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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 33


Wow, just realized I've been following this since March.  Doesn't even feel that long.


rpvee said:

Wow, just realized I've been following this since March.  Doesn't even feel that long.

Yeah! Me too! Ever since it started.

At first I was excited about the cut-list - about couple of dumb scenes getting removed.  But then it turned out that Bob is also planning on reworking this movie visually. And so far I've been nothing but amazed...

... but I guess that is what happens when you think something is impossible and then you see it come to life.


Yeah, this started off as a simple cut list. Then after I started working on the dooku door scene and learning After Effects, this became alot more of a project.

After alot of nights chatting with Angel on Windows messager, alot of ideas took flight using Angels renderings and tricks that I've learned in AE. I then realized that alot of the things that I would like to change, could in fact be done. Now it's down to having the time and patience to do these changes justice, and not have then sticking out like a sore thumb.

I really appreciate Angel for pushing me to not limit myself. As well I also appreciate the comments, ideas and helpfull support that everyone has given me while working on the film.

It's still a labor of love. I'm still having a really fun time doing these changes. And having the feedback helps to push me further.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Headed to bed. Long night of work again.

Angel mentioned this in another thread at one time. I always wanted to address this. Just a test, nothing final. Some minor color correction and new color to the robe added at 16 seconds into the video.

It's a first draft, but it coming along nicely. I stopped the color correction right before the end of the clip so you can get an idea of the difference.


 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


looks much better... why they originally went with that maroon colored outfit with purplypink skin is quite beyond my capacity.

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Looks good but might be too much. Might be beeter to have something a little more subtle like a really dark blue or brown? - more of a hint of where things are headed than a reveal...

Or maybe do that bit in the middle in colour so it's black but not fully black, not yet.

It certainly does look good, though!




The black does look good it might help the scene if there was a medical droid on the podium to play up the injury angle.

The medical droids in the ROTJ briefing make no sense but Palpatine is playing on narrowly surviving a disfiguring attack against him by the Jedi here.

Medic on hand


Bingowings said:

The black does look good it might help the scene if there was a medical droid on the podium to play up the injury angle.

The medical droids in the ROTJ briefing make no sense but Palpatine is playing on narrowly surviving a disfiguring attack against him by the Jedi here.

Awesome point!

Indeed the medical droid will sell the idea/propaganda that palps is weak and he needs to take extreme rules against the jedi assasins.


Great idea Bingo. Lets see if its possible tho/=.=





It might even make sense to lose the alien sidekicks altogether and have them replaced with Royal guards.


Bingowings said:

It might even make sense to lose the alien sidekicks altogether and have them replaced with Royal guards.

 Not sure I'd be able to do that, as several of the shots pan around the characters drastically. Would be a awsome look tho for sure.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


bobgarcia74 said:

1080 and fullscreen for the best look



Yes YES YES!!!!

That looks very OT.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


The Jedi Fighter engines need some colour to them to look OTish even the TIEs had those little red glows at the back.

Red seemed to have been the default fighter glow.


I still think it should be the SD that is grayed out, have the red stripe coloured a dark blue at least to show that they are changing

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Bingowings said:

The Jedi Fighter engines need some colour to them to look OTish even the TIEs had those little red glows at the back.

Red seemed to have been the default fighter glow.

This.  Right now it looks like you just washed the color out of everything in the shot.


SO much better! but i agree with bingo on the red engines.

also as a general thing, are you planning on removing the excess blue on the holograms at all?

extra also, how did you feel to SSWR's proposed ROTDS ending?


Are SSWR's videos still available to see, I thought he took them all down?


i have a couple. does anyone know what happened to him?


rpvee said:

Right now it looks like you just washed the color out of everything in the shot.

Well, engines could use a little bit of colour, but it's getting there. It has that feeling, you know... It feels like Star Wars!

By the way, I was just wondering - what are you planning to do with clones? Will you leave their armor colourful or will you make it B&W (so that it looks more stormtrooper'ish)?



That last video was a first draft that I was working on after Angel posted a pic in Windows messager (I should have mentioned that, sorry). I do plan to add back color for the engines and other small things.

The holorgram is already masked out but I was short on time and wasnt able to finish it to true OT look, but rest assured it will be taken care of.

The ending of the film right now is set in stone, and is already a pretty drastic departure from the original. I watched alot of SSWR's vids and liked them a ton. But some of it might be a bit out of my league.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


bobgarcia74 said:

That last video was a first draft that I was working on after Angel posted a pic in Windows messager (I should have mentioned that, sorry). I do plan to add back color for the engines and other small things.

The holorgram is already masked out but I was short on time and wasnt able to finish it to true OT look, but rest assured it will be taken care of.

The ending of the film right now is set in stone, and is already a pretty drastic departure from the original. I watched alot of SSWR's vids and liked them a ton. But some of it might be a bit out of my league.

A completely different ending?  How different is it from that preview version from all those months ago?


rpvee said:

A completely different ending?  How different is it from that preview version from all those months ago?

 Very, very different.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side