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Spot the errors: ROTJ! — Page 4


Ryan McAvoy said:

01.54.31 where The Emperor first zaps look.

 What sort of look is a 'Emperor first zaps look'.......I want one of them!




Wow my brain/fingers/keyboard interface was waaay screwed up on that last post LOL

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Darth Vader says to Luke in the Light Sabre Duel.

"Obi-Wan has taught you well"

Considering he killed Obi-Wan two films ago films ago and in the previous film already had a fight with Luke where he beat the crap out of him and then he comes out with this line.

Bad script writing that.

Unless you believe Vader is in Contact with Obi-Wan but I don't think that at all but it is a slight possibility but I put it down to error than a hint of Vader talking to Obi-Wan or Obi-wan even showing up to speak with Vader just seems off. no no...


Ronster said:

Darth Vader says to Luke in the Light Sabre Duel.

"Obi-Wan has taught you well"

Considering he killed Obi-Wan two films ago films ago and in the previous film already had a fight with Luke where he beat the crap out of him and then he comes out with this line.

Bad script writing that.

Unless you believe Vader is in Contact with Obi-Wan but I don't think that at all but it is a slight possibility but I put it down to error than a hint of Vader talking to Obi-Wan or Obi-wan even showing up to speak with Vader just seems off. no no...

The ROTJ Vader v Luke duel isn't really a LS duel, it's more a battle of wills between Luke and The Emperor. Neither Luke nor Vader ever intend to kill the other. The Emperor has two sticks to beat Luke with, his fathers attacks and the danger to Luke's friends. It's all subtext, watch that scene again.

When Vader says "Obi-Wan has taught you well" he is refering to the way Luke controlled his brewing anger and switched off his lightsaber and didn't let the Emperor provoke him. He is not commenting on Luke's relative skills with a blade. Ben spent almost zero time teaching Luke how to handle a sword but he has talked to him about controlling his fear etc.

This is brilliant writing. This is not an error.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


HigHurtenflurst said:

timdiggerm said:

TheBoost said:

HigHurtenflurst said:

Klasodeth said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Tyrphanax said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

HigHurtenflurst said:

When the Death Star fires at the MonCalamari ship, it always bothered me that the beam didn't just punch right through like it was made of paper and keep going.  It can destroy a whole planet, so a ship shouldn't have stopped it...  Maybe it could even take out another ship(s) in the background.

This is a good one. I've always thought the same, myself.

I believe the official explanation is that the second Death Star had a variable energy output so they could dial it down to destroy a ship, or dial it up to destroy a planet.

Something about that explanation just never sat right with me. 

 Why not? It doesn't make sense to use the full power of the superlaser just to blow up something as tiny as a capital ship. Reducing the power level in exchange for a faster rate of fire not only makes sense, but would also help explain why the Death Star in Star Wars spent 30 minutes traveling around Yavin to to get in range of the Rebel base instead of blowing up Yavin and then blowing up the Rebel base two minutes later. 

 Why not?  Well because the only "official" explanation would be whatever is in the movie in the first place and not some fan-boy EU crap.  The emperor says it's "fully armed and operational," and nobody says anything different.  What you say makes 100% sense, but once the ship explodes the beam would have gone through.  Visually it would be a much more dramatic demonstration of the beam's supposed power.

 The official explanation IS the movie.

The Death Star can blow up a planet. It can also blow up a ship. This is totally clear in the film. It requires no further exposition in the film, nor any outside discussion. 

YOU made up a rule "once the ship explodes the beam would have gone through" that doesn't fit with what's in the film.  The film is not in error. 

This is the correct answer. The DSII is depicted as having variable-strength firepower. That's not a crazy concept.

 ??? I must have missed something.  Depicted how?  In some EU account?  There is no dialogue or discussion in the film to indicate that, (eg. "Fire at 1/4 strength, commander!"), the firing sequence as shown is IDENTICAL to ANH...  You're just ASSUMING that's the case.  FWIW, I totally agree with your logic about variable beam strength/anti ship weaponry, but in reality once a laser burns through a substance, it keeps right on going.   But thank you for giving me credit for making up basic physics!

 Late to the party that others I'm sure would prefer dead and gone anyway, but it's clear that it's not only a lower power beam, but it also fires a small burst.  You see as the ship blows up, the reast of the beam reaches it.  If the superlaser kept firing, it would go through the ship, but they simply fired a small burst that had enough power to pierce the shields and destroy the vessel without wasting additional energy.  It's silly to make such a fuss out of such obvious happenings.


It's funny that some people's misunderstandings are considered errors in the films



Ryan McAvoy said:

Ronster said:

Darth Vader says to Luke in the Light Sabre Duel.

"Obi-Wan has taught you well"

Considering he killed Obi-Wan two films ago films ago and in the previous film already had a fight with Luke where he beat the crap out of him and then he comes out with this line.

Bad script writing that.

Unless you believe Vader is in Contact with Obi-Wan but I don't think that at all but it is a slight possibility but I put it down to error than a hint of Vader talking to Obi-Wan or Obi-wan even showing up to speak with Vader just seems off. no no...

<img src="http://swtor.gamingfeeds.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/HLIC/3f10d1daf711e3efbd1d7a653ec1548d.gif" width="424" height="374" />

The ROTJ Vader v Luke duel isn't really a LS duel, it's more a battle of wills between Luke and The Emperor. Neither Luke nor Vader ever intend to kill the other. The Emperor has two sticks to beat Luke with, his fathers attacks and the danger to Luke's friends. It's all subtext, watch that scene again.

When Vader says "Obi-Wan has taught you well" he is refering to the way Luke controlled his brewing anger and switched off his lightsaber and didn't let the Emperor provoke him. He is not commenting on Luke's relative skills with a blade. Ben spent almost zero time teaching Luke how to handle a sword but he has talked to him about controlling his fear etc.

This is brilliant writing. This is not an error.

Face palm yourself and read my post again noting to do with light sabre skills it has to do with context.

Even if it is a sarcastic line from Vader it really does nothing but just be a dumb filler line. That is why the duel in Empire is superior because even though it has dialogue atleast they thought about good lines to deliver. Better off just leaving that line out of the conversation.


Jaitea said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

01.54.31 where The Emperor first zaps look.

 What sort of look is a 'Emperor first zaps look'.......I want one of them!



Looks like a "I just had a satisfying bowel movement" sort of look to me. ;-P