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Star Trek Nemesis As Never Seen Before. Trying to get the best version.


Hello everyone¡

I´ve been working on a fan edit of Star Trek: Nemesis from many years and I think now It´s time to share this project with you. There is a finished version but I´m trying to improve it to get the definitive version of this edit. It is well known that the deleted scenes were cut mostly to give the film a more commericial appeal and more action, but they could have made a much better movie in my opinion. My edit cuts most of the redundant and weakest scenes while trying to recover the missing scenes, at least the best ones that could fit properly in the movie.

Other people have tried to make a fan edit of the last of TNG movies, but the biggest problem is the really low quality of the avaliable footage of the deleted scenes. They suffer from very low resolution, interlacing, bad edges, haloing and wrong aspect ratio. Some scenes have superposed credits and others feature green screens that were purposed to be replaced with VFX in post-production. The new 4k official disks include the same bad quality versions from previous releases, still I would appreciate if someone can send me data from software like MediaInfo from the deleted scenes files included in the new disk.

This is a list of all available deleted scenes:
By order in the movie:
1- Wesley scene during the wedding. 0:54
2- Chateau Picard 4:03
3- Ten Forward scene with B-4. 1:45
4- Shinzon plans 3:24
5- Federation Protocols 1:00
6- Half a minute of conversation during the Shinzon presentation scene in the Scimitar
7- Troi and Picard after meeting Shinzon 1:06
8- Crusher and Picard discussing young Picard extended dialogue at the end of the scene. 0:31
9- Turbolift violation 1:15
10- Sickbay preparing for battle. 0:56
11- Geordi and Worf in Data´s quarters. 1:43
12- Crusher joins Starfleet Medical. 0:36
13- New first officer / Alternate Ending 3:14

This project consist on the following steps:

  • Edit changes on the theatrical version of the movie. I own the official Blu Ray version of the movie which is the main source for this edit, but I could also make it in 4K in the future. Currently I´ve finished all the editing work but I´m open to make changes at request or listening to new ideas.
  • Improvement of the deleted scenes: This is the main task of the project, and the most difficult. I’m using software like Hybrid and Topaz Video AI to enhance the scenes. Results are really good as you can see here:
  • Replacement of green screens with a decent quality background. This would be easier if we can get more defined edges on the green screens, removing the green contamination on nearby areas and the extensive haloing around characters. This last part is a difficult task that would require frame by frame Adobe Photoshop (or other software) editing with content aware filling and some masking. Rotoscoping would be the most costly way to do it. I have test versions which are far from perfect but they´re the best I could do given the very bad source quality:
  • Removal of credit letters in some scenes. This is a difficult task that would require frame by frame Adobe Photoshop editing with content aware filling and some masking. Rotoscoping would also be the most costly way to do it.
  • Audio enhancing on the deleted scenes. There has been some small improvement until now with some filters that have eliminated background noise and part of the shhhness of the audio.
  • Color correction: As you can see in the comparison images, this edit features some color changes to fit better the theatrical version, as the source scenes are too soft and empty.
  • Additional CGI scenes. There will be new footage exclusive for this edit.

So anyone who can/want to help with this project is welcome to participate. Feel free to give your feedback, proposals, ideas and if you want to actively participate in the project, contact me in private message.



I don’t know that I’m able to help with the editing on this project, but I’m very interested in your work here, especially what you’re doing with those deleted scenes!


vranir said:

I don’t know that I’m able to help with the editing on this project, but I’m very interested in your work here, especially what you’re doing with those deleted scenes!

My biggest concern is the haloing in Chateau Picard scene, which is affecting the green screen replacement and the overall quality. You can see it in this screenshot around Data´s head for example. It can be fixed with Photoshop but is a hard work frame by frame and I´m not an expert using that software.


That’s a lot of work but it would be amazing to have that kind of edit. It’s too bad they couldn’t be bothered to re-scan the deleted scenes for the new release. Gonna be following this!


It’s unclear from your post, but I would make sure you’re sourcing the movie from the most recent release of it. It is a much better video presentation of the movie versus the 2009 blu ray.


wowbobwow said:

It’s unclear from your post, but I would make sure you’re sourcing the movie from the most recent release of it. It is a much better video presentation of the movie versus the 2009 blu ray.

I didn’t specify on that because the main source video for the edit can be easily replaced in the timeline, if it has the same length which should be the case. If not it wouldn’t be very difficult to find the difference and fix it. Currently I’m using the 2009 Blu Ray but will replace it with the new one before finishing the project.


I would love to see this when it is finished! Thank you for all the time and effort you are putting into it.


I looked at the Reddit shots. Amazing work! I can’t wait for this to be done.


vranir said:

I looked at the Reddit shots. Amazing work! I can’t wait for this to be done.

Thanks you¡¡ There will be a Standard and a Extended Cut. Standard Version at the moment will include 4 of the deleted scenes, while the Extended Cut would include 6-7. The progress is going really good. .I can say now that the Standard Version is almost completed and it’s looking awesome. The deleted scenes restoration is now even better than in the screenshots/comparisons I’ve been sharing and the new music is great.


Take your time! I’ve been watching your progress with keen interest, and I want the best product possible. When it’s released, I would love a link. Thank you and keep up the amazing work!


This sounds great.

Regarding the upscale of the deleted scenes:
Considering the fact that we have hi-def footage of our actors, wearing the same costumes, in the same movie, one might also consider more advanced machine-learning techniques instead of “just” an upscale using a “standard” neural net. By clever combining, overlaying and inputting data, quality might jump quite a bit.

Also: You might want to contact a person named Owen Davies, going by “ODVS” in the internet. He made great strides in upscaling shitty footage in recent years and is involved in many great projects, including the WingCommander4-FanRemaster and the StarTrek:-Borg FanRemaster. That is his YouTube-Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClu1Uwv6SseVHbXIC-b5YFw

For seventeen years the renegade Pfhor scoutship jumped between the closely packed stars of the galactic core. And all over the ship, dancing through the wreckage of the Pfhor computer core, Durandal was laughing…


This looks like an intriguing project. Liking what I’ve seen of the comparisons thus far. I’ll be keeping tabs on this - best of luck!

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


I would very much like to see this when it is completed, it sounds extremely interesting!