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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 35


vaderios said:

Dont forget the reflection ^^




It will be done, My Lord.

New page so just tossing it up again.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


bobgarcia74 said:

vaderios said:

Dont forget the reflection ^^




It will be done, My Lord.

New page so just tossing it up again.

Awesome work. That looks like Star Wars!!!

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I think the alterations to the colour palatte will be great, just concerned that it may go too far the other end of the spectrum.

Making everything grayscale does not make it OT.  The still photo above looks fantastic.


bobgarcia74 said:

vaderios said:

Dont forget the reflection ^^




It will be done, My Lord.

New page so just tossing it up again.

 That brings a whole new life to that scene. Beautiful.


So I was watching ROTS again and I noticed how the blue lightsabers look very dark, not like in TPM, AOTC or even in the OT.

Maybe it's because those digital sets were pretty dark, but if you look at the promotional pictures you can see that they are very different than they were in the movie -

And this is a shot form the movie -

It's not a big issue for me, except that in ROTS they look a bit cartoon'ish. It would be cool to have a constant color throughout the series.

But what do you guys think? And, most importantly, what are Bob's thoughts about this?


haraldo23 said:

So I was watching ROTS again and I noticed how the blue lightsabers look very dark, not like in TPM, AOTC or even in the OT.

Maybe it's because those digital sets were pretty dark, but if you look at the promotional pictures you can see that they are very different than they were in the movie -

And this is a shot form the movie -

It's not a big issue for me, except that in ROTS they look a bit cartoon'ish. It would be cool to have a constant color throughout the series.

But what do you guys think? And, most importantly, what are Bob's thoughts about this?

 That's a very good point actually. I always thought something didn't look quite right with the lightsabers in ROTS, and this confirms it.

I agree, that they should have kept them the same blue as before.



ROTS's sabers are the best.

Never but never trust promo pictures from any movie!

Compare what you see from movie frames and not promos or stills :)

Bob's colors adjustments will make them more desaturated, more like OT.





They look very crisp is what I wanted to say. Maybe too crisp.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that it would be very cool if the color wouldn't change throughout the series. :)


Well its a lightsaber it has to be crisp. Dont look the OT ones that was reflected material on camera that was looked like neon lights.. It has to look different from what a light looks like in real life.Because its not a lightt...right?

AOTC had the similar approach to the sabers but still the continuity was a big mess.

TMP made it more OT like but still with no blu ray release it doenst worth the effort...





ROTS sabers also had pointy tips, unlike the other 5 movies in the saga.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Yeah, I noticed that too! Especially in the scene where Palpatine reveals his true identity to Anakin. When Anakin ignites his saber there's a close-up of Palpatine with a saber in his face and you can clearly see it has a pointy tip.


Aside from the fact that it's visually inconsistent with the other movies, it looks too well-defined and pointy for an energy weapon that's supposedly made of plasma.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Well it was never mention it is plasma. And i take facts that even it was mentioned as laser sword it hasnt to be "plasma" from the real world.

Im aware of this continuity of the pointy edges but since its bob garcia's universe in these edits he can go whatever route he wants. Even if that is adding pointed sabers in OT..





Lucas just needed to pick a flavor and stick with it.... I'm honestly fine with pointy or not... BUT PICK ONE AND STAY CONSISTENT!

That is why it's retarded.


mrbenja0618 said:

Lucas just needed to pick a flavor and stick with it.... I'm honestly fine with pointy or not... BUT PICK ONE AND STAY CONSISTENT!

Agreed. That would be very nice.


So if the consistency was to make all the saga with pointy edges you would be happy? No?

Ok i guess consistency with the OT.... right?





vaderios said:

So if the consistency was to make all the saga with pointy edges you would be happy? No?

Ok i guess consistency with the OT.... right?



For me, it doesn't matter really. I'd just like to see consistency. For example, if Adywan made rounded tips for sabers in ANH then I would like to see them stay that way throughout the Revisited series.

And if Bob decides to keep pointy tips in this edit, then it would be great to have pointy tips in all of his Star Wars edits.

That is the way I see it.

But don't get me wrong, I understand it's not easy to do that. So it's not a big deal if they keep changing.


vaderios said:

So if the consistency was to make all the saga with pointy edges you would be happy? No?

Ok i guess consistency with the OT.... right?



I think I said it fine the first time... Consistency period.

However, if you want to pull the OT card.... Yes, I feel there are some aspects of the OT that look far greater than the CG-fest that is the prequel films.

But as far as lightsabers go... No preference, just would have liked it if he picked a idea and stuck with it.


Just echoing other opinions about the lightsabers.

I think the problem with the ROTS lightsabers isn't so much the colour, but the very different look they have at times. They are a little bit too vibrant and solid at times - perhaps I am just too used to OT, I don't know. But in the OT, you could see they were like a powered laser, and not like a straight line solid, pointy, object like in the ROTS. I guess it seems weird because they seem almost too perfect.



Thanks haraldo, I have indeed already seen it, Angel mentioned it to me a few weeks ago. I'm going to give it another watch tho.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Need some fresh eyes for this next shot, cause I've been looking at it for so long. ATM anything looks good.

During the final duel I removed the line. "You underestimate my power". For obvious reasons. My problem was that with alot of the lines from this part removed, Anakin jumping comes way to quick. So I reinserted the shot when Anakin gives that line, but removed him saying anything. Using motion tracking and masks. Feel free to pick it apart, cause like I said, right now it's hard for me to judge it.


 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side