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Save Star Wars Dot Com — Page 18


I fail to see how someone can say "Star Wars is lost" when some guy has a Technicolor print of Star Wars sitting in his home. But beyond this, the OOT will never literally fade away for good. If Lucas doesn't restore it himself in the next eight or nine years, someone will after he dies. Even if his will says "don't release the OOT," mark my words the second the dust settles from his grave there will be a squad of fans, professionals and corporate executives trying to find a way around it, and eventually they will succeed. It's essentially a waiting game, one way or another.


zombie84 said:

If Lucas doesn't restore it himself in the next eight or nine years, someone will after he dies. Even if his will says "don't release the OOT," mark my words the second the dust settles from his grave there will be a squad of fans, professionals and corporate executives trying to find a way around it, and eventually they will succeed. It's essentially a waiting game, one way or another.

It's a little sad that Lucas, for whom his fans would have once sprinkled rosebuds in his path (and I'll count myself in that) has given them a reason to actually anticipate his eventual death.


zombie84 said:

I fail to see how someone can say "Star Wars is lost" when some guy has a Technicolor print of Star Wars sitting in his home. But beyond this, the OOT will never literally fade away for good. If Lucas doesn't restore it himself in the next eight or nine years, someone will after he dies. Even if his will says "don't release the OOT," mark my words the second the dust settles from his grave there will be a squad of fans, professionals and corporate executives trying to find a way around it, and eventually they will succeed. It's essentially a waiting game, one way or another.

I totally agree with this. The demand for the OOT will remain high, and someone will find a way to fill that demand. If the future license holders of Star Wars are smart, they'll find a way to profit from this. If they're not, I'm sure a high-quality fan restoration will eventually show up.

But you know, I find it hard to believe George would forbid any OOT releases in his will. I just can't see how he would rob his heirs of those profits, and knowingly seal his legacy as a suppressor of film history.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Erikstormtrooper said:

I find it hard to believe George would forbid any OOT releases in his will. I just can't see how he would rob his heirs of those profits, and knowingly seal his legacy as a suppressor of film history.

 At this point, I not only see it as believable, but probable.


Cynicism does no one any good. It's better to live with a little hope than to sink into despair.

Forum Moderator

zombie84 said:

I fail to see how someone can say "Star Wars is lost" when some guy has a Technicolor print of Star Wars sitting in his home. But beyond this, the OOT will never literally fade away for good. If Lucas doesn't restore it himself in the next eight or nine years, someone will after he dies. Even if his will says "don't release the OOT," mark my words the second the dust settles from his grave there will be a squad of fans, professionals and corporate executives trying to find a way around it, and eventually they will succeed. It's essentially a waiting game, one way or another.

I very much agree.  I think Lucas way over-estimates his ability to control how people will watch\experience or think of Star Wars 1977,  or the film series as a whole.  Continually lying about his Original Master Vision does not equal control over history & future.  There are too many instances, from very credible sources (articles, interviews, books, etc) where his lies can be proven as such.

What the TFNers choose to believe is their own problem.  They'll have to reconcile his lies with the truth one day. They won't like it, but they'll have no choice.

 Star Wars77 was industry-altering, pop culture-altering, and public consciousness-altering. No one person gets to control that.  The world will get Star Wars released and preserved properly.  It will just take time.

Forum Moderator

Finally had chance to have a look at the site. Great work there Zombie. I did notice a mistake when you were talking about the original emperor in my HD edit. It wasn't taken from a rare HD version of the '97 version as one doesn't exists. I used a hi res screenshotl of the chamber background and upscaled the emperor from a 97 SE SD TV broadscast then rotoscoped the original emperor, adding it to the HD background.




Just got through the Emperor in my comps. So many shot changes, I'll have to keep it to the bare minimum or it will take over the list!

Speaking of which, I wanted some input on what I've found so far. Some interesting changes that weren't documented yet that I can tell.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Have you seen this one, zombie.

I just thought it was fitting to the title of your site. ;)

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


The first story on your "news" link (about the use of an SE shot to illustrate an example of the innovations made in SW in 1977), reminded me of something that I heard on the radio about 2 years ago.

It was on the Mike O'Meara show.  They were discussing how they had watched all 6 shows of the trilogy, and how the older effects didn't measure up to the new effects.  And the example they used of a bad effect in the original 1977 trilogy was -- the Jabba scene in ANH!!!!!

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


The mood of your site, zombie, seems to imply that we are losing in the fight, while the OOT is dying by inches. And you think the OOT will last forever?


If you don't keep the fight up, then it will die. Saying "oh don't worry, the OOT will not go away, just wait it out" is essentially passive, and it's a circular catch-22 that if you do take that attitude it will actually create a situation where Lucas won't have to release the OOT, because no one cares enough to raise a stink. So you have to create a reality--you have to protest it all. The situation is dire, in that the OOT will go away unless you care enough. But then there's the catch-22: by the sheer existance of our protest, the OOT will never go away.

Like I said, it's all circular. It's inevitable that it will survive, but only if people continue to care. If people lay down and let Lucasfilm do its thing, then it'll just go away. People say Lucas is doing this to milk money but that's entire bullshit. He's not in it for the money at all, and he's sacrificed hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost profit; if his plan worked and people just sort of accepted the SE and forgot about the originals, I truely believe that he would never even speak of the originals again, let alone release them.

I don't know why he thought this would work though. I imagined he's been surprised and dismayed at his failure to control people's memories and opinions. And that's the only reason he's slowly stepping back on his scheme. The world isn't letting it.

You see, generalgrievous, we aren't losing the fight, but the fight will be lost if you don't keep it up. That's the danger--the OOT could be lost, and it currently is in a state of semi-lostness. I don't think it will remain this way, but the point of activism is to protest the danger and create the reality that you would like to see.


I would love to see the OOT saved, but no one has suggested any practical reason fight against GL.

generalfrevious said:

I would love to see the OOT saved, but no one has suggested any practical reason fight against GL.

 What? I thought I made it clear in my previous post. If you are willing to just lay down and let Lucasfilm do what it wants, then they'll never release it, except maybe if Lucas dies and he doesn't specificy in his will that it not be released, and to be honest I believe there's a moderate possibility he might yet be crazy enough to at least consider doing that if he thinks he can get away with it.

Basically, if there's no public manifestation of the desire to see the OOT treated right, then there's no way it will ever happen. Luckily, people do complain about it, and the purpose of my site is magnify this complaint and make it more publically visible.

I don't understand this defeatist attitude. What does that accomplish except letting Lucasfilm walk over you? If everyone was like you nothing in the world would ever improve.


Get out of this Frink, you're not adding anything to this discussion


You're creating a discussion where there shouldn't be one. Lucas is repressing history, Lucas should be opposed. If you don't think that way, go do nothing somewhere else.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I definitely think that Lucas is repressing history and that he should be opposed. The problem here is that no else here realizes that we as a whole are nothing more than a fringe group, thrown into the dustbin of history. Few people are willing to side with us because we are perceived as radicals, and most people consider it insanity to side with us. I don't like what GL is doing to SW as much as anyone on this site. But it is like fighting an atom bomb with a slingshot. We have more in common with Cuban exiles than with mainstream society. In the end our voices will be silenced and no one will give a fuck. So if you are angry at what I am saying, deal with it. 


" We have more in common with Cuban exiles than with mainstream society."
And this, my friend, is why no one takes you seriously.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


See you the next time there's news and you start whining. ;)

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


generalfrevious said:

I definitely think that Lucas is repressing history and that he should be opposed. The problem here is that no else here realizes that we as a whole are nothing more than a fringe group, thrown into the dustbin of history. Few people are willing to side with us because we are perceived as radicals, and most people consider it insanity to side with us. I don't like what GL is doing to SW as much as anyone on this site. But it is like fighting an atom bomb with a slingshot. We have more in common with Cuban exiles than with mainstream society.

 Dude, this is utterly ridiculous. Maybe people think you are a radical because of your use of comical hyperbole. I certainly do, and I run bloody savestarwars.com. But actually most people would like to see the originals and don't like that they've been suppressed. Most people actually are on the side represented by normal, reasonable and informed people like many of us here. That's why the site in question here has been designed in a very level-headed way to simply inform and educate further on the matter, rather than some radical, fanboy bitching and whining and freakish threats against a respected public figure.

In the end our voices will be silenced and no one will give a fuck. So if you are angry at what I am saying, deal with it. 

The fact is that you've silenced your own voice by laying down and accepting things. If everyone was like this, nothing would ever change and thats a bona fide fact that you have to deal with. I don't have to "deal with" your attitude because you are forecasting a future that doesn't yet exist, and is privy to change depending on the attitudes and efforts of public opinion to a degree.  On the contrary, I would say you have to "deal with" the people who are trying to change things. If you don't think things can change then fine, shut the fuck up, take your anti-depressants and be sure to thank people like us when the original versions of the films eventually do get properly released.