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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 12


This whole lightsaber thing you guys just brought up is way too much.

It's an interesting idea, but if it's not done correctly then this edit could fail and I don't want that to happen because I'm really looking forward to this one.


haraldo23 said:

This whole lightsaber thing you guys just brought up is way too much.

It's an interesting idea, but if it's not done correctly then this edit could fail and I don't want that to happen because I'm really looking forward to this one.


I agree. It's a bit much. At this point, is it so far-fetched that Obi-wan just gave Luke a random blue saber and said it was from his father? We all know Obi's not above a fib or two.


Why wouldn't they look the same?  They're just different floors attached to the same elevator shaft, or perhaps I've misunderstood what you're saying?


Good point. I stand corrected.

Still its the same set there. At least some variation.. I might work on that




vaderios said:

Good point. I stand corrected.

Still its the same set there. At least some variation.. I might work on that



Canceling the rest of this summer, lol.

Maybe just add a potted plant in the corner.

BTW Angel, comp was running messed up last night, didnt get a chance to work on that scene we talked about. I'll mess around with it tonight and send you the results.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


bobgarcia74 said:

Maybe just add a potted plant in the corner.

I'm surprised George didn't do that for the DVD, complete with Jar Jar "watering" it.



I like the idea of Grievous grabbing Anakin's saber, but I don't think Anakin needs to grab Grievous's. Can't we just imply that he constructed a new saber between being indoctrinated and the Mustafar battle? It would also imply some passage of time of you move things around a bit so Anakin's turn won't seem as sharp or sudden.


Also, Grievous taking his sabers from dead Jedi makes him such a badass and in the 2D clone wars series (he's like a jedi slayer, a prototypical Darth Vader). but I agree that in the film it does nothing and I think he looks more menacing with red sabers.


Bob, I don't know if anyone has said this, but I think you should have the movie end after the duel. Don't show Padme dying or the kids being born. No Darth Vader "Noooooooo" scene.

It would have depth, and would be a great cliff hanger. I think it would make the Darth Vader mystery work for the OT. And to further that, I think you should remove any mention of the name Darth Vader from this movie. We shouldn't know who Darth Vader really is until ESB. I think it could work. But this is only a suggestion.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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i really liked SSWR ending idea, it sort of reminded me of the ESB ending.


i like that idea.  less exposition is more.  however there still needs to have a hopeful scene at the end (like what we see in ESB) and a shot of baby luke on Tatooine was a good hopeful scene.  If there was a shot like that but with padme still pregnant looking into the distance, then that would work too but i dont recall any scene like that.


The whole Anakin-to-Vader transformation was one of the coolest things about PT. If you remove that then there's not much to anticipate. It's a different trilogy and I think it needs it's own ending.


haraldo23 said:

The whole Anakin-to-Vader transformation was one of the coolest things about PT. If your remove that then there's not much to anticipate. It's a different trilogy and I think it needs it's own ending.

I always felt that it was a little forced on George's part. There was no conflict to his transformation, he just seemed to say Okay imma' sith now. George had so many opportunities to make the transformation have depth and reason. You could say that him becoming the thing he tried to stop was poetic, but really it sounds like something an unimaginative kid would write. I would have felt more satisfied with Palpatine using Sith mind control than the latter. He really needed to start the journey towards the dark side in AOTC. His character in the final moments of Return of the Jedi was that of a good caring person. The prequels show none of that. He was an easy to manipulate pig head of a brat. George must have avoided watching the OT for details when making the PT.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Hmmm... Well, I thought he was a pretty evil jerk in AOTC anyway. I mean, he killed innocent women and children, and then bragged about it later to Padme... Sounds like he's walking the Sith line right there.... Even though it was stupidly written. Why would Padme marry someone (a known pacifist) who admitted to killing innocent life? Hmmm.... THINK, GEORGE, THINK!


No no no no. You guys misunderstood me. What I meant to say with that whole "Anakin-to-Vader transformation" was - 

that scene where those robots transform Anakin into Darth Vader, not the whole emotional converting process through the trilogy (that pretty much sucked).

I was just talking about that one scene at the end of ROTS. It's a cool scene which I was really looking forward to see 5 years ago and I'm still very excited about it when I see it.  And I think  that it should stay and should not be removed.



haraldo23 said:

No no no no. You guys misunderstood me. What I meant to say with that whole "Anakin-to-Vader transformation" was - 

that scene where those robots transform Anakin into Darth Vader, not the whole emotional converting process through the trilogy (that pretty much sucked).

I was just talking about that one scene at the end of ROTS. It's a cool scene which I was really looking forward to see 5 years ago and I'm still very excited about it when I see it.  And I think  that it should stay and should not be removed.


100% agree.


haraldo23 said:

No no no no. You guys misunderstood me. What I meant to say with that whole "Anakin-to-Vader transformation" was - 

that scene where those robots transform Anakin into Darth Vader, not the whole emotional converting process through the trilogy (that pretty much sucked).

I was just talking about that one scene at the end of ROTS. It's a cool scene which I was really looking forward to see 5 years ago and I'm still very excited about it when I see it.  And I think  that it should stay and should not be removed.


I like most of that sequence... But if someone were working out their ideal saga, I think it would be fine to end it somewhere after the fight. And then later add that sequence as a flashback when Obi-wan is talking to Luke about Anakin in ROTJ. That way it still lives on.


Flashbacks dont work on Star wars im afraid.

Vader's transformation will be replaced with robotchicken's one




Seriously tho, I think the ending part of the movie will be something that a majority of people will enjoy far greater than the original. And I'll leave it with that.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Posted on youtube by me:

Yes! I'm really digging the colors here! Indeed it does feel a bit more OT...and it also has that "bad guys in ugly places" vibe you're going for!  ;)

Another thought: What do you think about getting rid of R2 having that spasm of his? I guess it's suppose to be a distraction...but aren't the Jedi fast enough to get the sabers back anyway?

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


I really hope that if the Threepio memory wipe is included Artoo's reaction is changed from one of hysterical laughter to sadness and concern.

His robot chum is about to be semi-lobotomised it's hardly the sort of thing for him to laugh his bolts off about.


There's no way I'd keep the Threepio memory wipe as it feels too forced and convenient. I think Any self respecting edits of the prequels should remove Threepio from Episodes 1 and 2 anyway, as Anakin building him was stupid beyond belief.


brash_stryker said:

There's no way I'd keep the Threepio memory wipe as it feels too forced and convenient. I think Any self respecting edits of the prequels should remove Threepio from Episodes 1 and 2 anyway, as Anakin building him was stupid beyond belief.

I think it would be possible to stick Threepio in the background on Coruscant and on the Naboo ship in episodes 1 and 2 so he is always a protocol droid attached to Padme's diplomatic office.

I even suggested recolouring TC-14 and having Threepio assist Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon get a distress message to the Republic in a reworked Phantom Menace.

But yeah Anakin building him is nuts.