Been meaning to comment on this for a while now that the game is out, but in case anyone was wondering, this game is a phenomenal representation of the original trilogy. A lot of people are complaining that there’s no single player story, space battles, etc., but personally I’m having a blast. It looks incredibly beautiful and makes me feel like I’m in the universe of the original trilogy more than anything else I’ve ever experienced in my life. Maybe it’s not a shooter for the “hardcore gamer” but it’s just so much damn fun. Seeing Hoth, Endor, and Tatooine in such beautiful fidelity, in an interactive way is jaw-dropping. Besides this being a great star wars experience, it’s probably the best looking/sounding video game I’ve ever seen. On top of that, the love of star wars that has been put into this game, fills every inch of the screen. From the wilhelm screams to the sparks from practical-effect-looking explosions & scorch marks on the side of the ships, you can tell the developers at DICE wanted to make you feel like you are IN the grungy, pre-CGI world of star wars. No small feat for a video game.
If I have one gripe with the game it’s that the voice-work isn’t quite up to par with the rest of the game and Boba Fett’s voice is more like the voice from the prequels. But that’s my only complaint because everything else is a PERFECT representation of the OT.
If any of you play video games or want to start playing them again, you owe it to yourself to try this game. It IS lacking some content like more maps & game modes, but DICE is releasing more of these for free, starting with the Battle of Jakku expansion coming tomorrow FOR FREE.
VERY SLIGHT SPOILER for events that happened before Ep. 7 The Force Awakens:
If you wanna see the battle that brought down THAT star destroyer in the force awakens trailer, check out this video. Keep in mind this is supposed to have been right after the death star was destroyed in ROTJ and none of this happens in The Force Awakens, so it’s not really much of a spoiler for the movie. But here it is! You’ve been warned.