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STAR WARS: the alt.binaries.starwars thread — Page 7

Currently Posting DarkJedi's Fullscreen Trilogy LD Transfer
Good grief, are there really people out there downloading full DVD images from Usenet and NOT using PAR2? I mean, I remember the days before PAR and I really can't see ever going back. Not with 4+gig archives. I remember the first time I used a PAR to fix a grab, ahhhh, pure magic!
God, that las post makes me sound old ;^(
I remember the first par files, were it replace one whole rar file, those were nice. When par2 came out I creamed my pants, works great I for one would not use newsgroups if it was not for par2 files. Not that do much downloading these days.
PAR2 really seems like magic to me too, has anyone any idea about how it works? I've been wondering ever since the first time I used it.

That's no moon. It's a LaserDisc.

Originally posted by: Grinder
PAR2 really seems like magic to me too, has anyone any idea about how it works? I've been wondering ever since the first time I used it.

All i know is it has something to do with Killer Coding Ninja Monkeys. If any more info was disclosed the Ninja Monkeys would have to kill you (or so ive been told).
Why Anakin really turned to the dark side:
"Anakin, You're father I am" - Yoda
"No. No. That's not true! That's impossible!" - Anakin


*touchy people disclaimer*
some or all of the above comments are partially exaggerated to convey a point, none of the comments are meant as personal attacks on anyone mentioned or reference in the above post
Yeah, I had a friend that got to close to cracking par2 files and the Monkeys got him, nothing but a yellow mush left behind.
PAR2 files are basically a reverse hash for a given archive. Like if you've ever used sfv files to check the integrity of an archive, they tell you the exact file size for each piece. If the files all have the right size, the files are probably not corrupt.

Taking that one stage further, you can use PAR (and PAR2) files to not only tell if a given archive is correct, but to re-construct the missing bits if it's not.

Like the rules that govern a Sedoku puzzle. Imagine you only have a few number missing from the sedoku grid, as long as you know the rules you can fill in the missing numbers. The more numbers are missing, the more rules you need to work out which numbers go where.

Watch out RichKS the monkeys are on to you now!
On a side note: Just started to post BLAK1138 - THX 1138 Original Version plus Soundtrack CD to a.b.dvd and a.b.superman (smaller group then a.b.dvd).
OCP Movie - Deleted Magic is being posted now. Superman II: RIC will be posted after in a.b.dvd and a.b.superman
I blew it and missed the post of "Generation Jedi." If anyone still has it to post I would be highly appreciative.

I know it's annoying to request files but the documentary mentions my website and shows screen shots of it so I've been dying to see it for months now. As I don't live in the UK, I haven't had the option to see it yet (that I know of).

Thanks to segaflip for his work on this special already.
Whom ever is uploading the ROTJ Dark/Sega Special Collection disc could you please not claim to be me!!!!!
DOH! wrong thread!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

I've posted fixed disc art for the EditDroid trilogy to alt.binaries.starwars. When I say fixed, I mean I have gotten rid of the unnecessary white donut in each of the disc labels. So you can now have your discs printed full surface hub to hub! The post includes CMYK TIF and RGB JPG versions of all 3 films' discs. Enjoy!

You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

The Story of Star Wars
The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker

Originally posted by: MoveAlong
I've posted fixed disc art for the EditDroid trilogy to alt.binaries.starwars. When I say fixed, I mean I have gotten rid of the unnecessary white donut in each of the disc labels. So you can now have your discs printed full surface hub to hub! The post includes CMYK TIF and RGB JPG versions of all 3 films' discs. Enjoy!

thank you!
Originally posted by: MoveAlong
The post includes CMYK TIF

Mmm... TIF...

My fave format is PNG, but I don't know what colour format(s) it can store. You happen to know if it can do CMYK?

I wish more people would release covers as PNG or compressed TIF. JPG artifacting on some of these covers is a terrible shame.

I don't believe that PNG can handle CMYK. I could be wrong, but the option was not available in Photoshop 7. The official EditDroid artwork that was in Rik's last covers torrent contained both CMYK TIF and RGB JPG versions of the covers and labels. I just kept the format exactly the same to keep the quality at that EditDroid level. And I agree with you, Karyudo, that people need to get away from distributing JPG artwork. Can they not see that it looks like crap? Oh well, I digress......

You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

The Story of Star Wars
The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker

Thanks very much! I ended up kludging together some donut-less versions using the jpg version in powerpoint (GASP!) by splicing in part of the cover. I was in a hurry, or I would have used the GIMP. It wasn't perfect, especially ESB since the logo gets in the way. It jumps right out on the screen but is much less noticable on the printed DVD, and far less objectionable than the white donut would be. But, the next time I make a set, it'll be better thanks to you!

Originally posted by: JB522
It wasn't perfect, especially ESB since the logo gets in the way. It jumps right out on the screen but is much less noticable on the printed DVD, and far less objectionable than the white donut would be.

Yes, the clone stamp tool got quite a workout taking care of that little problem

You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

The Story of Star Wars
The Adventures Of Luke Skywalker

Hi All

I'm New to the Star Wars Original Trilogy Forum, I use newsgroups lots and have gotten some of your awesome posts. Last week I was having computer problems though and missed the ADigitalman post of Star Wars Episode 3 and was wondering if anyone could repost it for me. Also for anyone in Canada using Rogers cables newsgroup server there stopping hosting newsgroups as of Dec 15th. So if anyone could post it before then it would be much appreciated.



PM me your address and I'll get one sent to you. This is probably easier than getting somebody to repost.
Just pay it forward when you get a chance.
It looks to be coming through OK to me here in the UK via my ISP.

4 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 2


Originally posted by: MoveAlong
I am currently posting the Dr. Gonzo 4-disc trilogy.
Curious to see which of the three known variants of Supplemental Material you've got ... or maybe a fourth!

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…