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Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released) — Page 7


I actually agree about the deathsticks exchange, and I do like Hal’s edit, but I just think he leaves in too many lines of dialogue that I know my group will have no tolerance for “That creep is gonna end up deep fried!” “So have you, grown more beautiful I mean” “You’ve come to the right place at the right time” “Dear!”, the silly lines from the techno union/banking clan etc. My preferred edit would probably be a sort of middle-ground between the two. I also think the way L8wrtr approaches the romance progression works better than the day-for-night kiss.


L8wrtr’s edit has some of the most unpolished editing I’ve seen in a fanedit. He also leaves in Anakin confessing to murder.

Not enough people read the EU.


How so? I consider L8wrtrs and Hals to be equal (although I prefer Hals episode III ending much better)


L8wrtr’s audio cuts are very unpolished, though HAL’s are smooth and reletively unnoticable.

Not enough people read the EU.


Personally, I think the Anakin confessing to murder scene, while incredibly poorly executed, has a purpose. A key part of Padme and Anakin’s relationship dynamic is that it’s dysfunctional. She’s an enabler of his behavior. While I think the literal admittance to killing kids and Padme’s acceptance is ridiculous, I think too many fan edits, including L8wrtr’s and Hal’s, go too far to remove the dysfunctional aspects of the relationship. To see how this can be written well and how it adds to the characters, check out the Rush Clovis Arc in Season 6 of the Clone Wars.


Hey sorry to bother you, but I’m new to this whole “fanedit” thing…I found downloading The Despecialized Editions fairly easy (torrents) and i really wanted to project them along with your fan edits before i went to see The Force Awakens… but i don’t know how to download them, could yo tell me how thanks fro your time.

Now, May That There Force Be with y’all… Ya Hear.


Hate to be that guy but extracting isn’t working for me. I’ve tried archive utility (Mac) and unrarx, but I’m getting error messages on both. Am I using the wrong program? Why aren’t the files rars?


DominicCobb said:

Hate to be that guy but extracting isn’t working for me. I’ve tried archive utility (Mac) and unrarx, but I’m getting error messages on both. Am I using the wrong program? Why aren’t the files rars?

I’m not sure why that’d happen. What errors are you getting? Make sure none of the files are missing, too.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

DominicCobb said:

Hate to be that guy but extracting isn’t working for me. I’ve tried archive utility (Mac) and unrarx, but I’m getting error messages on both. Am I using the wrong program? Why aren’t the files rars?

I’m not sure why that’d happen. What errors are you getting? Make sure none of the files are missing, too.

Oh wow. Just drafted a whole PM with the errors I’m getting and what I’m doing, then I realized that for whatever reason JDownloader only downloaded about half the files needed. Oops! Thanks anyway.


I might have spoken too soon. I’ve downloaded all the files (31 for 720p, right?). Getting some sort of error about there’s no file or directory for “Ep1 - Cloak of Deception 720p.” Anyone else extracted this on a Mac? Not sure what I’ve done wrong.


Hi, I’m very new to fan edits so please bare with me. I downloaded the 720p version of this edit from the links provided at fanedit.info, Got about 20 minutes into the film and decided that this deserves to be watched on my home system rather than my macbook - so decided to start downloading the 1080p Blu Ray compliant MKV version.

After downloading it’s seems that I’m missing one part to complete the .Rar archive (specifically “Ep1 - Cloak Of Deception 1080p.zip.002” filesize: 250mb). Now; again I’m new so please forgive me if I’m being obvious.

The link for the aforementioned missing file is: https://mega.nz/#!SExkgQLC!jlNuFTTvW3vYz9ZwoWwW751qPNA-d2hui1WvghyrxpM

So my questions are:
Firstly, are the links available from the .dlc file on the fanedit.info site the official release as signed off by Hal9000 - or mirror’s that some random person has uploaded to mega.nz?

Is this a known issue and we’re just waiting for a re-up of the missing file?

Finally - is there an alternative link where I can access the missing file from?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your patience.


Talking about download sources and problems in that great of detail in the open is not a good idea. Posting a direct mega link, working or not, is strictly against the rules. You can ask the same question (i.e., is part x missing or corrupt) without violating the rules.

I don’t know anything about the specific download you’re talking about, but that site is used for distribution by editors and not random folks.


Thanks for the heads up - wasn’t aware of the restrictions/rules, but to be fair I suppose that all makes perfect sense (it won’t happen again).

To redirect then, as quite a few queries were answered in your reply (thank you for that) - There might be a missing part for the 1080p version of this edit. I’ll post back if I figure out if it’s an error on my end.

again, thanks for the patience.


Yeah, that file appears to be missing in action… for some mysterious reason. I’m re-zipping and will re-up the 1080p version, however, the .info guy takes a while to list it. Until then, anyone who sees this can PM me for help.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I second this. I can get on board with it - it’s never fully explained. Maybe midichlorians are present in the blood of those who are force sensitive as a biological side effect to being surrounded/susceptible to the force? It’s not THE force, just a footprint left in the wake of force activity.


Regardless, they overcomplicate things. Maybe they’re not as iredeemable as some make them out to be (I’ve heard they’re used well in the book Darth Plagueis), but it just feels cleaner to leave them out since they’re essentially a non-sequitir.


Hal 9000 said:

Yes, and they’re a way to artificially make Anakin seem special.

how does make him worse than he already is? it doesn’t seem like that a big deal to me.


jedimasterobiwan said:

Hal 9000 said:

Yes, and they’re a way to artificially make Anakin seem special.

how does make him worse than he already is? it doesn’t seem like that a big deal to me.

It doesn’t so much make the character worse as make the story worse. It’s a cheap device McGuffin to propel him into the story that has no basis or pay off (in the films). Put a bad character together with a lazy story device, rather than writing even an excuse of a character motivation for them, doubly sucks for the film over all.

Thinking the unthinkable indeed.