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//Star Wars Begins\\: HD Version Now on Vimeo — Page 24


none said:

Someone should even be able to recreate the spacing and such if you look REALLY close at Sluggo's pictures.

In an earlier post Sluggo posted a High resolution image with all the spacing and text worked out.

I've done a version using that image trying to get the right perspective.

It's here: http://noneinc.com/SWB-Crawl_Tests/SWB-Crawl-002.mov

comments welcomed.


Thanks none!  Your render gave me the chills.  I've worked my butt off to get the thing right with the very limited reference pics available.  I seriously made an early mock-up of this original crawl over 10 years ago.  I was working with OCP to have it available on his awesome Deleted Magic, but it never came together.  It would be great to see this done for Star Wars Begins

As far as the scoring goes, would you consider using the piece that is believed to have been the temp track Lucas used as a guide to how Williams scored the thing?  It was a Korngold piece for the score of The Seahawk. 


It was a Korngold piece for the score of The Seahawk.


This sounds like it could be the one in question. Wow 00:40 is just like one of the transitions Williams used.  What time start/stops does everyone recommend?

Do you have the working file for the crawl pic?  what's the font.  can play around in illustrator.  I believe I have a scan of the Marvel so if we want to have those graphics also crawl by, maybe that's possible. (probably too goofy)


The font is Trade Gothic.  I don't have the working file anymore due to a compy crash a few months ago. 


none said:

I believe I have a scan of the Marvel so if we want to have those graphics also crawl by, maybe that's possible. (probably too goofy)

Maybe not a crawl, but they could be included somehow anyway, if Jambe is up for it. Goofiness is also part of Star Wars history. :) Anything to distinguish this one from Deleted Magic is good, I say.

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Ok new quick and dirty version with Korngold "The Seahawk" soundtrack.

File Deleted

(note: try not to copy these links, files will be deleted as progress is made.  hate dead links.)


Matches the first 2:06 of 'The Seahawk'.  speedwise/readability, this length is probably good, might be on the fast side.  Problem, is the music swells while nothing new happens on screen.  Maybe the transition to the planet should be pushed up.  but that would have the music building as the ships arrive.


File Deleted

So in 010b there's a cut to remove the music swell and have it so the music fade down meets up with the shift down to the planet.


Using the full version A, would allow for a blurb/graphics of the Marvel comic to be dropped in.  Also unsure where exactly the music cue should match the first appearance of the "Star Wars" logo?  there's a big fanfare around 8 sec. should that match the first appearance of the logo or the first appearance of the crawl text.  any old LFL logos to drop in front?


That was excellent! In a way, though, does the timing issue really matter? I mean, it was just used as an example, right? Didn't need the timing and such, just used as a fell for what they were going for. I know it would be cool timed, but I think it's ok like this too.

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New version up: File Deleted

Swapped out the audio with the one suggested by Sluggo. The Korngold piece is called "Kings Row", and you'll hear the similarities.

(Audio cross comparison here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AokqzpdA3M )

Also put in some of the Marvel comic since they switched the last two paragraphs. Maybe as the crawl receeds, the images of them filming could be added to fill in the void.


Looking forward to seeing this properly. Out in Singapore with just my iPad. Thanks for your efforts none

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Erikstormtrooper said:

none, very nice!

Sluggo concurs.  Very nice!


(I should point out that my ipad was a present for my birthday. My girlfriend and her family got it for me. It is a great tool to take away with me on my travels but it's not as versatile as my laptop.)

Thanks for your efforts none. Brilliant stuff! Did you notice you can still see the film's crawl in the background? Perhaps my screen is lighter than yours. If you can fix it, I will certainly be using it in Star Wars Begins. I would also like to use the comic version as an special extra as is won't work in the main doco as I am already committed to some commentary that wouldn't fit.  

I would very much appreciate your permission.


And a quick request to the rest of you. Does anyone have decent resolution pics of Ralph McQuarrie's production paintings? I have some, but they are scanned badly. I need them for the menu. Any help would be appreciated.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Thanks, feel free to recommend any revisions, can push and pull this thing.  For instance is this the resolution you want to work from?  You're right about the background, I used a frame where you could see some of the crawl, so when the new crawl was added, determining where the end fade was could be matched up.  Besides Sluggo's crawl all the elements are temp, recommend a source which you believe is the best (for the star field and pan down), and i'll work from that.  These were from the recent EDITDROID v3 preservation.



As a start that link is finding several McQuarrie images above 1000x750.


I once saw a good source for the Star Wars Portfolio, but can't find it right now.

As one who worries about the transitoriness of online data, I did save them. Would be happy to email the pictures if needed or useful.

“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”


To be honest with you I don't think I will need the pan down. I will only be including 10 seconds or so of the concept crawl in the actual doco. As an extra we could have your crawl complete.  Therefore I reckon we could get away with a plain background. 

Thanks, JD

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Ask and you shall receive.

“I love Darth Editous and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” ~ADigitalMan


Too bad that chap on starwarsarchives could not contribute since he promised not to share Gary's private stash of photos, except on the site in low res with a watermark which sucks.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Thanks to none, boba feta and Adywan for the McQuarrie help.

I am spending an hour on two on the project today. But I also have a interesting package to send out. One Nathan Hamill (son of Mark) has shown much interest in my projects and I have offered to send him copies. I will keep you posted on his feedback.


Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


You have got to be kidding me? That's great news.


Imagine a Mark Hamill intro...

“I love Darth Editous and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” ~ADigitalMan


or even a Nathan Hamill intro