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Sluggo's Star Wars Trailer Contest *Next contest begins April 25th* — Page 3

Summer, I suppose. It's my birfday then, after all. Best start prepping early.

Did you or are you planning on using the trailers from the 1997 SE release?

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Yeah. I hope to get as much official stuffs on there as I can. SE's, the prequels, the whole shooting match. But it will be divided among classic and prequel so if you aren't a prequel fan, you can only watch the classic trailers. Once the contest is done, I am going to do a demo disc to have a select group preview (I'm still learning the ropes) before I make the final one.
That sounds great, Im sure itll turn out awesome

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Ever since TPM, any song that is used in a Star Wars trailer I automatically like ...it happened with bawitdaba, blue monday and now Fix you. Thing is not any of the songs are my type of music but as soon as I relate them to star wars I like them. I dont know where I was going with this but I just thought Id share

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Maybe you could use a cool song like Coldplay's Fix You for your own future project, if you take my meaning.
Yeah I know I should make a trailer and its going to sound like an excuse but every time I try to have a go at one I feel that I'm doing a really poor job, I think it doesn't seem to mesh well and I get frustrated with my work and scrape it. I guess I should just stop whining and do one.

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-


I guess we are done. I'll post names of the winners tonight. And once I have their approval, I'll put up a link to their winning trailers.

Well a day late, but the judges have spoken.

Out of six enteries to the contest, the winners are

First Prize: Jambe Davdar (not real name) for a serious kick@$$ Return of the Jedi trailer
Second Prize: Jon Schell for an awesome TPM trailer.
Third Prize: Goose (not real name) who put together a great ESB trailer.

I'll post these on the youtube with the permission of the authors this week. These also will be featured on my trailers DVD project pending their approval, of course.

This was a fun contest to host. The talent of so many folks is incredible. I'll definately be doing another one of these in a couple of months, so plan ahead and start the next batch. I expect competation will be a bit tougher next time.

congratulations Jambe, a well deserved winning.

Nothing about fanediting is easy.

WOW! I am so pleased (big smile on my face).

Thanks to Sluggo for setting the competition up in the first place. And a big WELL DONE to the other winners. I am really looking forward to seeing you trailers!

Slugs, I have no problem with you posting the trailer anywhere you like.

Thanks again! Wooo hoo! This is the second competition I have won in my life. The first was a Lego competition at my school when I was aged 6. I won a Transformers puzzle, LOL!


Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

Aww....a Lego competition.... How cute.

Congrats, Jambe! I can't wait to see your trailer.

Again, congratulations to Jambe. If its the same trailer im thinking of, and it probalbly is, its truly epic.
Thanks guys.

Sluggo, I just had a look on youtube to see if you had uploaded it when I came across THIS. Bizzarely this person has used the same film and the same music to create a a trailer. I didn't copy it, honest!

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

Weird. Yours is vastly surperior. Ya'll can check it out for yerselves here.
Jambe, that's some nice editing. The sync to the music was done really well.

Sluggo, I can't wait to see the other winning entries.

To contact me outside the forum, for trades and such my email address is my OT.com username @gmail.com

Nice. Very nice.

Unlike the earlier clip you 'stumbled' upod there Jambe yours makes far better use of the source music. great sync work. Top stuff. And cheers to the exalted sluggo for the comp, I would have made an entry but I know i'd never get finished in time - between you and me tho I'd have probably used the same music.

Can't wait to see the other entries too.

Keep up the good work. All of you.
Well, I'd like to echo JD and thank Sluggo for running this, and congratulate all the others involved, especially Jambe and Jon for their winning entries.

My trailer was one of three I made (quite a while ago now!) as short intro movies for "special features" discs I was putting together. These were preservations of the special features from the UK PAL Executor release and were briefly discussed here on the boards.

That project fell foul of real life for a long time, but I have just recently found some spare time to finish it.

Anyway, the trailer/ intro in question is deliberately short and simple, but was a lot of fun to edit... and it's nice to get some good feedback!

Thanks again to Sluggo and everyone else- I have no problem with this being uploaded. Glad to have contributed to the community.


I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that.....
Thanks guys, I thought my one was better too

I actually edited the music in about 4 places to use the most dramtic parts of the track.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

I'll have the rest up in a day or two. Things are a bit busy this week here at SluggoCentral.
A mate of mine put a link to my trailer on digg.com. Some kind soul gave this review:

"Very clichéd. Too long IMO. Watch the trailer with the sound turned off to see how good it really isn't."

I really enjoyed that.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

People are only jerks online because they can be. They take counterpoint just for the sake of being different. The question is, where's their trailer? Until they produce something better, their opinion is just that...an opinion.

I just watched it and I think it's really well done. I like the flash style transitions. And I've always loved that track by Clint Mansell. You could call it "Requiem For a Jedi"...haha... People don't realize how hard it is to get the right balance in one of these trailers. There's a fine line between trailer and clip-show. I think you've shown that you know the difference.

So, great job, Jambe! Screw the naysayers! You won!


You have a challenge ahead of you then, Infodroid!