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Someone has to goto Wonder Con at bring up the O-OT next week

I was reading that the Wonder Con is taking place next week and there will be a representative from Star Wars, Steve Sansweet there on Saturday Feb 11, here is the scoop:

In addition, Lucasfilm’s Steve Sansweet returns to WonderCon to show us there’s more to come from the monumental Star Wars saga.

Now I could care less what is coming up for the saga, I am guessing news on the TV show, but we have to get someone who lives out there and go to this event, and make a stink about putting the O-OT on DVD, and how there is huge mass of SW fans out there that want it. Atleast someone get one question in about it, just to see what his answer is about the issue. I live in New Jersey, does anyone know anybody who lives near San Francisco?

And I think we have to be courteous about this, we don't want to look like were disrespecting the speaker, just ask nicely about if there are plans on a future release of the O-OT on DVD, and explain how there is huge fanbase that just wants to see the original movies in their original form, cause Lucas always says he makes these movies for the fans.

We'll do all our bitching and moaning about Lucas here on the website.
Originally posted by: CO
Now I could care less what is coming up for the saga

Well, it's good to know that at least you do care some.
i hope to god someone brings something up about the oot at the wondercon
I'll be at Wondercon. I've met Steve Sansweet few times, even been to his house to check out his collection. Believe me, I've mentioned it.

George just isn't intererested.

Actually, I'm probably gonna skip the LFL presentation since it's most likely going to betthe same recycled stuff every con.
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
Guys, listen. If ANYONE goes to Wondercon, I beg of you, PLEASE ask about a possible DVD release of The Star Wars Holiday Special.
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Guys, listen. If ANYONE goes to Wondercon, I beg of you, PLEASE ask about a possible DVD release of The Star Wars Holiday Special.

Screw that Dude, I value my life!
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
I know who lives near San Francisco!!! George Lucas! Maybe he can go and ask!

All kidding aside, I can tell you what the answer is already...

"no comment" or "George has no plans to release the original versions on DVD. Next question"
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Guys, listen. If ANYONE goes to Wondercon, I beg of you, PLEASE ask about a possible DVD release of The Star Wars Holiday Special.

"Yub Knub" by Warrick Davis
Originally posted by: kev
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
Guys, listen. If ANYONE goes to Wondercon, I beg of you, PLEASE ask about a possible DVD release of The Star Wars Holiday Special.


I will be at Wondercon, but I don't think it will go over well to ask for the OOT. Maybe if they have a suggestion box, lol...
The thing is, I don't know whether I will go to the Steve Sansweet thing. Star Wars makes so much crap now I think it will be disinteresting and boring probably. It'll probably be all about Star Wars transformers and the awful tv show. I wonder if less people will go to it every year as Star Wars gets worse and worse. Lucas will always explain it away tho. He'll think the reason people come less and less is because they are moving on as the "official" part of the saga is over. If he only faced himself and realized people don't care because he's turning out utter crap! Makes me feel kinda bad for Steve Sansweet actually. Poor guy has been into Star Wars collecting for years, and he's in a position now where he has to 'talk it up'. Well, I guess I don't feel too bad for him. He is doing it of his own choice.
I'm really torn on whether to go for the sad comedy or to spend my time wisely while there and find something I may actually enjoy.
i know george lucas is such a coward hes been to two conventions in the history of star wars. but only one where people still gave a shit
Are you saying people didn't care about his appearance at Celebration III?

Then why were there thousands of people there?
sure there were thousands but i not as many as was expected
I purposely decided not to go to his appearence at CIII and when I went into the con later people were still handing out wristbands to see Lucas.

Yeah, Steve is a very nice guy, but his job is to create hype, and I don't expect anything earth shattering to occur at his presentation, except for maybe the announcement of plans for CIV.

Besides, we are checking out the Chinese New Year Parade, which starts around 5:30 so it would clash with Steve's presentation anyway. Although I may be there in the beginning of the pressentation as 501st escort for Steve.
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
I believe there's tons of people into Star Wars that don't understand it. Their poor parents were too imbicilic to show them the movies when they were kids. I've met people my age who never saw them. It's too late for them now, maybe. Unless they have special powers they won't 'get it'. Very few people now can see Star Wars as what it once was. So, all these kids parents took them to see the PT, and they never really saw what Star Wars could be.
I know this is all my opinion, but I've come into contact with all walks of Star Wars fans, many of them prequelers, and they just have a totally different take on the saga. Makes me sick to my stomach.
I got it.
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
The OT and the PT are two completely different trilogies. The OT has suspense, drama, artistic looking cinematography, better storyline. The PT is told in a boring, straightforward way. No interesting shots. When there's action it just erupts in front of the camera, bouncing around. Both trilogies have lame dialogue, but the PT is worse cause nobody got to adapt theirs at all, or the scenes. The stupid crap lines that Anakin and Padme share would have been the same with Han and Leia if they hadn't been changed by Kerschner, Ford, and Kurtz. Who knows who else may have helped that along.
The story in the PT has no suspense, no reason to empathise with the characters. The complete opposite of the OT.
This is why when watching Star Wars one needs a strong base of the OT in their mind, then the prequels. Or else you just happen to be a different sort of Star Wars fan. I'm not gonna say nobody's a fan, but they are seeing a totally different saga than a lot of other people did. And it's not the same Star Wars. It's not good Star Wars. It's lame.
The OT was the grand mythology. These are the tales that last, the stories we remember.

The PT is like a usurper to the throne rewriting history books, defacing the stone icons of the OT. A pretender mimicking that which was and will always be great.

But we will not let the memory of truth die.
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
TPM sucks, AOTC sucks, ROTJ sucks.

ROTS is great, ANH is great, ESB is great.
I refuse to abridge my opinion to two words like "ANH rocks" or "TPM sucks". Each of the Star Wars movies runs at 2 hours or more... there is *so much* in each one of them to like or to hate.

As for this idea of asking Sansweet about the O-OT... nice thought but it won't go anywhere. Fan relations types like that, whether or not they have an opinion, will usually just go with what they've been fed from the top. If his job relies on him saying the kind of crap that was said on the Official Site concerning this, then he'll say it.

Actually, anyone remember the press release for the '04 DVDs? It was hilarious, the excuse for it not being the O-OT was because it was 'art', and it was regrettable that they were pissing off fans but oh well.

Hah. Pisspoor.
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Originally posted by: Zebonka
I refuse to abridge my opinion to two words like "ANH rocks" or "TPM sucks". Each of the Star Wars movies runs at 2 hours or more... there is *so much* in each one of them to like or to hate.

As for this idea of asking Sansweet about the O-OT... nice thought but it won't go anywhere. Fan relations types like that, whether or not they have an opinion, will usually just go with what they've been fed from the top. If his job relies on him saying the kind of crap that was said on the Official Site concerning this, then he'll say it.

Actually, anyone remember the press release for the '04 DVDs? It was hilarious, the excuse for it not being the O-OT was because it was 'art', and it was regrettable that they were pissing off fans but oh well.


I do agree, I don't expect him to say, "That is a great question, the O-OT will be released......"

I don't expect him even to answer the question, probably give the company line from Lucas. But if we keep asking at every event, and making a big schtick everytime these guys do a presentation, maybe, just maybe, they'll get the point that there is a bigger demand for these versions than they think.

Wishful thinking, but I am not giving up.
this is the only reason to even go to a star wars con in the first place