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SW on David Letterman

Did anyone catch (as in "record") the David Letterman Top 10 list earlier this week. Something about "Top 10 Things Never Before Said By A Star Wars Character."
I saw the online version.
Despite my checking the source code, I could not find a URL to download it from.

I do, however, have a text copy of the list on my home PC, but then what is that worth since the text of all the Top Ten lists is available online.
Can't seem to find it. Let me check tf.n

Hey, you may still be able to watch it:
Some Top Ten Lists
Just watched it... NOT very funny. I remember seeing on the internet back in 1999 a sketch by Jay Leno over TPM, that was funny... I remember he had a fake cereal box for those who were in line waiting for the movie for weeks: it was called "GET A LIFE!", and had a geeky guy with glasses on the box.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Yeah. Just saw it myself, too. Not that great, but it was cool that they used the real costumes and sound effects.