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//Star Wars Begins\\: HD Version Now on Vimeo — Page 30


I was wondering as well. The redlettermedia one caught my eye...


@____ is towards a specific user.

#____ is towards a topic.

The key with twitter is to get other people to do the whoring for you.  Otherwise it's just you at the street corner on a box yelling into the wind.

That tweet Jambe mentioned earlier (but didn't include who it was from) was Kyle Newman (director of Fanboys movie) who has been pimping BE and RtJ, since he saw it.  Twitter is all very cliquey.  But what's great for Jambe is Newman is twitter buds with people like Katie Lucas, Bonnie Burton and the inner LFL web-core.  But of course at any time anyone can use #starwars and reach a large mass of SW fandom.  and that's part of the power of twitter and why it gets 'good' press.


How can I get my hands on this goodie ? :-)


pittrek said:

How can I get my hands on this goodie ? :-)

Please read page 1.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Jambe Davdar said:

It was initially released to in late Jan 2011 those who contributed to the project and finally to everyone else in Feb 2010.


I assume you mean this ;-) Sucks that everyone else has to invent time travel to get hold of this :-p


TV's Frink said:

Thank god I just finished my machine! ;-)



Can't wait to watch this. Are you providing a list of sources with it?

Essays, videos and thoughts on the inspiration behind Star Wars.


Well after days and days of errors, crashes, disconnected media, rendering issues, dozens of failed DVD's and general woe, I have finally burned my first SL DVD of Star Wars Begins.

I am currently in the process of ripping it to upload so that my QC team and donators can watch it.

So guys, watch this space/watch your email inbox.


Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Went back and read that first post. Exciting that your project is complete.

He started the project in February 2007 and finished, three years later, in late January 2011.

My math can be a bit rusty. And....


“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”


Er...Well spotted MattMahdi. You win a prize....a Mars bar. Go buy one!

I was clearly in denial about how long this thing has taken.


Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Heilemann said:

Can't wait to watch this. Are you providing a list of sources with it?

A list of sources used is on page one of this thread. JD

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Some feedback from those lucky individuals that have seen Star Wars Begins:

"Loved it. Just great; there's behind the scenes footage I don't think I've ever seen before, which says something."

"Congratulations!  Just finished watching and you've accomplished something wonderful, yet again.
People will enjoy this one, and lead them into the others."

"I just watched it and absolutely loved it :-)

Good job and thanks for making this!"
"Just finished watching it Jambe.

Fantastic! And my ego was truly rubbed when I saw my name in the credits. :-D"


Oh and here's a cover I knocked up last night:



Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Love the cover, Jambe. I've only ever had BE and RTJ as isos played with VLC, but now that the set is complete, I might be tempted to get the ol' disk printing tray and DVD sleeves out. :-)


Has anyone thought of doing a combo cover of Star Wars Revisited with Star Wars Begins. And the others when Adwyan gets the other two 'Revisiteds' finished. The Ultimate version coupled with the Ultimate making of. Fantastic sets.

I would love to get hold of some ADigitalMan Extended Editions if anyone can help out. Monty Python's Life Of Brian, Love Actually Bloated and Flatulent. Ta!


Jambe Davdar said:

Some feedback from those lucky individuals that have seen Star Wars Begins:

"Loved it. Just great; there's behind the scenes footage I don't think I've ever seen before, which says something."

"Congratulations!  Just finished watching and you've accomplished something wonderful, yet again.
People will enjoy this one, and lead them into the others."

"I just watched it and absolutely loved it :-)

Good job and thanks for making this!"
"Just finished watching it Jambe.

Fantastic! And my ego was truly rubbed when I saw my name in the credits. :-D"


Oh and here's a cover I knocked up last night:



That's the 2nd best cover I've seen for Star Wars Begins.


Mine of course.  I've sent it to JD, he can post it or whatever he wants.  Actually, his is real good.  Mine look cheap.