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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Saga's End Edition V3 (ARCHIVE) — Page 2


PM sent! Also, I just received delivery confirmation of my new hard drive so I’ll be converting the 4K Rip to ProRes and recreating the edit over the next couple of weeks. If all is successful and the project benefits from the higher resolution I will absolutely make it available assuming whoever requests it already owns the official 4K version. Check this page for updates.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


This sounds really, really interesting! Would love a link!


PM sent!

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Hi, I am defo interested in this 4K version when it becomes available


I’d love a link to your latest version–gonna have to have a TRoS edit view-a-thon at some point and compare all the versions to find my “ideal.”


Quick update: I took a mental break from color correcting/mapping the HDR to SDR because it is tedious and I’m learning as I go. I’ve finally got a decent workflow and will post updates as available. That said…

I know it’s breaking with convention but I had an idea for the trailer music and I will link to it below. Password is fanedit. Enjoy!


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Duo you still have it? 😃

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


I’m resurrecting this project because I finally have the tiniest bit to show for my efforts. Color correction of the 4K HDR (conformed to SDR) raw feed is more than half way complete. I’ve figured out how to do a basic animatic to showcase the difference between the uncorrected 1080p color reference and my project so I’ll include a link below of the comparison clip. I may do a couple more of these over time but my focus now is on completing the color correction so I can undertake my version of the edit.



Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


I like it a lot. One of the first things I asked a lot when looking into these fan edits was, are any of these in 4K? Because I’m so used to the crispness of UHD.

How did you convert from HDR to SDR? Was it a direct rec2020 to rec709? Or did u apply different LuTs over the HDR? And in your new version of this, are u adding/changing/cutting scenes that are different from your previous version?


I’m using the rec2020 to rec709 LUT from the guide I linked to in the project description at the end of my effects chain for final conversion. My starting point in the workflow though has been using Skenera’s LUTs to taste to get a general sense of what each scene should look like. With the RGB Overlay and Luminance graphs up I’ll toggle between the color reference and my workprint and use color curves and color wheel adjustments on a shot-by-shot basis to get the desired grade. It’s very tedious and sometimes I have to mask for troublesome skin tones or wonky lightsaber colors but overall I’m very pleased with the results.

Regarding the final cut list—I currently have a more radical vision in mind as compared to my previous version. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but that’s why I’m doing the grade on everything first in case I decide to do multiple versions or if another editor wants to use the graded 4K workprint as the basis for their edit.

All that said—I still have a ways to go but I am steadily chugging along. Thanks for your interest!

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Just a quick update bump. I’ve listed a showcase link in the top post that will contain all my test edits moving forward. It’s a bit of a sit but Acts I and III I pretty much consider locked for story at this point. I’ve still got some work to do in the middle to make sure nothing contradicts or is missing so that will be the focus of the project for the next stage.

Once that is complete I’ll resume the 4K color grade and ultimately reconstruct with all the necessary changes. Again, I’m doing it this way in case I want to do a different edit in the future as well as to give a basis for other editors so they can work whatever changes they want on the 4K workprint.

Finally, a lot of the ideas required sentence mixing and dialogue re-creation to pull off. If you watch through and notice anything wonky please do not hesitate to call it out. I appreciate your interest and any feedback and as always—cheers!

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Version 2 of The Rise of Skywalker - Saga’s End Edition is officially released in the 1080p format! The 4K color corrected version is ongoing but the more I sat with the footage the more ideas I had and what started as mini test clips evolved into a full-blown edit. The link is available on request.


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


I’d love a chnace to veiw this! I never thought about bringing Leia’s death forward, but that sounds like such a great improvment

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Thanks! I want to be very respectful about the change and I certainly don’t fault anyone who doesn’t find it to their taste but I do think it allows for a better overall story. Also, all credit to SpenceEdit for the original inspiration. Our takes are certainly different but so much of this edit would not have been possible if he hadn’t thought of it first.

PM sent, cheers!

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Now that V2 is released I will be attacking the 4K edition in earnest. I’ve included some still frames that link to short, compressed clips below to give an idea of what it is looking like. I recommend downloading the files for viewing as the further compressed and downscaled versions available in the player are–not great.








Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Hi there! Can I also get a link to your edit? It sounds fantastic!


If you can stomach another TROS edit then check this version out. The major goals of this edit include:

  • Making the Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker more of a coherent experience
  • Giving Leia more of a ‘Star Wars-y’ send off and an earlier exit (nothing but love and respect for Carrie Fisher—I’m just telling a different story)
  • Granting more agency to Rey and Ben in their own story
  • Establishing Emperor Palpatine as a credible threat with an intelligible plan
  • Walking the fine line of introducing original or enhancing existing story lines that won’t obviously break with cannon in future Star Wars installments
  • Making sure the film still has heart and humor when all is said and done. Hopefully it feels more contemplative and intentional but never dour

There’s a lot in this edit that I’m incredibly proud of. I encourage you to check the test clips in the top post to get a sense of what’s different BUT even if some of the plot points aren’t what you’re looking for in an edit I still think you’ll find it a satisfying, thoughtfully-crafted story. AND credit where credit due—a lot of this edit owes it’s existence to Ascendant and the discussion and contributions in that edit’s thread. Thank you all.


Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Here are some comparison test frames from my 4K color-corrected work in progress of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.
I’m trying to dial in the purple saber effect currently.

Note: Each thumbnail is a link to the full resolution file.

Leia - Blue Saber

Leia - Purple Saber

Rey - Blue Saber (no color correction)

Rey - Blue Saber

Rey - Purple Saber

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.



I really like the changes you’ve made here. They definitely sound, as you say, “refined.” (The change with Finn saying “I love you” to Rose, I really like due to the TLJ story, and the shafting I feel she got in this film, and giving that bit of dialogue between Rey and Ben, for example. Also how you handled the First Order/the Final Order stuff. Nice.) I did have one hope that has yet to be taken up by anyone else who has done an edit of this film. What are your thoughts on doing a v3 where Ben lives? I’ve come up with an idea that I think could be done and something I’ll try when I eventually, down the road, ahem, tackle edits, but I love your ideas here and a Ben survival would fit so nicely.


I genuinely appreciate your kind words! Honestly, I’d love to do a ‘Ben lives’ alternate cut someday. His demise in the original cut felt empty but having ghost Ben goes a long way (for me) to making it right since I don’t see Star Wars movies mysteriously reviving him in the future. He is no Palpatine after all.

Realistically though—I have so much that has to be done on my Rise of Skywalker and Last Jedi edits for their 4K final release that it will be a while before I take up alternate cuts. If you come up with something in the meantime—do share. I’d love to see it!

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Here is the training sequence in 4K with both the blue and the purple saber for comparison. It’s mostly hue replacement and masking but for the close up in the end I used the mSaber plugin from MotionVFX as well.

Leia Training - Purple Saber

Runtime - 0:59
Approximately 4.3 GB

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.


Is there supposed to be audio in that training sequence? Otherwise, my device may be defective.


Nope. It’s just a test clip to show what my rendition of the purple saber effect looks like in 4K. Also, just be aware the preview that loads is of lesser quality and if you want to see the full resolution you have to download the 2GB file.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.