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Padme's grave - is it mentioned in the EU / novels?


Just curious-

In any of the EU stuff do Luke and Leia visit or attempt to visit their mother’s grave? Do they ever show any curiosity towards the person their mother was? One would they might like to know…

Luke spends a lot of time during the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy searching for evidence of his mother. He comes across a woman who says she knows of his mother's people. She is one of them, but their society disappeared. She leads him along for most of the 3 books.

Her people are near-humans and they possess knowledge of what they call the...White Current(?), not unlike the Force.

He eventually finds she's been using him to find her people and that his mother was never one of them. Dead end.
Interesting. Thanks!

BTW, did any EU authors writing after the release of TPM incorporate any PT stuff in general into their works or do most of them stick pretty clear of the PT? (I'm talking novels set *after* ROTJ here)
huh i dont get it, are you asking if authors wrote anything from the PT era before TPM and after ROTJ?

Originally posted by: Shimraa
huh i dont get it, are you asking if authors wrote anything from the PT era before TPM and after ROTJ?

No Shim, I'm asking if- after the PT (or parts of it) came out from 2001 onward or whatever, did anyone write anything either involving Luke and Leia wondering about their mom OR in general did authors use stuff introduced in the PT in their books. In other words do Gungans show up somewhere or do Leia's mention Qui-Gon or something like that.
oh ic, well they do kinda, the PT book rogue planet is the preamble to the entire NJO series.
I havent read the book, but I know theres one where Leia and Han (or Luke... somebody) goes back to Tatooine and do some research about Anakin. They find out about his mother, and Anakin's massacre and how that related to Beru and Lars.... honestly, I don't remember how that all worked out in the PT myself...

Is Lars still related to Obi Wan, or was that idea scratched when AOTC came out???
That novel is Tatooine Ghost, but I've read very little of it so far (the beginning kinda plods along.)

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

yeah i been thining of reading it, is it no good.
The problem with such a tale is that it would be retelling the prequels a little too much. You'd need to have an alternate take on Anakin's actions through an interesting character to make it fresh enough to bother with.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

thats true. but the telling of anakins tale from a different prospective would be very interesting i think.
Tatooine Ghost literally takes place in like three days, and suffers because the author has to force their story into already pre-established continuity, mainly the relationship between Han and Leia. While it does have some interesting scenes (Leia discovers vid footage of Anakin and Shmi), ultimately it's forgettable.
Which is the more foolish, the fool (the OT) or the fool who follows (the PT)?

"Stay back, or Mr...Fett gets it!"