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Now what I *don't* like is when a creator foists their opinion or some particular viewpoint on an audience in an unappropriate setting or in an un-announced way. By this I mean if filmmaker 'X' wants to make a statement about capital punishment they should feel free to make a film about it- and let it be known that 'this is my statement about capital punishment'. Whereas when you go to see a Batman film you expect to see a Batman film... not a film which essentially stands as a homo-erotic fetishist's showcase of rubber nipples and oiled musclemen. At this point the audience disconnects and even if they can't put their finger on it they know something is wrong.
Thus the problem I see with 'Superman Returns'- audiences expected to see Superman but instead of a heroic, honorable and (gasp) patriotic character they saw a neurotic, brooding, stalking, whining, emo character who was painted as being the second coming of Jesus. And looking at the box office results the general public had that same disconnect. Its a technically well crafted film and is not 'Batman & Robin' horrible but I'd imagine people walking out of theaters going... 'hmm... uh, ok. That wasn't any fun. What opens next week?' Bryan Singer infused his own sense of alienation (from his own adoption, orientation, etc) into the film. And that's fine- but not Superman. I do understand how he could come up this train of thought though- 'Superman was given up by his parents, so was I. Superman was adopted, so was I. I don't feel I fit in at times, so Superman must not. Lois Lane loved Superman and so do.... (er, nevermind)' So he made his idea of Superman using only 'Superman the Movie' as outside context. Like I said before- he should have made up his own super hero and made a film about it... and I bet it could have been huge and original. I sort of look at 'Alien 3' the same way- very good sci-fi film... just not a very good 'Alien' franchise film.
But very little of any of this has to do with Singer's (or anyone's) sexual orientation.