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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released) — Page 3


I'd love to watch your trilogy!!! How can I get hold of them? :)


GrandMaster88 said:

I'd love to watch your trilogy!!! How can I get hold of them? :)

 PM sent, though the best answer is fanedit.info.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Been on a SW binge lately and just discovered this fanedit...always have liked your work HAL but it seems I can't find this anywhere.

I'm looking for the 720p version...can anyone PM me and help me out?  It seems signups are closed for myspleen.



PM sent.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


hal9000 when is your the approaching storm v.3 and labyrinth of evil v.3 expected to come out?


Just waiting on a small FX project from someone and I can begin encoding. The first torrent should appear in two weeks, with the rest trickling through as they are encoded.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Hal 9000 said:

The first torrent should appear in two weeks



About that. As always, we'll see.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Finally watched this today, and it is brilliant, just brilliant!

I actually like the original ep3, and yet your edit makes it so much better. It's practically perfect, but I did make a few critical notes during my viewing:

- First of all, there's a blue/purple line on the leftmost edge of the screen throughout the film. I suppose you know this. It's no bother, but it's there..

- During the fighting on the ship (around 13min) things are happening really fast. This especially stands out when the jedi are trapped in the ray shield, and suddenly there's a platoon of battle droids behind this. I realize this is because you've (thankfully) cut away some R2-antics here. Did you also cut away some of Grevious' speech here? The pacing just seems a bit off in these scenes.

And that's it. :P

I'm a bit conflicted about the whole idea about Palpatine changing his appearance during the fight. It doesn't quite explain itself during the film, but I suppose it's better than him doing it to himself through Windu's lightsaber.

I also don't see any need for Qui-Gon talking to either Yoda or Obi-Wan. It's just a confusing bit of information at the end of the movie. What does Qui-Gon want Yoda to do at Dagobah anyways? His voice when he speaks to Yoda was also quite loud, I'd suggest tuning it down a bit if you're still keeping it in v3.

Oh, and I almost forgot. What's your motivation for removing the death star in the ending? The scene is a lot less dramatic when these guys are just enjoying their view of Corusant.. 

Once again, this is just a brilliant piece of editing! Looking forward to your 3rd versions.


I love that Qui-Gon is in the edit. It really helps Yoda's line to Obi-Wan make sense about Qui-Gon being back.


Thanks, man! 

First off, I looked at V2 and I don't see a blue or purple line on the left, at least not during the whole film. Can you post a screenshot? I don't see anything to correct.

Regrettably the pacing and continuity are slightly off in the "ray shields" scene. It's the cost of removing the cartoony R2 antics. We can assume they round up R2 offscreen. It'd be nice for an alternative way to see them get captured. 

Palpatine's face melting never amounts to anything in ROTS. He doesn't ever seem to react to the change at all, as if he is not surprised. He tells the Senate it was the result of his assassination attempt, but LOE recasts that as a lie. This way Sidious drops his facade and confidently shows Anakin his true form. LOE's depiction is no more problematic than ROTS, but neither really add up. Admittedly, this change is ideal for edits that either remove Sidious from 1 and 2 or darken his face. 

I think Qui-Gon's voice gives Yoda's mention of him to Obi-Wan some context. I can't cut it because I already cut so much of that scene and it needs to have some content to feel right. (The only way to make you believe they discussed Padme is to imply that Yoda's first line is the end of their conversation.) Plus, it gives us our only scrap of an explanation about why no Jedi in the PT disappear (or, why OT Jedi disappear). The Liam Neeson dialogue from Clone Wars with appropriate Star Wars terminology was too good to pass on. I'll check the volume, though.

The Death Star was totally unnecessary in Ep2 and Ep3, and contributes nothing other than a hamfisted way to shove OT imagery into the PT. If it worked itself into the story in a meaningful way, that'd be something different. Removing it also avoids awkward questions about why it took so long, compared to DSII. Episode III shows the prequels very quickly and awkwardly morphing into the OT: The Republic falls in a day, most of the Jedi are wiped out in a few hours, Anakin is dropped into a fully-designed Vader suit, the Emperor metamorphosizes into his wrinkly ROTJ self, etc. By replacing the Death Star with something else, it's one less offense in that regard. 

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


are you also going to edit the qui gon dialog in the clone wars mortis trilogy eps?



I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Blueish/purple line here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvilbew3rod6ke2/Purple.png?dl=0

You'll probably have to download it and zoom in, you'll notice some purple pixels along the leftmost edge. This is the 720p version that I got through jDownloader.

After reading your post I can't help but agree with you on all points. Still, I don't think it's a stretch that they're using 20 years to complete a moon-sized fully armed and operational battle station. :)

What changes are you making to v3? This version is after all pretty darn perfect.


I see the purple line you're talking about. It's extremely subtle. I can't find any reason for it, though the encoding process for V2 of LOE was less than ideal. It should not be a problem now that my workflow has been fixed, but I'll keep a sharp eye on that in the results. 

About V3 changes, most of them are described here: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Star-Wars-Episode-III-Labyrinth-Of-Evil-Finished/post/727517/#TopicPost727517

There's a few more things, like removing another instance where Obi-Wan addresses R2 by name, and other tiny tweaks. 

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


jedimasterobiwan said:

are you also going to edit the qui gon dialog in the clone wars mortis trilogy eps?

 Goddamn you have a hard on for the clone wars show.  Why not do it yourself?


I agree.  I used to wish that someone would make this or that edit of a film and never see it so I rolled up my sleeves and figured out how to do it.  If you want something done your way badly enough then make it happen - yourself.


While waiting for the aforementioned FX package, I'm wrestling with whether to even use it at all.

It's about Mace Windu's lightsaber; another user is in the process of recoloring it to blue. It always seemed slightly silly to me that Sam MF'ing Jackson was the only character to have a differently-colored saber. He was depicted with a blue saber pre-2002, and I think leaving it as blue would have been a better decision when making AOTC.

Now, 12 years later, I have a decision about what to do with it in my edit. Someone is doing the actual work either way, so I can either profit by this or be destroyed let it be. I think for the films on their own it would be a positive change, but it does come at the cost of causing superficial visual continuity errors with other Star Wars media like the Clone Wars series or EU novels. 

Bah, what am I saying? It's worth it. Like I said, it's a superficial continuity issue. But that's the FX package I'm waiting on before I can encode and release Eps 2 and 3. 

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


What about releasing two versions - one with a purple Windu saber, one with the new blue one - simultaneously? Like, v3A and v3B ... or something.

Just a thought.


That option easily adds six weeks of time to the process. I'd really rather there just be one. The not-all-that-different V2 will still be around if one prefers the purple.

EDIT: Perhaps releasing just a 1080p version with the purple saber would be a good option. Blue is the preferred release, but one could snatch and reencode the 1080p purple version if they desire. May as well begin encoding it while I wait.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I'd also like to open the floor for last minute ideas about dialogue for the medical droid. The idea is to communicate that Padme is injured in such a way that she will die a few years down the road. 

Currently the droid says, "She has sustained severe injuries. She will survive, but she may never fully recover." 

It needs to be a sentence or two. I'll re-record if a better phrasing or way of saying it is presented. Otherwise it's fine as is. Just thinking of anything that can be spruced up before V3 is locked.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Hal 9000 said:

I'd also like to open the floor for last minute ideas about dialogue for the medical droid. The idea is to communicate that Padme is injured in such a way that she will die a few years down the road. 

Currently the droid says, "She has sustained severe injuries. She will survive, but she may never fully recover."

Although your current wording leaves it open-ended enough to tie-in with what Leia infers in ROTJ, here's a possible alternative that's equally open-ended, but leans a little more to the possibility of her untimely demise -

Perhaps the medical droid could instead say "She has sustained severe injuries.  We do not know how long she can survive." 

Or something similar such as "She has sustained severe injuries.  It's uncertain how long she can survive."

Or something equally similar such as "She has sustained severe injuries.  We cannot say how long she will survive."

Just a thought you may or may not prefer, seeing as you asked.


Either way, I look forward to checking out your trilogy versions eventually.  Although I have very fixed versions of my own in mind where a lot of scenes are concerned, I'm always interested in what others choose to do. 

I see that you're intending to alter the colour of Windu's lightsaber.  Good stuff, as I know that adywan is intending to change the colour too, and that's something I'm looking forward to seeing eventually. 

Just as an aside, the *other* colour change to a lightsaber that I really loved was in bobgarcia74's preview clip for his Episode III: Reign Of The Dark Side edit...where he changed Anakin's blade to RED instead of blue for his duel with Obi-wan.  Personally, I think it looks terrific compared to the blue on blue fighting of the original. 

Yes, I know that some will say that having the same colour of blade 'symbolises' the tragedy that they were 'Jedi brothers-in-arms' to begin with, but it sure brings a more visually-stiking look to the shots as far as I'm concerned - and I look on Anakin as already being very set on his dark path by the time that Padme gets choked by him anyway - going by George's direlogue anyway - so a 'Sith'-like colour change to his blade (for *whatever* reason) is fine by me at this point.

But doesn't that contradict the fact that Obi-wan then tells Luke years later that his father wanted him to have his lightsaber one day...and it turns out to be BLUE in STAR WARS:ANH?...

Simple, Obi-wan *lied* for a start as far as I'm concerned.  I don't recall Anakin mentioning any such thing to Obi-wan in the first place...and seriously doubt that it would be something he would have even given a moment's thought about 'offscreen' at the time either...considering his wife was still *secretly* pregnant, and the fact that he had bigger issues on his mind at that point, such as galaxy-wide domination... 

Therefore, due to Obi-wan's 'twisting of the truth' in ANH which suited his mission intentions at the time...I'm happy to imagine that he could also easily have given Luke *any* old lightsaber that he happened to have in his belongings at that time, which happened to have a *similar-looking* hilt to the one he picked up in ROTS...but which happened to be blue...

OR...if it was indeed the *actual* RED one that he picked up in ROTS, that he'd merely fiddled about with it at some point during the years so that it wasn't a 'Sith'-colouration anymore! This is my preferred option, by the way. ;)


That seems pretty convoluted, and personally there was never a question about what color Anakin's saber would be. It's the saber that went to Luke, therefore it is blue. Introducing a red saber through fan editing adds a host of questions that need rationalizations, as you demonstrated. 

Two other minor saber FX I wouldn't mind would be to give Plo Koon a yellow saber and Ki Adi Mundi a purple one, matching their pre-2002 depictions and implying the possibility of other saber colors out there while keeping the vast majority the standard blue or green. Their two sabers are only onscreen in AOTC for about twenty seconds, plus Ki Adi Mundi's death scene in ROTS.

Thank you for the dialogue suggestions, sir. I quite like the third one; it sounds medically professional. I'll try recording it several times. As long as I can convince myself that one of the takes is okay, I'll put it in. Its rough to use my own voice. A commentary is one thing, but it's gotta be up to snuff if it's gonna be in the actual movie.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


One saber color change I wouldn't mind would be Dooku's, especially if you've removed direct references to his Darth Tyranus/Sith alter-ego. It would help make him a more complex character, and make you think on a re-watch that maybe his conversation with Obi-Wan in hover-jail was him being 100% honest, and maybe the separatists were actually the *good* guys...

Of course, this breaks continuity with The Clone Wars even more than changing Windu's saber color does.

(I'm also all for yellow sabers. I got a little over-excited during season 3 of TCW when Ahsoka lit up her second lightsaber ... and it was yellow! So happy yellow lightsabers are canon, and I'd love to see more of them.)