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Star Wars: A New Hope DEVASTATOR EDITION (V.1 RELEASED) — Page 24


Phase3 said:

That’s really nicely done! Did you use the behind-the-scenes footage (and add the hologram & scanlines effects), or did you use the existing hologram footage? Either way, you’ve done some great rotoscoping there! Was it a case of doing some refined rotoscoping, or did you use another method for isolating the footage?

I just adjusted the color till the blue Channel was isolated… that’s it. Some general masking wrapped it up nicely.



Phase3 said:

Out of curiosity, would you consider adding in the blue energy shields, similar to what was shown in Revenge Of The Sith, to the Death Star?
Here is a quick mock-up of what I mean:

I don’t think so. That’s too drastic of a change to add for something that only appears in one non-original trilogy film.



In one of the Star Tours II rides it has a Leia Hologram not suggesting you should use it but interestingly it does the same message I think but I think voiced by an actress. It starts with “I am Princess Leia of Alderaan” and I actually thought this would be really good inclusion more so for the audience. Just letting you know about it really. I ultimately decided against using it but I thought it was small yet signifficant and would have been a better more proper way to deliver a message to somone I thought.


That guy with no name said:

Hello, Star Wars fans!
This edit will be a mixture of the SE and The original version, With some additives of course. The main source of this edit is The 2011 Blu-ray release, Color corrected by Adywan in 2018. I am hoping this edit will be a more purist version of the famous “Adywan Revisited”. All the basic info including the change list, Will be listed down below.
-That Guy With No Name.

is this edit with the aspect ratio 2.35:1 or is it the width of widescreen and length of fullscreen?


NaturalSelector89 said:

That guy with no name said:

Hello, Star Wars fans!
This edit will be a mixture of the SE and The original version, With some additives of course. The main source of this edit is The 2011 Blu-ray release, Color corrected by Adywan in 2018. I am hoping this edit will be a more purist version of the famous “Adywan Revisited”. All the basic info including the change list, Will be listed down below.
-That Guy With No Name.

is this edit with the aspect ratio 2.35:1 or is it the width of widescreen and length of fullscreen?

Yes, it retains it’s original aspect ratio within 1920x1080



I’d say the top one since it makes it feel less earthy


SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

I agree with DarthMarv. I’ve never really like that particular shot…especially that leafless tree in the bottom right corner.

Although, I will say that I thought the planet was too …bright(?) when I first saw it.

yeah, it needs darkening a little bit.



Phase3 said:

The top photo looks great; as others have noted, it makes it look more otherworldly. Darkening it a bit will really sell the effect!

I’ll get the second version out when I get home.




Not saying you should copy this if you want to you can It’s not perfect by any means.

I got the temple matching the SE from a game promo screenshot I think it was SW battlefront 2. The planet matte which was hand drawn was from a Yavin IV poster I found on image search. I had to reshape it but I think that looks better than SE planet element albeit withoit clouds. This was an idea to keep original take off shot of x-wing leaving the temple, but SE inspired matte.

I like that idea though on that shot good call to put the planet. That is the one before the medal ceremony right?


I did this Hangar Matte for the Vader take off shot. You can use if you want to also. I won’t be doing any work on anything for a while.


The explosion looks “fuller” if that makes sense – it’s a much better explosion than the original. One tiny thing that stood out though (which may be so small as to be deemed entirely irrelevant):
The two other TIE’s are moving forward towards the screen, yet the explosion seems to be locked into place; wouldn’t the explosion be steadily moving away from the camera?

My edits:


Phase3 said:

The explosion looks “fuller” if that makes sense – it’s a much better explosion than the original. One tiny thing that stood out though (which may be so small as to be deemed entirely irrelevant):
The two other TIE’s are moving forward towards the screen, yet the explosion seems to be locked into place; wouldn’t the explosion be steadily moving away from the camera?

yeah I know, but the original explosion was locked in place, so there isn’t much I can do I’m afraid.



That guy with no name said:

new shot:
full vid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PqHH0weoX-7qGOtGuXrXeTZn_onxdSMo/view?usp=sharing

That looks amazing.

Phase3 said:

The explosion looks “fuller” if that makes sense – it’s a much better explosion than the original. One tiny thing that stood out though (which may be so small as to be deemed entirely irrelevant):
The two other TIE’s are moving forward towards the screen, yet the explosion seems to be locked into place; wouldn’t the explosion be steadily moving away from the camera?

There was someone on youtube a while back that made a CG version of this scene with the explosion moving away and it doesn’t work. The thing with an explosion that moves away is that it gives the impression that its getting smaller and it lessens the visual impact. Thankfully Star Wars really doesn’t stick to real world physics when it comes to FX and goes for a more visual impact than real world.




adywan said:

There was someone on youtube a while back that made a CG version of this scene with the explosion moving away and it doesn’t work. The thing with an explosion that moves away is that it gives the impression that its getting smaller and it lessens the visual impact. Thankfully Star Wars really doesn’t stick to real world physics when it comes to FX and goes for a more visual impact than real world.

Ahh you’re absolutely right - the visual impact would be greatly lessened were the explosion to get smaller.

My edits:


Ships keep their trajectory and speed even when exploding.

That’s why I called out the Tie fighter weird physics accelarting with scrolling background and said “just keep the laser”. I hope you remove tie fighter from that shot you posted earlier.

You are doing some great stuff. Keep up the good work.