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should I get the GOUT?

Hey, I was wondering guys, that although the official release of the OOT is non-anamorphic, I am quite emo when it comes to preserving the OOT and, as many of you know from my posts, doubt the OOT ever being released ever again. So should I avoid this DVD and give up on SW forever, or should I do otherwise?
Originally posted by: generalfrevious
Hey, I was wondering guys, that although the official release of the OOT is non-anamorphic, I am quite emo when it comes to preserving the OOT and, as many of you know from my posts, doubt the OOT ever being released ever again. So should I avoid this DVD and give up on SW forever, or should I do otherwise?

If you have a 4 x 3 TV, then I would definitely buy it if I were you. If you have a 16 x 9 TV, then it depends on how much you are stickler for quality. If you want a great quality presentation on your HD Widescreen TV, avoid this at all costs, if you don't mind a grainy, soft, sometimes blurry image to enjoy the OOT, then I would buy it.
I'm facing the same dilemna myself. I realize that if Lucas really did release this in intentionally bad quality with serious plans to just roll out the expected treatment for them the very next year, that it would be some kind of a record in the dvd industry for how quickly a bad release was followed by a much better one, but I just can't shake the feeling. My logic is, all LFL would have to say is that the next dvd release officially isn't happenning, at least not this year. However, they haven't said anything. It's so simple that something has to be amiss. That and, well, I just can't justify spending 60 dollars on laserdisc transfers .... even if it is Star Wars.
If you do not own it and intend on having a preservation project, then yes, you should buy it. Just because it isn't great doesn't mean it isn't good. More importantly, it's the right thing to do.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
well then, I need to sell off my current SW DVDs, I mean, I could save 20 bucks for the bad transfer, but people pay hundreds of dollars for bootlegs of Inchon, dont they?
At this point you might just want to hold off until Celebration IV, in the unlikely event that some other OOT-related release is announced.
screw that, there not that expensive,and if you make them anamorphic yourself and do a little cleanup on them they look a shitload better than any LD rip to date.
I love this set,sure a cleaned up version would be nice,but I am happy to wait now.
I won't buy them.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Yes, but you own the Laserdisc version. It makes sense for any laserdisc owner not to buy them because the transfer is exactly the same. I understand and agree with all LD owners boycotting the GOUT DVD. But for those who haven't purchased it in any format (and IMO who purchased it on VHS) you should ante up for the official set.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
You know, anyone reading the title of this thread who isn't a Star Wars fan, would think it was a mighty strange question. Sure, drink a lot, sit around, eat a bunch of hamburgers, and eventually you've got gout!

But seriously, how would anyone who's a crazy enough SW fan to be on this forum, have the willpower NOT to buy it?

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Originally posted by: Puggo - Jar Jar's "Yoda"
But seriously, how would anyone who's a crazy enough SW fan to be on this forum, have the willpower NOT to buy it?

Somehow, I've found a way to control myself. It's saving 60 dollars versus having some of the greatest movies ever made finally on dvd but only technically as they are from laserdisc masters and not dvd masters as the vast majority of movies on D-V-D are. If I buy it today and then in a few weeks find out they are getting, you know, the actual expected level of treatment later this year, I'll be kicking myself. Seriously, unless I keep them sealed in their plastic and somehow retain their status as collector's items, I will pretty much have thrown away 60 dollars. I don't need people at TF.N reminding me that no one is holding a gun to my head in order to realize it for myself, but to echo words of wisdom from another message board, Lucas really seems to be going out of his way to make things difficult for the fans.

This crazy theory came to me yesterday. What if the '04 release really was nothing but a hype up for ROTS? Think about it, especially considering the prequelizing changes that weren't made to the movies until that first dvd release (Hayden, Ian, Temuera's voice, etc). I mean, it's bad enough that LFL had to pull the mother of all poser moves and basically release an official bootleg, but maybe they'll continue this trend and some good will come of it if and when a remaster is released.
I have the willpower not to get it as well. I have my VHS tapes to say that I own the movie, but I won't buckle to LFL's will until the release the original Star Wars Trilogy in the way that it deserves.
The OOT deserves the best treatment possible. We all agree on that. But to not buy the GOUT, and coninue to watch them on crappy VHS, you have no right to fuss over what Lucas has done with this recent release of the GOUT. This is because the GOUT looks better than most VHS versions, so how can you gripe about the quality of the GOUT and then watch a VHS version and be happy? It sounds like a double standard to me. This is just an off-hand statement of my oppinion not directed at anyone in particular.

Yet laserdisc does not look that good on a modern TV set, that's the gripe. At least for VHS it was in the standard quality of that time, not of several years ago.
I bought the original trilogy close to 11 years ago. To tell me that I should buy a version of the film that is barely even passable as DVD quality for today's market (instead using a technology some 15 years old) won't cut it. I'll pass, thanks.
Originally posted by: generalfrevious
Hey, I was wondering guys, that although the official release of the OOT is non-anamorphic.....

I have it on laserdisc and VHS. However, I bought it for ease of viewing. The picture is better than the other two versions, it's much smaller than a Laserdisc, more stable than a VHS, and I can watch it on the large TV\entertainment area, the smaller TV in a spare bedroom, or if I can't sleep and feel like watching it at 2:00 AM without waking up the whole house, I can watch it on my computer. I can also take it on really long flights and watch it on a laptop.

It's current technology media-wise, it will play nearly anywhere, and it's easy to take along (small, thin, weighs nothing, etc). In fact, I need to put those other copies on ebay. I'll never watch them again.

I wasn't going to take some sort of stand against a non-anamorphic release or send some sort of message to Lucas by not buying it. I'm not concerned with what Lucas thinks - I'm concerned with my ability to watch Star Wars. Now I can watch a better version than I had before and I can do it more easily.

Forum Moderator
IMO, anyone who doesn't want to buy it on principle, why cheat yourself out of more enjoyment? If someone thinks they are crap and can't stand the quality, I can't argue with that, but if anyone is on the fence, and does feel you will get a better product then what you already have now, I still say buy it.

The one thing I never do in SW-ville is worry what George Lucas thinks of us. When I bought the OOT DVD last September, I didn't think, "George is laughing all the way to the bank on this one!" I bought it cause I only had crappy bootlegs that always froze up, and atleast these were a slight better quality, and I knew I could watch my favorite movies straight through for 2 hours. It is like buying a car, you walk out of the dealership and whether you got a fair deal or not, you always feel like they didn't give you the best deal, but you still have to drive to work each day.

Don't let George Lucas sway your decision, if it will bring you the slightest more enjoyment then what you have now, buy it, if you don't think it will, then pass.
"IMO, anyone who doesn't want to buy it on principle, why cheat yourself out of more enjoyment?"

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm just amazed and annoyed at how Lucas completely ignored this opportunity, and tried to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. I'm also not impressed with the screwed-up audio. Both DVDs are an embarrasment, and the surprising lack of sales has finally made LFL take notice. Had I and many others ignored principle and bought them, Lucas never would have noticed. Wouldn't surpise me if the 30 year box was stopped because someone finally talked sense to Lucas.

Or maybe they've just grown so inept in home video releases that the 30 year box was just considered too much of a bad joke. I dunno, but I'm not waiting around to see what kind of feces Lucas is willing to slap a Star Wars label on next. I'm gonna do what he can't, and that gives me a much better feeling.

" Yes, but you own the Laserdisc version. "

True, but it's not been hooked up to a tv in a long time. Meanwhile, I just watch the X0 files right off the hard drive.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Get the GOUT DVD's. They aren't that expensive, and the video quality is better than the lasers. It has better color and more detail, not by a huge margin, but it is better. Plus you don't have to get up and change out discs. The audio quality is another question though, the lasers PCM leaves the DVD's dolby 2.0 in the dust.
One of the main reasons I became a member here,asides from being so impressed by the dedication of the work being put out here,was that i got thoroughly sick of the bullshit efforts that have been pumped out by LFL recently and the endless editions and cash-cow treatment that the OT has been given.No way am I shelling out any more money for the OT.LFL have gotten enough of my money down the years on one version or another of the movies and to release ANOTHER set a mere eighteen months after the four disc set (which I bought) was just taking the piss.When LFL put out a set that has the effort and thought put into it that some of the ones that can be seen here have then I will buy the OT again.

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Originally posted by: MeBeJedi

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm just amazed and annoyed at how Lucas completely ignored this opportunity, and tried to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. I'm also not impressed with the screwed-up audio. Both DVDs are an embarrasment, and the surprising lack of sales has finally made LFL take notice. Had I and many others ignored principle and bought them, Lucas never would have noticed. Wouldn't surpise me if the 30 year box was stopped because someone finally talked sense to Lucas.

I agree the whole way Lucas has handled the DVD releases, even dating back to April 2000, and only releasing TPM on VHS at first left me ??????????????? I used to get mad at Lucas, and grinded my teeth at how out of touch the man is with the fanbase, but I finally told myself to put my personal bias aside and just enjoy SW on my own terms.

Now I am still not saying everyone should buy this set, cause if you own an HDTV, it is even more noticeable on how bad the transfers are. But if you are on the fence, and just want to watch SW, ESB, and ROTJ without all the new additions in better quality then what you have, I say buy it.

The numbers are already in on this release, and whether it sells a couple of more copies 7 months after the release will not determine what Lucas does in the future. I mean the 2004 DVD were the #1 seller that year, so why should Lucas think that anyone would want to the OOT on DVD by those numbers? But he still did, albeit inferior quality, so the suits up at Lucasfilm know what the fans want, it is whether they are smart enough to put something out that people like.
"even dating back to April 2000, and only releasing TPM on VHS"

Don't forget the TPM LD, released only in Japan. WTF?!?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Remember that essential principle as to why this website exists: Lucas wants to remove any memory of the OOT at any cost, even though his "vision" is greatly inferior to the OOT.