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my misplaced sense of loyalty is pushed to ridiculous bounds.
I’d say your loyalty to ridiculous bounds are properly placed.
my misplaced sense of loyalty is pushed to ridiculous bounds.
I’d say your loyalty to ridiculous bounds are properly placed.
I know I’ve seen a McQuarrie that looks like the ship on this shirt. But flipping through a few books and combing the internet have failed to turn it up. Anyone have the source?
EDIT: Sorry- I don’t know how to picture here anymore.
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
my misplaced sense of loyalty is pushed to ridiculous bounds.
I’d say your loyalty to ridiculous bounds are properly placed.
… yes
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
While this review is for TLJ it sort of sums up how I feel about the current state of the franchise, and the addition of Solo to the list of feature films:
This quote sums it up pretty well:
“These films of oppression and resistance, good and evil are restrictive in their scope, their multi episode continuation an echo chamber that would best left to the silence of imagination over big screen realisation. Star Wars has become a broken record, with a faulty premise of philosophical balance, that can only be handled appropriately by breaking its defined structure.”
While Solo is not a bad film in my view, and I liked both TFA and RO, I’m sick to death of the current franchise’s self-referential nature, and its tendency to revisit past hits. The announcement of a Boba Fett film on the day of Solo’s release only reinforces this view, and I dislike it intensely. Star Wars used to spark the imagination. These new films stiffle the imagination by either giving us distorted versions of what came before (ST), or by filling in the blanks with backstory and fan service (RO and Solo). So, while I found some enjoyment watching Solo, I can’t help but feel empty after yet another entry in the continuing Star Wars franchise, which sadly grows much faster in volume than in original content.
Because the prequels never referenced anything. And the feeling empty comment is kind of ironic as Star Wars was sometimes compared to junk food back in the day. I wish these pop culture pundits would burn their Star Wars fan club card and be done with it already. And get a spell checker. Stiffle the imagination? 😉
And I refuse to believe anybody was ever happy about waiting three years for a new movie. I sure wasn’t.
Where were you in '77?
While this review is for TLJ it sort of sums up how I feel about the current state of the franchise, and the addition of Solo to the list of feature films:
This quote sums it up pretty well:
“These films of oppression and resistance, good and evil are restrictive in their scope, their multi episode continuation an echo chamber that would best left to the silence of imagination over big screen realisation. Star Wars has become a broken record, with a faulty premise of philosophical balance, that can only be handled appropriately by breaking its defined structure.”
While Solo is not a bad film in my view, and I liked both TFA and RO, I’m sick to death of the current franchise’s self-referential nature, and its tendency to revisit past hits. The announcement of a Boba Fett film on the day of Solo’s release only reinforces this view, and I dislike it intensely. Star Wars used to spark the imagination. These new films stiffle the imagination by either giving us distorted versions of what came before (ST), or by filling in the blanks with backstory and fan service (RO and Solo). So, while I found some enjoyment watching Solo, I can’t help but feel empty after yet another entry in the continuing Star Wars franchise, which sadly grows much faster in volume than in original content.
Because the prequels never referenced anything. And the feeling empty comment is kind of ironic as Star Wars was sometimes compared to junk food back in the day. I wish these pop culture pundits would burn their Star Wars fan club card and be done with it already. And get a spell checker. Stiffle the imagination? 😉
And I refuse to believe anybody was ever happy about waiting three years for a new movie. I sure wasn’t.
Yup, it certainly is ironic that the nutritional content of a Star Wars meal is dropping rapidly these days. Critical voices is what prevents the Star Wars community from becoming an echo chamber, celebrating its happy meals as if they are haute cuisine, whilst eagerly anticipating every fan service toy McLucasfilm is willing to share with them 😉.
I would gladly wait three years, if it results in an OT quality film…
I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.
Where were you in '77?
I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.
I’m not even sure that guy is part of the community. He seems to be writing about film in general, but I share his view, that Star Wars has become a franchise, that doesn’t go forward, because it’s obsessed with looking in the rearview mirror.
I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.
I’m not even sure that guy is part of the community. He seems to be writing about film in general, but I share his view, that Star Wars has become a franchise, that doesn’t go forward, because it’s obsessed with looking in the rearview mirror.
One could easily make the argument that it has been that way since at least 1997.
…or 1983 for that matter. 😉
Where were you in '77?
Most box office talk is just click bait fodder. They built SW up now they want to tear it down. The movie will be fine and Star Wars will be fine. Anybody who stayed home because they hated TLJ, thank you! As I went at the last minute on Thursday night, I got a nice seat. 😉
When movies cost 500 million dollars to make and market, an 84 million dollar domestic take on opening weekend is very concerning, especially when it’s the movie based on the most likable character in all of Star Wars.
The Person in Question
I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.
I’m not even sure that guy is part of the community. He seems to be writing about film in general, but I share his view, that Star Wars has become a franchise, that doesn’t go forward, because it’s obsessed with looking in the rearview mirror.
One could easily make the argument that it has been that way since at least 1997.
I would agree with that statement. I personally feel Vader’s journey is much better represented by the OT’s suggestion that Luke’s journey mirrored his father’s leaving the rest to the imagination, rather than fill in the blanks as the PT attempted. The funny thing is that rather than introduce a new interesting big bad behind the scenes, Solo reintroduces Maul, another character whose fate is already known.
Most box office talk is just click bait fodder. They built SW up now they want to tear it down. The movie will be fine and Star Wars will be fine. Anybody who stayed home because they hated TLJ, thank you! As I went at the last minute on Thursday night, I got a nice seat. 😉
When movies cost 500 million dollars to make and market, an 84 million dollar domestic take on opening weekend is very concerning, especially when it’s the movie based on the most likable character in all of Star Wars.
Arguably they should have stuck to the December release schedule, and it’s a really crowded summer. Let’s see how some people cope waiting 18 long months for the next movie now.
As for most likeable character, they haven’t made the Chewbacca movie yet. 😛
Where were you in '77?
I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.
I’m not even sure that guy is part of the community. He seems to be writing about film in general, but I share his view, that Star Wars has become a franchise, that doesn’t go forward, because it’s obsessed with looking in the rearview mirror.
Funny, I thought TLJ moved to new territory and broke the pattern. And Solo should be fun, not epicly serious.
I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.
I’m not even sure that guy is part of the community. He seems to be writing about film in general, but I share his view, that Star Wars has become a franchise, that doesn’t go forward, because it’s obsessed with looking in the rearview mirror.
Funny, I thought TLJ moved to new territory and broke the pattern. And Solo should be fun, not epicly serious.
You’re not wrong.
While this review is for TLJ it sort of sums up how I feel about the current state of the franchise, and the addition of Solo to the list of feature films:
This quote sums it up pretty well:
“These films of oppression and resistance, good and evil are restrictive in their scope, their multi episode continuation an echo chamber that would best left to the silence of imagination over big screen realisation. Star Wars has become a broken record, with a faulty premise of philosophical balance, that can only be handled appropriately by breaking its defined structure.”
While Solo is not a bad film in my view, and I liked both TFA and RO, I’m sick to death of the current franchise’s self-referential nature, and its tendency to revisit past hits. The announcement of a Boba Fett film on the day of Solo’s release only reinforces this view, and I dislike it intensely. Star Wars used to spark the imagination. These new films stiffle the imagination by either giving us distorted versions of what came before (ST), or by filling in the blanks with backstory and fan service (RO and Solo). So, while I found some enjoyment watching Solo, I can’t help but feel empty after yet another entry in the continuing Star Wars franchise, which sadly grows much faster in volume than in original content.
Nailed it.
TLJ gets some respect from me for trying to break the mold and be something different, even if it fell flat in many ways, and I blame it only partially for its “failures” because it was forced to deal with the deficient story of TFA — a boring retread.
I’d gladly wait another three years if I thought the extra time would make IX a better movie, but with all the excuses they’re making for Solo’s box office bomb, I don’t have high hopes that they’re going to take any lessons from it and rethink their direction.
Haven’t seen Solo yet and won’t judge it based on others’ reviews (I liked RO more than I thought I would), but I’m probably waiting for Netflix like I did with RO. These side story films don’t excite me the same way the numbered episodes do, but I don’t dislike the extra bit of flavor they add to the galaxy.
Only in the 21st century is a number one opening weekend proclaimed a bomb.
Where were you in '77?
Nothing I’m hearing about this movie makes me want to watch it. I think I’m done with Disney Star Wars.
Solo is on top of the worldwide box office and it’s a flop?! WOW! Explain that one to me.
Reality sucks, watch movies.
Nothing I’m hearing about this movie makes me want to watch it. I think I’m done with Disney Star Wars.
https://youtu.be/3q4WkcPKiUg 😛
You’ll be back come December 2019. You’ll all be back! laughs maniacally
Where were you in '77?
Just got back from seeing it again! It’s still good!
Solo is on top of the worldwide box office and it’s a flop?! WOW! Explain that one to me.
Is this sarcasm?
I hope it is, because the movie landed on its face, under-performed like crazy and continues to make less and less money.
It has a shot at maybe having some domestic legs (Incredibles 2 and JW2 aren’t gonna let that happen, but for the sake of argument), but it has flopped hard overseas and if history serves it isn’t likely to magically pick up.
When Disney themselves and crew members are acknowledging it, there’s a real issue.
Given the inflated production costs due to re-shooting almost the entire film you’re probably looking at 600 mill to break even.
Breaking even isn’t good enough.
I like the film but it has flopped. I wish it didn’t, but it has.
We’re basically seeing a Justice League 2.0 at the box office.
Wonder why they even bother with China when the OT and PT never played there, (AFAIK) and the sequels have not done well there either.
Where were you in '77?
IIRC Phantom Menace played in China
One thing I found interesting about the concept art is how it clearly has Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Han.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Young Bruce Willis as Han Solo in
a Rian Johnson film
Why is Chewie wearing a Power Glove?
Where were you in '77?