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Song of the South - 35mm project V1.1 (Released)


A few days ago, I released the first version of my Song of the South project. However, some pointed out to me that there are interlacing artifacts which I didn’t notice. In this upgrade I re-done the video to get rid of the interlacing, improved the color correction a bit and also fixed a syncing issue in the ending scene. Enjoy!

Original V1 write up:

Hello everyone!
I’m very glad to annouce the release of a new 35mm version of Song of the South, which as far as I know, is the best way to watch the movie as of 2023! Unlike other versions such as Notelu’s restoration, in this release I used Thunderbean’s recent 35mm scan, which is much cleaner and has better color than the previous scan.
Here’s what was done to create this version:

Thunderbean’s scan was slightly cropped to get rid of the rounded corners, which look quite bad.
Missing scenes patched up from the old 16mm scan, which I color corrected to match the 35mm better.
For the audio, the same missing scenes were patched from the BBC broadcast audio.
A minor color correction has been done on the 35mm scan to fix some brightness/contrast issues
Video and audio multiplexed using MKVToolNix
Released on MySpleen, and I can send you direct download links in PM. Feel free to upload this anywhere you want.

Hope you all enjoy!

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


Feel free to PM me for the direct link if you don’t have a MySpleen account, I may release it also on Archive in the future!

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


Many thanks for this project! Amazing preservation work!

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!


This is definitely my go to version now. I have lost count of how many versions I have had.
I started off with a dvd made from a transfer of a PAL VHS tape. Next up was a laserdisc transfer
that had hard encoded subtitles. Then, finally transfers from film that have gotten progressively
Maybe one day Disney will release a proper official 4K version but I’m not holding my breath.
Thanks for your work on this one CMGF.


Ah, well… most Disney classics are not yet released on 4K, and I doubt Song of the South is going to be the next as they didn’t even give it an HD or DVD release.

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows