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Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released) — Page 39


Passed that along. 😃

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


May I receive a link to the Google Drive? Thanks in advance!


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I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


PM sent

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


If I quit saying “PM sent” every time, just assume I sent one.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Hello! Please could you share the link with me?


anakinskywalker said:

Hi does anyone have version 5 and version 6 of hal 9000 edits

Not all of them even have that high of a version number. If you look on the Google Drive, they are up to date. PM me if you need the link.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I’m listening side by side and I can’t tell a difference.

But that is my least favorite audio moment, that whole sequence removing Anakin from the cockpit.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


yeah, this is one of the few moments the audio transition stuck out to me too. it sounds like the rhythm is aligned, but the downbeats aren’t aligned so it feels like there’s an extra or missing beat(s).

And I agree with hinvention that it’s pretty amazing that this is probably the biggest flaw I could find in your edit.


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I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I just watched this again for the first time in a few years. I really enjoyed it, and I watched it with some people who didn’t even know it was a fanedit, and they had no complaints. You’ve done a very good job with this less-than-perfect source material.

I’m not sure you ever plan on working on this again, but I did notice two things that I wanted to bring to your attention in the edit. My first gripe is the fact that the “force speed” scene in the beginning of the movie is still in - IIRC you had it removed in a previous version, so I would be curious to hear your ideas about this and why you kept it in this edit. The second point is even more nitpicky. There’s a single transition that was a bit jarring to me, it’s in the middle pod-racing sequence at around 47:27, there’s something about pacing here that seems off - like the shot after the transition isn’t supposed to start there, if you know what I mean. Maybe it was like this in the original film, honestly I’m not sure.


Thanks for the kind words, and it’s always the best feedback to hear about someone seeing one of these and not noticing anything.

The Force speed was never removed from prior versions, and has been there all along. It’s a fair issue with the original film, but I never tackled it as such.
The second thing is indeed something altered. The snippet where Anakin pulls alongside Sebulba only to get flamed was added after being upscaled from the DVD deleted scenes reel. In that reel, a snippet of Tusken Raiders shooting at Jawas was set between those two shots.

To me the prequels are very much finished products at this point, so I don’t foresee going back yet again. Seven versions is enough for me, I’m pretty sure.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I watched this edit yesterday, and I found it fantastic. The duration is perfect, less Jar Jar and less Gungan. I really liked that you cut a lot of stupid childish gag and podracers scene is more interesting and not bored. The original scene was too long. I’m working on the Italian audio track (I’m Italian), because this is how Episode 1 should be. And I think I will watch also episode 2 and 3. I have also worked on episode IX Italian track.


I can’t bring myself to watch this trilogy with my family (we’ve watched all the other movies). May I get some GD Love? Thanks to all that put effort into this!


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I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


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I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.