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Song Of The South [35mm Restoration V3] (a WIP) — Page 3


On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?


Class316 said:

On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?

if im not mistaken in notelu’s releases there was a couple of frames missing during one of the animated segments causing there to be this weird still for a second.


Class316 said:

On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?

As registration is closed, is there any way that someone could get it and make it available?


Class316 said:

On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?

The previous 35mm scan had a few cuts, which Notelu fixed in his release. There are a few missing frames during the opening titles, and also a few seconds from the scenes where Jonny runs away and where Brer Fox throws Brer Rabbit into the briar patch are missing.

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


Class316 said:

On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?

It’s up now on the spleen.:

“It includes a sequence of about 25 seconds starting at around 54:22 that’s missing from the previous HD rip.”

It’s also cropped on the four corners like I’ve seen before on other releases like Puggo’s. I don’t understand why they do that. I’ve never seen a Song of the South 35mm cropped like that.


stretch009 said:

Class316 said:

On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?

It’s up now on the spleen.:

“It includes a sequence of about 25 seconds starting at around 54:22 that’s missing from the previous HD rip.”

It’s also cropped on the four corners like I’ve seen before on other releases like Puggo’s. I don’t understand why they do that. I’ve never seen a Song of the South 35mm cropped like that.

The previous 35mm scan had no round corners as well. So I guess it was also cropped?

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


CMGF said:

stretch009 said:

Class316 said:

On Cartoon Chaos they just added this: Song of the South 1946 [Thunderbean BD25]

This is a newer scan (2022) from a 35mm IB Technicolor print by Thunderbean. It restores a segment that was missing from the previous scan that is around.

What previous segment are they talking about that is missing?

It’s up now on the spleen.:

“It includes a sequence of about 25 seconds starting at around 54:22 that’s missing from the previous HD rip.”

It’s also cropped on the four corners like I’ve seen before on other releases like Puggo’s. I don’t understand why they do that. I’ve never seen a Song of the South 35mm cropped like that.

The previous 35mm scan had no round corners as well. So I guess it was also cropped?

What do you mean? I believe this (Thunderbean’s) is the first SotS with round corners.


I thought before you meant it had round corners and they cropped them out, now I’ve got you.

Checked this out, and yeah it’s quite odd, most of the time it seems like the round corners are fake. But in some scenes it seems like there’s at least one corner that seem like it was there. So maybe thunderbean applied the mask to make it look more consistent? IDK

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


Not only round corners but much of the movie is overly bright IMO.


But do corners mean the entire film is scanned? Or do corners mean it is cropped?


Class316 said:

But do corners mean the entire film is scanned? Or do corners mean it is cropped?

Regardless, it’s unusually bright. Between the brightness and the rounded corners I think it’s pretty much unwatchable. Shame…


The colors can look potentially great if would be corrected a bit, but the fake coreners are quite dissapointing. If anyone knows how to contact the creator, perhaps we could ask him to release it without the corners?

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


The rounded corners are obviously just a mask that has been added digitally. 😉


CMGF said:

The colors can look potentially great if would be corrected a bit, but the fake coreners are quite dissapointing. If anyone knows how to contact the creator, perhaps we could ask him to release it without the corners?

Sending a PM to the uploader might be a possibility.


I thought of contacting Thunderbean on that. Then someone on MySpleen suggested that it should be done by someone who bought the disc. Class316, maybe the original uploader on Cartoon Chaos did?

“After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working”
-The wind in the willows


CMGF said:

I thought of contacting Thunderbean on that. Then someone on MySpleen suggested that it should be done by someone who bought the disc. Class316, maybe the original uploader on Cartoon Chaos did?

Somehow it’s an anonymous upload. But I can post something on the comments. What should be said exactly?

Another option would be talking to Thunderbean directly via this thread: https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=226492&page=485


I’m a little late to this thread.

I bought a disc with SotS on it, and everything’s really purple.

One of the DVD releases looks way better because of the color grading.

All I want is the 35mm scan restoration in 1080p with no missing frames and proper color grading.

Does that exist?