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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 23


Dude, you rock and thanks for making this! It's gonna be May 2005 all over again for me when this one comes out! XD


Woo! just saw the clip of mace vs palps in the darkness! love it!

You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.



Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Haha! I love it. Boba Fett knows crap when he sees/hears it.


I'd recommend that for the worst edit ideas thread but I think it's possibly too good.


Hi BobGarcia74

Just checking your progress on this one

btw anyone seen stankpacs version on fanedit.org?


I am eagerly awaiting watching it. Seems like a heavily trimmed version. Are you going with something this heavily edited or will your edit keep most of the runtime?




Things are going good. Had a major setback, but it was one that I brought on myself.

After upgrading my computer, and adding a new Hard drive so I could then install windows 7 64 bit and have access to After effects CS5. All my files were saved and I continued to edit the movie. The problem was that running with my old hard drive acting as a slave pretty much slowed down Sony Vegas to a stand still for some reason.

After balancing out the pros and cons, I decided to save my rips to an external hard drive. Reinstall a fresh copy of Windows 7. And restart the movie from scratch. Seeing as how I was planning to redo all the special effects anyways. So pretty much I restarted the edit.

The plus of all this is that now Vegas moves at an amazing faster pace. And I'm able to better sort out all my files, which means more editing, and less looking for files on a old hard drive.

At the pace that I was going before restarting the project, rendering a 1 min clip in Vegas would take up to 30 min due to the fact that Vegas would have to search for the files it needed on the slave hard drive. Now that 1 min clip renders in just over a min. So in the long run. Restarting from scratch will mean that this edit will be completed faster now. And Ill be able to stay focused on each scene.

Before wiping the project. I would be like "Ok I want to work on this shot tonight. So let me render a clip so that I can work on it in After Effects." By the time the clip would finish. I was no longer wanting to do the work.

Now I can render what I want to work on in 1-2 min, and right away get started on doing he effects shots. So for me, I'm excited.

Currently I have the movies cuts 90% complete. (Thats just the cuts, not special effects.) I still have a few things that may change cut wise depending on what special effects I can pull off. Special effects shots I started working on late last week, and there going along well. I learned alot the first time, and now I have better tools to do the job faster. As I do the effects shots I'll be sending preview clips to Angel for his blessings and for his good eye at picking out bad spots.

So in short, it'll get there. I just want to make sure it's the best damn Episode 3 edit ever.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Sounds good, Bob. Still excited about this, and as always would love to help in any way that I can.

I asked this on the other forum, but, I'll ask here... How do you like AE cs5? How are those predictive masks working out for you?


Cs5 is far better, I really cant explain how much better in words.

The roto tool is amazing also, tho I'm still new to it. I'm sure there are a few tricks about it that im missing. As with everything else I've used in AE overall, the more I use it the better the results.

I'm always scanning for more tutorials, picking up new info along the way.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


I can't wait for this, too!  Have you decided if you're going to keep the lights completely down in the Mace/Sidious duel until all the Jedi are dead, or are they going to be flickering throughout?


Will you stop breaking your computer and do some work please!! looking forward to this :p

You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.


3rd attempt at the escape pod. More lit up buttons will be masked to show thru shortly. The idea I'm shooting for is keeping the inside of the pod, alittle bit of a mystery. Let me know if you guys have any ideas, to help this along.


Edit. hmm it seems that youtube isnt doing the darker parts justice. The actual file dont look quite as dark. Hope it dont come across and to crappy looking to you all.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Hi bob

Yes I think there is actually a problem, it's really dark on my screen


Youtube is notorious for making unwelcome adjustments to videos posted onto it but the idea is definitely sound if you compare it to the pod in ANH the pod is too bright and darkness makes the General look less fake.


have you tried changing the bridge lighting from green to white? it fudges the screens up a bit, but the floor lighting looks really good when you try it.


Good to see activity back on here. =)  I can see you're having fun with cs5. lol


ben_danger said:

have you tried changing the bridge lighting from green to white? it fudges the screens up a bit, but the floor lighting looks really good when you try it.

And white lights make for a more Star Warsy look.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I still prefer the white version.. Reminding that less color resembles coldness and looks/feel more OT. Plus less rotoscoping work :D





Hoooly crap..

I thought it would look good but this looks ace!

Toned down brings the good cold empire's bridges.

wow! When will you release the next video? :D::D:D

