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Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V2 of AOTC Released) — Page 8


SpenceEdit said:

Daiyus said:

There was an audio shadow we noticed from one of the deleted lines during the podracer build; you can just hear C-3PO’s line about Jar Jar being an odd creature. I think the only continuity error I noticed was during the podrace; Anakin does his barrel roll over Teemto Pagalies, but then a few shots later we see Anakin moving up the field to pass him again down the canyon.

I’m having trouble locating this audio shadow, you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint where it is, would you?

Sorry it’s taken a while to get back to you, it’s been a mad few weeks. I’m definitely going to have to accept egg on my face at this point, because upon hunting for it this morning I can’t find it again either. I’m not quite sure where it came from on my first viewing, but I can only apologise for the inconvenience.


How’s AOTC going? I loved TPM, can’t wait for the others!


Scene of Anakin explicitly murdering Younglings removed.


Having Vader kill a bunch of children (both this scene and the Tusken slaughter) is my least favorite part of the prequels.


Hi everyone, sorry I disappeared for a bit. Real life got in the way.

I’m back to working on this after satisfying my obligations to another project. AOTC is still getting fine tuned and is almooost there. There’s a lot more going on in this edit as opposed to TPM, with lots of effects shots and reordering, often requiring new music cues.

Currently, I’m trying to get the deleted scenes looking a little closer to the rest of the film, which is tricky since they’re only really available in DVD quality with some fan upscales out there. There’s a good 20 minute section of the movie that’s almost entirely made up of deleted scenes, so the quality drop is more noticeable than it would be in the other films. I’ve been toying with them in Topaz and they’re getting to the point where I’m pretty happy with them.

I’ve decided to release two versions of AOTC, exactly the same except one will include the flashback scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other will not. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I personally feel like having the scene is like slotting in a missing piece of the script, something that always should’ve been there. However, I can’t ignore that no matter how much tinkering I do, it will never feel like it’s completely a part of this film, as it was filmed 20+ years later than the rest of it. Some may be more bothered by it’s inclusion than others, and I’ve made a lot of changes beyond that that people may be interested in. So it’s going to be available with the scene (my preferred version, and the one I’ll personally watch) and without it.


SpenceEdit said:

I’ve decided to release two versions of AOTC, exactly the same except one will include the flashback scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other will not. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I personally feel like having the scene is like slotting in a missing piece of the script, something that always should’ve been there. However, I can’t ignore that no matter how much tinkering I do, it will never feel like it’s completely a part of this film, as it was filmed 20+ years later than the rest of it. Some may be more bothered by it’s inclusion than others, and I’ve made a lot of changes beyond that that people may be interested in. So it’s going to be available with the scene (my preferred version, and the one I’ll personally watch) and without it.

Have you done much in making it look worse, so it fits the rest of the film better?

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve decided to release two versions of AOTC, exactly the same except one will include the flashback scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other will not. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I personally feel like having the scene is like slotting in a missing piece of the script, something that always should’ve been there. However, I can’t ignore that no matter how much tinkering I do, it will never feel like it’s completely a part of this film, as it was filmed 20+ years later than the rest of it. Some may be more bothered by it’s inclusion than others, and I’ve made a lot of changes beyond that that people may be interested in. So it’s going to be available with the scene (my preferred version, and the one I’ll personally watch) and without it.

Have you done much in making it look worse, so it fits the rest of the film better?

The problem is mostly that the cinematography styles don’t match and the actors are visibly two decades older.


SpenceEdit said:

timdiggerm said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve decided to release two versions of AOTC, exactly the same except one will include the flashback scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other will not. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I personally feel like having the scene is like slotting in a missing piece of the script, something that always should’ve been there. However, I can’t ignore that no matter how much tinkering I do, it will never feel like it’s completely a part of this film, as it was filmed 20+ years later than the rest of it. Some may be more bothered by it’s inclusion than others, and I’ve made a lot of changes beyond that that people may be interested in. So it’s going to be available with the scene (my preferred version, and the one I’ll personally watch) and without it.

Have you done much in making it look worse, so it fits the rest of the film better?

The problem is mostly that the cinematography styles don’t match and the actors are visibly two decades older.

Ah, right, yes. I feel like there was some effort with deepfakes for the latter problem, but the cinematography is what it is

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


SpenceEdit said:

timdiggerm said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve decided to release two versions of AOTC, exactly the same except one will include the flashback scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other will not. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I personally feel like having the scene is like slotting in a missing piece of the script, something that always should’ve been there. However, I can’t ignore that no matter how much tinkering I do, it will never feel like it’s completely a part of this film, as it was filmed 20+ years later than the rest of it. Some may be more bothered by it’s inclusion than others, and I’ve made a lot of changes beyond that that people may be interested in. So it’s going to be available with the scene (my preferred version, and the one I’ll personally watch) and without it.

Have you done much in making it look worse, so it fits the rest of the film better?

The problem is mostly that the cinematography styles don’t match and the actors are visibly two decades older.

Aren’t you using the deep fake version?


Jar Jar Bricks said:

SpenceEdit said:

timdiggerm said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve decided to release two versions of AOTC, exactly the same except one will include the flashback scene from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other will not. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I personally feel like having the scene is like slotting in a missing piece of the script, something that always should’ve been there. However, I can’t ignore that no matter how much tinkering I do, it will never feel like it’s completely a part of this film, as it was filmed 20+ years later than the rest of it. Some may be more bothered by it’s inclusion than others, and I’ve made a lot of changes beyond that that people may be interested in. So it’s going to be available with the scene (my preferred version, and the one I’ll personally watch) and without it.

Have you done much in making it look worse, so it fits the rest of the film better?

The problem is mostly that the cinematography styles don’t match and the actors are visibly two decades older.

Aren’t you using the deep fake version?

I am, but just like deepfakes in general, it only goes so far. Hayden is built completely differently now, and his voice sounds different.

On top of that, you have the more kinetic directing/editing style, which I’ve worked on but still doesn’t match the film. The lightsaber glow on their faces/surroundings, etc. It just doesn’t quite fit. Nothing will make it fit completely.

But it’s a great, important scene. So I’ll do my very best with it and have available that way for those that want it.


Hayden’s voice could probably be fixed - it would just take quite a bit of effort.

We’d need to rip the center channel of when he’s speaking from other parts of the film and isolate his voice with AI. Then we use that as source material for a voice clone. And then we input his lines from the Kenobi scene into the new ElevenLab’s feature. His lines would then sound like his younger self and be delivered exactly how they were originally.

But yeah that’s a lot of effort for only one piece to the puzzle. The camera work is always going to be out of place.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Hayden’s voice could probably be fixed - it would just take quite a bit of effort.

We’d need to rip the center channel of when he’s speaking from other parts of the film and isolate his voice with AI. Then we use that as source material for a voice clone. And then we input his lines from the Kenobi scene into the new ElevenLab’s feature. His lines would then sound like his younger self and be delivered exactly how they were originally.

But yeah that’s a lot of effort for only one piece to the puzzle. The camera work is always going to be out of place.

I also don’t love the idea of messing with his performance in that way. The face deepfake thing is pretty subtle but replacing his dialogue with something AI created doesn’t sit well with me.


It isn’t something that AI would create 100% though. It’s more like applying a voice filter to the preexisting performance.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

It isn’t something that AI would create 100% though. It’s more like applying a voice filter to the preexisting performance.

Yeah, I just doubt it’d be worth it anyway. The main stumbling block is the cinematography, and there’s nothing to really be done about that. Even if I stabilize the handheld camera, the choice of lenses and shots don’t match.


Here’s the ending of ROTS. I’m pretty happy with how this is turning out.

  • I decided that the last thing we would see of Vader would be the mask coming down. I find the scenes after that clunky and they lessen the impact of the helmet moment.
  • I also jettisoned Yoda giving Obi-Wan “training” and mentioning Qui-Gon. I always kind of hated that we stop the end of the movie dead so Yoda can fill in that plot hole. I’d rather just have the plot hole.
  • I am on the fence as to whether I want to include Yoda arriving on Dagobah. I like it, but it doesn’t feel necessary.
  • You’ll notice I changed that weird circle in transition on 3PO’s face to something different.
  • That’s me playing the medical droid, making my Star Wars acting debut (I’m also the protocol droid that isn’t 3PO in AOTC.) I wanted to remove the bit about her “losing the will to live” but my edits didn’t ever come out exactly how I wanted. So I figured I could just dub over him to get the dialogue I needed.



I also have fresh workprints for AOTC and ROTS. They’re about 99% done. Honestly, ROTS is probably closer to done than AOTc. AOTC required so much work. Getting there.


Can’t wait! Whenever they’re ready send them my way and I’ll happily check them out.


Awesome! Your TPM edit was great, really looking foward to AOTC and ROTS!


Ok, fresh workprints are uploaded. I say “workprint” but they’re more or less completed, barring any major errors anyone notices and maybe some audio tightening. PM me if you want to have a look.


Well I already found a few minor things I want to adjust so I wouldn’t consider these “final versions” but they’re pretty close. I plan on tweaking the color timing a little as it looks way more drastic on a tv than it did on my computer. A couple of minor nips and tucks I noticed as well, but nothing major. You can watch these workprints without any glaring issues.


I have watched the work print of AotC, overall I really enjoyed it. I think the only thing that threw me off was 1h16m24s, Anakin jumps up, slices the still active arm then instantly jumps to everything being deactivated and him captured, just felt a little jarring, the instant drop of padme felt slightly weird but I don’t know if her being trapped. Anakin getting captured then her being dropped and surrounded would work better. I’ve assumed you have tried some different things there. Apart from the ending of this part, everything else was really enjoyable ❤️


So unfortunately we are unable to remove the background noises of the lightsabers. And because of that those lines would have to be created by someone who can do a good Anakin impression. But as you said, you aren’t interested in disturbing Hayden’s performance. So our only option would be to find a better way to isolate his lines in those places.

However, as a proof of concept, here are his first two lines de-aged:


Darthkovacss said:

I have watched the work print of AotC, overall I really enjoyed it. I think the only thing that threw me off was 1h16m24s, Anakin jumps up, slices the still active arm then instantly jumps to everything being deactivated and him captured, just felt a little jarring, the instant drop of padme felt slightly weird but I don’t know if her being trapped. Anakin getting captured then her being dropped and surrounded would work better. I’ve assumed you have tried some different things there. Apart from the ending of this part, everything else was really enjoyable ❤️

Hey! Thanks for that. That scene was nagging at me as well, I wasn’t sure if it was working as intended. I’ll play with it.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

So unfortunately we are unable to remove the background noises of the lightsabers. And because of that those lines would have to be created by someone who can do a good Anakin impression. But as you said, you aren’t interested in disturbing Hayden’s performance. So our only option would be to find a better way to isolate his lines in those places.

However, as a proof of concept, here are his first two lines de-aged:

This is impressive, however, I’m not sure that the benefits of it is worth the extra work of getting a clean audio track. I want to see what the reactions to it on the workprint are first.

Honestly, if I could find a way to remove the saber glow from on their bodies, it would work infinitely better. But I haven’t figured out a good way to do that yet.


Fair enough. Honestly my goal here more than anything is to help create the definitive version of the Kenobi flashback scene so edits of Episode 2 like this can use it properly.

Isn’t there glow on Anakin and Dooku when they’re fighting in the dark? Ah, but that’s only when it’s dark. Not sure why Disney exaggerated the glow so much in a room with so much sunlight.

Worst case scenario we can head canon it that when a lightsaber is on training mode it glows brighter. But that does seem counterintuitive.