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Star Wars: Clone Wars contradictions to canon


So obviously the 2D Clone Wars series is no longer part of the Star Wars Official Canon. But I was wondering what direct contradictions there are with the canon?

I’m pretty sure Ventress’ meeting with Sidious and Dooku contradicts the 3D Clone Wars show, but I’m not sure about any others.


Well the only one off the top of my head is that Grevious, for the most part, is much more formidable than his 3D Clone Wars counterpart.

Although no longer canon, I always thought how the two shows fit in quite well if you think of it this way:

2D Clone Wars (Season 1) ->

3D Clone Wars (all seasons) ->

2D Clone Wars (Season 2)

Season 1 has Anakin right after Attack of the Clones as a padawan. Still very immature, rebellious, whiny and has the same hair style. Once he deafeats Ventress and matures a bit more after learning his lesson, than his personality and looks changes more to his 3D/Revenge of the Sith appearance.

Then you jump to the 3d series. He trains Ahsoka, goes through all his ordeals for the entirety of the 3D Clone Wars Series, and then after Ahsoka has left the Jedi Order you have 3D Clone Wars ending, and you jump right into season 2 of the 2D series and it surprisingly feels natural since Ahsoka is gone, and leads right into Revenge of the Sith.

The only problem is Dave Filoni has already mentioned how the events right before Revenge turn out differently than in the 2D series, with Anakin instead lending Rex and some of the 501st to Ahsoka to help liberate Mandalore, complete with custom Ahsoka painted clone armor as a surprise and then he leaves off to help save Palpatine.

That alternate take by Filoni is kinda pseudo canon just because we have not seen it happen in any form of media yet. Personally, I think it is a bit much, with the whole Ahsoka themed clone troopers and freeing Mandalore from Darth Maul thing, it just reeks of fan service to the highest extent. Like why is she leading a clone army after leaving the jedi in the first place? I dunno, I always preferred the 2d series so maybe I am biased.


I don’t consider the 3D series to be in my personal canon because of how much it contradicts Revenge of the Sith, so I’m fine with just having the 2D series and the Republic comics from the early 2000s being what I think happened during the Clone War. Perhaps when I read them, the old Clone Wars books (from 2003-04) will become part of my personal canon as well.

Don’t mistake that I love the 3D show, but I don’t think it fits into canon or legends timelines.

Not enough people read the EU.