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A basic edit of A New Hope to include the deleted Biggs Darklighter scene back to where they originally were in the fourth draft shooting script. The scenes are pretty dirty and as I have no clue on how to clean them up, I’ll dirty the main source to match them. The main source itself is the Silver Screen Edition 1.6, which will eventually be degraded somehow. Suggestions on how to do that are welcome.
- Added Luke working on a mosture evaporator and seeing the Tatntive IV being boarded
- Added Luke almost running over an old lady in Anchorhead on his way to the Toche Station
- Added Luke and his friends at the station and him showing the battle, which they dismiss
- Added Luke and Biggs talking about joining the rebellion
- Added extended version of Red Leader talking about Luke’s father
- Added Luke saying “Biggs? BIGGS!” over the radio after he gets shot down
I’ve done colour corrections on the scenes to remove the yellow tint over them, but have no clue on how to clean them up. Suggestions also welcome.
Here with the old lady scene, I masked out the landspeeder from the approch to Mos Eisley, took out R2 and C-3PO and placed it over the scene. I think it needs her saying something, probably just some angry gibberish, but anything will do.
And here is the transision into Biggs and Luke talking outside of the Toche Station with a line from the radio drama and a shot from The Making of Star Wars. I’ll eventually replace it when the documentary is scanned by Poita, but for now it’ll do