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What’s This About?
Nothing too radical, it’s by large the same film you’re used to, with a few light trims and only a couple of major omissions
Original Title: Skyfall
Studios: Eon Productions, MGM, Columbia Pictures
Faneditor: Zarius
Originally Released: 2012
Original Running Time: 143
Fanedit Running Time: 121
Cut Time: 21 minutes
-Movie begins in media res on the battle aboard the train. Everthing preceeding that has been cut, we learn why things happen throughtout the film anyway.
-“Skyfall” by Adele cut, replaced by “The World” by Sela Sue. Skyfall titles slightly trimmed so the new song fits.
-Glimpses into life during Bond’s exile abroad is cut
-Bond’s talk with the psychologist cut after he calls M a “bitch”
-Bond and Q’s banter at the museum cut entirely. Q’s there on strict buisness, hands Bond what he needs, and leaves
-Battle at the Casino is cut
-Sex scene in the shower cut
-Train crash cut
-M’s death cut, scene in the church ends on a bit of Bond wit
-References to M’s will being read out by Moneypenny cut, it’s implied she simply retires as her job’s done.