ideas in this edit, can you give me the link to the latest release?

Ascendant is wonderful and is also the giant whose shoulders this edit sits on. I absolutely love my take on Rise of Skywalker but it wouldn’t exist without Ascendant and the threads here with people discussing ideas and criticisms.

DM sent and I hope you enjoy.


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Well, I just finished watching the edit and I liked it, although I think there are things that can be improved, here are my thoughts in things I remember:

  • While the original intro on Mustafar was good, starting the film with the Falcon and Sinta Glacier makes these scenes so much more impactful and important, now they serve to present the pace and style of the film, and not just to show a plot point (the Resistance obtaining intel from a spy). So very good decision there.

  • In general I liked the intertwined sequence between Kylo and Rey training, but IMO it creates some confusion on the viewer with Palpatine and Leia: the film shows you Leia’s death and pushes you to mourn her, then immediately cuts to the Emperor reveal; it’s kind of an emotional dissonance, you don’t have enough time to “contemplate” Leia’s death. As these scenes must happen somewhat close, I don’t know if there is an easy way to fix this, but I wanted to point it out.

  • I liked the little trims of jokes, like “they fly now”, now the movie mantains a better balance between humor and seriousness, specially in the first act.

  • I liked that you cut the scene in which Chewbacca appears before the protagonists discover he is alive, it helps to build suspense.

  • One problem I had is with the scene of Hux’s betrayal. Cutting to Rey firing the stormtroopers is fine (even aesthetic), but without the part in which Hux kills the firing squad, the film cuts to him helping the team escape for no reason; you kept the scene in which Finn asks Hux why was he helping them, but it’s still confusing. I hope in V3 you restore that scene of Hux firing the stormtroopers.

  • I have a mixed opinion on the Duel of the Fates theme. On one hand, it adds to the epic feeling to an already good duel, on the other, when the chorus starts it reminds me too much to The Phantom Menace, which makes it seem a little out of place. But this is just a personal opinion, obviously.

  • I think the cut from Finn seeing Rey escape to Kylo thinking in the cliff is a bit disrupting, but I guess there is no way to change it. Likewise, the transition from the Han and Kylo scene to Palpatine issuing orders is too sudden, as Palpatine voice appears before the scene transitions. Maybe you were trying to mirror the prequel style transitions, but in this case I think it cuts Kylo’s scene short. The decision to add the image of the Final Order fleet rising at that point, however, was a good one, it mantained the mystery about Exegol until that point and made its introduction more epic.

  • I really liked all the elements kept from Ascendant (the purple saber, the force ghosts, the final shot).

  • In particular, I loved how you moved the chess/dejarik scene to the end (which now I realize is a change from Ascendant). Final films in a saga usually have these comic reliefs about the characters finally living a normal life after the final battle, and I think that little scene conveys that emotion well.

So, in general, I liked the edit and the ideas behind it, but I think the execution of it (how much to cut, how to place the dialogue lines, how to transition from a “mood” to another) needs more polishing, but I think that is what you are aiming for in V3. Congratulations!


Wow, thank you so much for the awesome feedback! Your kind words and thoughtful criticisms have given me much to consider for when I revisit this cut.


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Glad you liked the review! I said that I’d just write some things and ended up with a super long analysis lol. I hope it serves you well for V3.


Duuuuuude. I’m about half-way through all of my purple saber edits for the 4K release and my FCPX automatically updated to 10.6.6. Unfortunately, the plug-in I use for the effect (mSaber) isn’t compatible. Even worse, this update also updates the libraries so they won’t open in a previous version! I checked with the developer and it’s not as simple as waiting for an update apparently.

I guess my plan right now is to download a demo of a previous version (that shouldn’t overwrite my current application) and try to rebuild just the relevant project. The only catch is the demo only works for 90 days so by hook or by crook these purple saber effects will have to be finished by then. Awesome.

Rant over.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.