Season 3 edit!
As the final season draws to a close I thought I’d share a few ideas about my edit. When the season started off I was expecting to make 2 movies out of season 3 because it got off to a cracking start and seemed that every episode was crucial. However, the last few episodes have gone back to the paint-by-numbers mission of the week with very little plot progression. As I’ve started putting things together it’s yet another case of having enough material for about one and a half movies! The idea of a movie trilogy is very appealing so I’ve started putting together a potential single movie edit and I suspect this is the way I’m going to go. The structure so far is:
Act 1: (58mins)
Opening Crawl & Pan (2mins)
EP1: Confined (20mins)
Largely intact as the opening, but with the material slightly condensed from 3 daytime cycles to two.
EP2: Paths Unknown (completely cut)
Dead end plot that doesn’t help the Batch find Omega. The young clones don’t seem to be important.
EP3: Shadows of Tantiss (22mins)
Minor edits
EP4: A different Approach (10mins)
I have used the start and end of this episode. The opening scenes are intact upto the point where Crosshair and Omega reach the spaceport. When crosshair says about taking out half the guards before they realise, I cut to a Tantiss scene from another episode. We then cut back to Omega and Crosshair in the middle of the gunfight at the port and they escape. The cut is a touch comedic, but I think its much better than including the gambling scenes and the accent-switching Imperial Office. Plus it allows me to cut 10mins and gets us to the Batch reunion as quickly as possible. The other thing that I have cut is Dr Hemlock’s presence on the planet, searching for Omega. It’s inconsequential and contrary to Tantiss being presented as a fortress that nobody leaves unless essential. The hunt for Omega is conducted solely by the Stealth Clone.
EP10: Identity crisis (4mins)
A potentially controversial take on this episode. I thought as a stand-alone it was fantastic and dark. However, in terms of a larger movie edit I’ve decided to cut most of it. Bane the child snatcher is something we’ve seen before and is more fan service than essential plot. I’m also cutting the scenes with the kids. One theme running through this edit will be the mystery of the vault, so it will become a recurring theme that we see characters going into the vault but not the vault itself. We won’t see the inside of the vault until Omega does. We get a clue from the images on Emerie’s data pad, but nothing else.
The only scenes that will be retained are the Emerie taking on Nala Se’s role, Emerie talking to Nala Se about the vault and the Tarkin/Hemlock/Stealth Clone scene. These scenes are intercut with the Ep4 Scenes.
Act 2: (49mins)
EP5: The Return (23mins)
Only minor edits. A slightly frustrating episode in that it’s essential because it resolves the issues the Batch have with Crosshair, however, it doesn’t really move the plot along. That being said, this may be where I use a bit of AI dialogue to get the Batch to Tantiss - it all depends on how the last 3 episodes play out.
EP6 & EP7:
Completely cut. This is crucial to the single-movie edit. As things currently stand it’s not essential to the plot. The batch do find out that the Empire is still hunting Omega, but that is already implied, and some M-count exposition, but that has so far been a bit of a dead end.
EP8 & EP9:
Completely cut. EP9 may have to be re-instated if Ventress appears in the finale - it would be a strange decision to bring her back from the dead just for a stand alone episode.
EP10: Point of No Return (19mins)
Just minor edits here.
EP11: Juggernaught (7mins)
Just the Tantiss scenes. Hopefully the Rampart prison scenes can be cut but I guess we’ll see over the next few weeks.
The finale - space for about an hour of material - I’m not worried about achieving a 1-hour finale cut, the issue will be whether the finale will require parts of the cut episodes to be included in act 2.