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Star Wars: A New Hope DEVASTATOR EDITION (V.1 RELEASED) — Page 21


That’s awful, and I don’t even want to put myself in those shoes mentally. Sorry that had to happen to you, and I hope against hope you can get it back or at least detonate the remote self-destruct button on it.

My stance on revising fan edits.



My understanding is that you are working on at least 3 different edits that require a monumental amount of work and attention with thus, COD,and Indiana Jones (maybe more).

I hope you are not putting too much on your plate along with this laptop and other life issues that may be going on.


Hal 9000 said:

That’s awful, and I don’t even want to put myself in those shoes mentally. Sorry that had to happen to you, and I hope against hope you can get it back or at least detonate the remote self-destruct button on it.

Thanks for the kinds words.



Made a poster for my Plex server. Thought I would share in case others would like it

Sorry to hear about your computer troubles TGWNN!



Hi, can I get the link so I can watch the movie?


I just watched the preview video for v2; the colours look great - did you adjust the engine glow for the Falcon? If so, it’s a nice touch!

It was also great to see the moving starfield in the cockpit shot of the Falcon, as well as the radar dish in the docking bay scene, but the best of all was the manoeuvres Han does to evade the Star Destroyer!

One thing I did notice was the SE audio during the search for the droids; you can still hear the small patrol droid’s sounds from the SE, however no droid is visible on-screen.

My edits:


Phase3 said:

I just watched the preview video for v2; the colours look great - did you adjust the engine glow for the Falcon? If so, it’s a nice touch!

It was also great to see the moving starfield in the cockpit shot of the Falcon, as well as the radar dish in the docking bay scene, but the best of all was the manoeuvres Han does to evade the Star Destroyer!

One thing I did notice was the SE audio during the search for the droids; you can still hear the small patrol droid’s sounds from the SE, however no droid is visible on-screen.

Yeah the audio is from DevEd v.1 because the 5.1 mix for 2.0 is on the Mac that was stolen.



100% agree with Phase3. I never really liked the ending we were given with Vader in this movie - too much ambiguity and lack of clarity as to how he survived. This provides clarity.